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What's in your soap pot this weekend?


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I just put to bed a facial soap. I am doing a rosemary mint goat's milk now. Since the weather is very snowy here, I have lots of time to play. I just got in BW Watermelon Margarita and want to do a salt bar in it. I have to restock my mechanics soap, lavender eo soap and might try to do a liquid soap too. How about you?

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Since my son has been horribly sick for a week now, we are starting to see some daylight. It has been a nightmare of the third kind, and that's putting it mildly. I haven't soaped in a week! So you bet I have some soap making to do! I want to soap my Yuzu, Lilac and Carribbean and also make French Vanilla Coffee soap.

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Well...for one, I'm making Lime Margarita salt bars on Saturday for the Souse Swap.

I've also been PMing Barbara back and forth to learn how to make HP look so smooth and marbly...so I'm about to go whip out the crockpot and make something tonight. No clue WHAT scent...but I'm making something, durnit.


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Nothing. :(

I did stock up on oils, (bought every bottle of castor that walmart had in fact until I can buy from this place in Mass that I found that sells larger quantity for me to pick up) but I want to wait for the dyes I just ordered to get here before I get to make soap again. :(

Can you tell I'm crushed over this??? :( LOL

I will make some candles though, but my poor soap pot is going to be sitting in the cabinet collecting dust all weekend long. :(

I will be playing with the soapcalc all weekend long though. Does that count? LOL :laugh2:

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Dragon's Blood! I'm over the moon with this scent. But I'm running out of curing space... LOL

got lots of room over here for curing anything you want-and got the good temps and such to--being in Tucson

Then gonna start stalking all the other people who responded to this and have good stuff going and gonna sneak a bar or two of each when they are not looking!!!

I just made blueberry pie soap using a hemp oil m&p for a friend and my house smells YUMMY!

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Well I finished my second batch of soap about 3 1/2 hours ago so I'm hitting the shower and headin' ta bed. I'll see what I come up with tomorrow night!:wink2: Oh, I soaped TONIC!

At some point I'm going to have to look into this Dragon's Blood but I will change the name to Drangon Tears!

Fire~ Who is now having dreams of stick blenders and soap mold. Yeah, I got IT bad, people!

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Fire, you do have it bad. But I remember when i started I did the same.Everything I touched became a possiable soap mold, and I combed the grocery stores for anything I could possiably use in soap. lol.

I made so far this weekend a mechanics soap, BW Rune, Honeysuckle, Rosemary Mint, facial soap, and cupcakes which I have to do the frosting today. I also labeled 50 of my gardeners herbal hand balm and boxed up about 400 bars to make room for more. And now that everyone has me thinking of Dragons Blood I am going to have to make that tonight as I only have one bar left.

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Egads you do!! LOL! When you dream about swirling I'll have you locked up :wink2: !

I just love that Tonic fragrance and since you've brought it up me thinks I need to sneek in a batch too!

I'll bet yours will look tons better than mine!:drool: No, I haven't dreamed of swirls but I've had more than a few soap dreams!:D

I need to thank you ALL for giving this new addiction LIFE!


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