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"must have" FO's from candle science


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I have the opportunity to get an order from Candle Science delivered for free. ** I LOVE my parents** (driving right by LOL)

I need help creating my order. What scents do I just have to have to use in my CBA/pure soy blend. The blend throws very well.

I love fruity and bakery scents but I have NO clue about other scents but I need to get some. So I need extra help with other great FO's not in this category.

TIA for any and all help


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There has been quite a few posts on candle science's fo's and reviews for them if you do a search...

I can tell you that I have not been dissapointed with one yet

Carmelized Pralines

Hansel and gretels house

wildberry mousse

blueberry cheesecake

The list goes on :)

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Actually Flames, favorites among people on this board won't yield better results for you. Candle Science is a reputable supplier, it will come down to personal preference. I have always received great FOs from them. My absolute favorite/strongest FO from them is Cranberry Marmalade.

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I'm pretty sure CandleScience offers samples. Unless you know someone here who has a nose you can trust, recommendations are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, finding those trustworthy noses takes time, research, and testing.

I'm testing their Rose. I would recommend it. It throws well. But since you don't know my nose or my candles, it's a crap shoot and you might possibly hate it and it might not work in your wax with your % and wick.

Unfortunately, that's just the way it is.

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Actually Flames, favorites among people on this board won't yield better results for you. Candle Science is a reputable supplier, it will come down to personal preference. I have always received great FOs from them. My absolute favorite/strongest FO from them is Cranberry Marmalade.

Dammit, ya beat me to it! Great minds, lol.

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GGRRRRR OK, I am obviously sucking at getting my question asked. I have it clear in my mind but can't seem to express it well.

I am hoping to get recommendations for FO's that are not fruity or bakery scents, that people enjoy and they seem to sell well.

I do have a lilac, that is one floral I like.

I do have fresh linen.

Just because I don't care for them, doesn't mean others won't want them. I am trying to get scents that other people would enjoy. My nose and brain are on the same track "fruity/bakery" and I just can't seem to "imagine" what the other scents would smell like.

Like I think I would like a "wine" type of FO. Since I don't drink wine, I actually think it is pretty nasty.... I have NO idea where to begin. If someone likes wine, they can better suggest a nice FO for me to try.

Thanks for being patient with my "expressing my thought" issue! LOL

ETA: I have read the FO reviews, I have scents I like noted. I need help with the scents I don't care for personally. I am not expecting to like them, I want to try FO's others like.

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Violet Lime


Honeysuckle Jasmine

Caramelized Praline

Cinnamon Stick--think Cinnamon toothpicks;)

Mimosa and Mandarin

Apple Jack and Peel

Mistletoe-if you get one FO, get this one.

Med Fig

Others that I'm sure I'm missing!

Agree with Sliver, there's a big 'crapshoot' variable with all the different noses, but hopefully you will get your list down to a manageable size with the recommendations!

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Who said a word about Mommy and Daddys money??

I said.... "I have the opportunity to get an order from Candle Science delivered for free. ** I LOVE my parents** (driving right by LOL)"

I really do appreciate the HELPFUL replies!!

Dirtybirdsoaps... would you describe the Golden Rose as perfumy? I think I will deffinately try the himalayan bamboo.

Violet Lime... that sounds intriguing....

I am off to read more scent descriptions!

Thanks everyone

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Dirtybirdsoaps... would you describe the Golden Rose as perfumy? I think I will deffinately try the himalayan bamboo.

I don't think its to perfumy. If this helps my brother (who doesnt even care for flowers LOL) said it smells like a real rose.

Also the choc milk smells like real choc milk IMO, palm tree is another good one.

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Awesome.... that is what I was looking for.

To me a persons opinion, even though all noses are different, means more than a "description".

the list is forming!!

That's why as someone else mentioned, you should do a SEARCH for CS FO's, and you'll get more "opinions"!

I'm sorry, but opinions from complete strangers just doesn't do it for me, I gotta smell them for myself, hence the reason suppliers sell sample sizes.

Everytime someone asks for opinions on FO's, I remember back when I asked about a certain FO, got lots of praise for it, etc. but when I ordered a sample (thank goodness only 1oz.) it smelled JUST LIKE CAT PEE!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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cat pee.... there's a keeper! LMAO. That would suck.

I have read, and read and read. I have found numerous suggestions.... the list is getting longer.

Does anyone have any specific comments on these...

Sea Mist (new)

Moonlit musk

English Garden

White tea & Berries

Asian Amber

Lavender Cucumber Sage

not so much how it throws, but what it smells like, what it reminds you of.

Thank you much

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Violet lime

Golden rose

Himalayan bamboo......I LOVE THIS SCENT!

I second Violet Lime and Himalayan Bamboo - HB has done well and is a lovely scent, and Violet Lime is one of my biggest sellers. Both throw well in soy tarts (Violet Lime really knocks my socks off, it's strong), and VL does well in scrubs, too. I can't really give any idea of what they remind me of, because I'm not sure they remind me of anything specific. I just like the way they smell. And to my nose, Violet Lime doesn't necessarily smell strongly of either, but whatever it smells like, it works. LOL

I've tried White Tea and Berries - I like it and think it's got a fairly strong throw. It's sweet but not too sweet to my nose. I get more berry than tea, but you can smell both. I've also tried Lavender Cucumber Sage, and it's been one of my better sellers. It's a nice clean spa-type scent, not heavily floral, and not too strong on the sage - I don't normally care for sage, but it works in this blend.

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