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Abstract Pillar


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OK, I went over to Sharyl's yesterday and she taught me how to do this. Well she taught me better than I actually did it. LOL I think once I move, I will try with 2 colors instead of 5..:shocked2: LOL As you can tell, I am have a LOT to learn about this.

Thanks Sharyl for helping me!!! Had lots of fun even though we didn't catch the kitties!

Please ignore the bowl that the pillar is in.. I have packed all my candle dishes away since we are moving!!! This is what I had available . lol


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Well Tina, all you would have to is get enough money to get down here.. Sharyl and I will take care of the the rest.. You will even have a place at my new house to stay!! :)


We'll see when my next trip to TN is - then maybe I can make a side trip - it won't be this year, but perhaps next!

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Christina....nothing wrong with that beauty. I love it. Moving is the pits....but hopefully you are moving to a better house. I miss living near you and Sharyl. Sorry we didn't get to have a girl candle party.

Why the crystals added to the wax? They tend to make my candle smoke. I haven't used them for years. I am curious to see how this works for you. I do love the 4045. Have some other IGI coming probably today:sad2: It's ok but not the same.


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Donita, I added the crystals as a test. I used the same pot of wax to make a 4045 everlasting. I have been trying to come up with a way to make rustic everlastings where the wax doesn't melt around the tea light glass cup. Have burned one tea light and so far it looks OK. Will try a couple more before posting a picture. It turned out to be an ugly rustic but at least it is rustic.

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Ok Sharyl....I see where you are going....not a burning candle but one that will withstand the heat. I don't know how much the mp will be raised with 4045 and still be able to be rustic. I think that the clear crystals will stop the rustic. But...still a thought to be considered. I am going to do an experiment.....one of these days (smile)....Any candle can be made to be an "everlasting" but it has to withstand the heat... if you actually want to have a flame.....(smile) ... That is why I have only used the 5055. To make a rustic.....now that is the question:) Donita

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Everlasting test failed. The wick on my tea light floated a little to the side of the plastic cup and melted the side of the pillar. This was in a 3" pillar with a straight sided glass tea light holder. Back to the drawing board. Was an ugly rustic anyway.

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