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I clicked a link at the top of CT for massage candles

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and the pic that comes up on the front page is someone dipping their fingers into A LIT CANDLE.

are they nuts?

I am actually kinda ok with massage candles - I like the idea, the liability thing scares me a bit tho.

But to show someone doing it like that is just begging for an injury doncha think?

ETA: The web site also says this (one statement right below the other, as shown):

The wonderful joy of Soy is available in 120 fragrances and colors as shown. Don't be fooled by imitations!

This product contains no additives and is 100% natural.

No additives, 100% natural, 120 fragrances and colors... um something just doesn't seem right about that.

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I would much rather see a picture of someone dipping their finger tips into a candle warmer with warm soy wax than A LIT CANDLE!!!

Hey.. The upside.. At least they didn't show a hand with a long sleeved ruffeled shirt on!!! LOL:laugh2:

I agree with ya CB ~ Not a very good idea on their part for safety purposes.

ETS: Did you see the prices of their candles?? HOLY COW...

2 oz Travel Jar $16.00

12 oz Jar $24.00

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Oh! And they say you can put it on burns: Relieves Eczema, Psoriasis, burns, insect bites, cuts, scratches and sunburns

Putting anything warm on a burn or sunburn would not be helpful! Not to mention the rubbing. Ouch! Not sure I'd want to put anything fragranced on the other suggested problems either; certainly not cuts and scratches.

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I would much rather see a picture of someone dipping their finger tips into a candle warmer with warm soy wax than A LIT CANDLE!!!

Would a candle heater be a bigger was-burn risk?

I imagine both burning and the melter could heat the wax above its melting point so maybe not. The fact that it melts at a low temp is only somewhat of a safety factor - right?

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Guest Candelishis

Ok....now....lol...I have had people ask me before, at craft fairs, "Can't you use melted soy wax as hand lotion?"...I always say "Well, I've heard people say that, but I wouldn't recommend dipping your hands in hot wax". I stuck my hand in my presto pot one day...(I'm just weird...bear with me...) because I was curious to see what it would do...well, after it set up and I tried to wash it off, it was like having big wads of crisco stuck to my hands!! Why would you want someone to massage that into you??? I think I'm getting a zit just thinking about it. :shocked2: lol. I don't know...Just the random things that run through my head...:laugh2:

ETA: I washed my hands thoroughly before I dipped them into my pot...I didn't want anybody to think I was sticking dirty hands into it...lol :tiptoe:

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I went into a new store downtown. They sell BeanPod candles and I wanted to check out my competition. The sales lady dipped 2 fingers into the melt pool of one that had been burning a while and rubbed the wax across and into her hand, I guess to show how GOOD soy was. Maybe this is a new selling technique. By the way, I bought the smallest jar, 8.95, wonderful cold throw, NO hot throw and it burned right down the center. Hey, I can compete with them.:yay: :yay: Carole

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oh gosh I just went and read those comments...

one woman used a cinnamon scented candle (with no "extras") on her son's eczema - sounds like NOT a good idea as cinnamon can be an irritant.

But the one that got me is the woman who used it on her CAT. Tell me the cat didn't lick that "all natural" FO-scented wax off herself. Geesh! Brilliant!

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I went to one of those multi level marketing parties held by girls only. They were featuring soy candles that you use for massages. I sat there and cringed at the whole presentation of those particular candles because they don't understand the liablility if someone with exceptionally sensative skin enounters one of those candles. There are plenty of massage oils out there that we don't need to rub hot soy wax on our bodies. It's all marketing hype.

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It is about time that this potential health hazard be addressed.

Soy candles to scent the home have way too much fragrance load to be put on the skin, no matter if the fragrance is skin safe. Also, candle dye is not skin safe and it really upsetting to see candle makers at shows using this gimmick to sell their candles without any regard for their customer's health. Dipping hands into a lighted candle just stuns me, if a child sees mommy do this and thinks he/she can do it too, the potential of a child being burned is horrible.

So glad to see a stand being taken against this practice.

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She ought to be reported to the FDA for claiming that her candles can be used to HEAL cracks on elbows and heels, that it softens skin, that it's beneficial for arthritic hands, and that it can be used as a therapeutic body lotion.

Claiming that it's safe to use on pets and kids is absolutely outrageous. If your kid has a skin condition or whatever, you really ought to be investing in medication, not candles to treat the condition. Putting wax on an animal is completely irresponsible. An animal can't tell you if it's burning their skin--either chemically or thermally. What's more, an animal is likely to lick at the site where it's applied and ingest chemicals contained in the fragrance oils.

Reading through her list of "aromatherapy/fragrance descriptions" is ridiculous. A look at her "Cranberry" scent as example--"used as a diuretic and antiseptic." Does she think people are going to eat her candle or smear it on an open sore?

Her "Eucalyptus" is no better--"Opens sinuses and assists breathing, calming, soothing, nurturing, eases anger and anxiety. Uplifting, fresh, crisp and clean. Keeps fleas off of Fido." Somebody better let the Hartz company know that their flea collars will no longer be needed.

A casual shopper might fall for all the hype, but anyone in the biz can see that she isn't very well informed about aromatherapy. She's got a nice website and might have the world's best candles, but she needs to be schooled on some of those claims she makes--or be able to provide substantiation for them anyway, and just smearing melted candle wax on your own kid's skin doesn't count in the scientific world.

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OMG this lady is basically "up the road from me"! :rolleyes2 Greaaaaat-NOT!

I couldn't believe the comments either! Ridiculous!

All those health claims are against the law!

She's not even using EO's is she? I didn't look at all the fragrances and such.

What a rip off! Not only what she's charging per candle, but the claims are just OUTRAGEOUS! :rolleyes:

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She ought to be reported to the FDA for claiming that her candles can be used to HEAL cracks on elbows and heels, that it softens skin, that it's beneficial for arthritic hands, and that it can be used as a therapeutic body lotion.

Claiming that it's safe to use on pets and kids is absolutely outrageous. If your kid has a skin condition or whatever, you really ought to be investing in medication, not candles to treat the condition. Putting wax on an animal is completely irresponsible. An animal can't tell you if it's burning their skin--either chemically or thermally. What's more, an animal is likely to lick at the site where it's applied and ingest chemicals contained in the fragrance oils.

Reading through her list of "aromatherapy/fragrance descriptions" is ridiculous. A look at her "Cranberry" scent as example--"used as a diuretic and antiseptic." Does she think people are going to eat her candle or smear it on an open sore?

Her "Eucalyptus" is no better--"Opens sinuses and assists breathing, calming, soothing, nurturing, eases anger and anxiety. Uplifting, fresh, crisp and clean. Keeps fleas off of Fido." Somebody better let the Hartz company know that their flea collars will no longer be needed.

A casual shopper might fall for all the hype, but anyone in the biz can see that she isn't very well informed about aromatherapy. She's got a nice website and might have the world's best candles, but she needs to be schooled on some of those claims she makes--or be able to provide substantiation for them anyway, and just smearing melted candle wax on your own kid's skin doesn't count in the scientific world.

I made a balm last year with beeswax, cocoa butter, lanolin and a few other things, and after reading one of the threads here on lotion candles, decided to melt it in a tart warmer and try it. I get cracks in my finger tips and dipped one of the cracked fingers in the balm and let it harden and cool, and left it on for about a half hour. It did make quite a difference in how it felt and healed. Did it cure the cracks? No. I also have arthritis and find that a warm lotion type of thing does feel really good, but I wouldn't use a lotion candle, I don't like all the "natural" fragrances most of them use.

Recommending they be used on animals or children is insane, and if some of these things actually do use eo's instead of merely fo's, they could be dangerous to cats. And merely pouring hot eucalyptus scented wax on a dog will not eradicate the flea problem. You would likely have to dip the dog in it, and most dogs would not, hopefully, stand for being dipped in highly scented hot wax.

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She's not even using EO's is she? I didn't look at all the fragrances and such.

Well one might think so from this statement about them

· Contains no additives and is 100% natural.

But her list of fragrances is FOs is def not EOs. She mentions they are IFRA approved though.... Wonder if they are at the levels she is using them since the amounts allowed for "leave on" products (usually 1%) is typically much lower than is typically used in a candle.

And she obviously has naive customers. Sadly.

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