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My first candle...


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Hi there. I'm new (very, very new) to this candlemaking thing, and I made my first candle. It's very ugly and doesn't burn well, and I didn't get the wick in the right spot... many many things are just horrible about it, but I thought I'd post a pic of it anyway. Pretty hideous, I know, but I am hoping to be able to make a hobby out of this, and if I get to be any good at it, I'll be happy. If y'all have ANY hints or tips, I'd be happy to read them. I've been lurking about for a little while, and have learned some things...


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Aww, hon, it's not that bad at all!!! You should have seen my first candles!!! If you want to talk about hideous!

Keep on testing. What kind of wax, wick, FO, color, etc. do you use? Pouring temps? Maybe we can help if we know more specifics. You'll find that your first few attempts may not be what you expect, but candle-making will quickly become a new addiction for you anyway!

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Ummm, well.... lemme see... I think it was 100% parrafin from Yaley, poured it at somewhere around 180 (I think), 9 inch pre-waxed medium wire wick, Yaley purple and yellow block dye, and the first time I poured it, I forgot to put the wick sealer stuff on, so I had wax everywhere. I didn't keep any purple wax for the second pour, and I knew I couldn't get the same color, so I used the yellow. The scents were lavendar for the purple and cinnamon for the yellow from Yaley, and they don't smell. LOL Oh well, I've got lots of practicing to do!

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1. the wax you're using has a melt point of 148 (that's what I started with)

2. if you used the scent blocks -- they don't have any throw at all

3. anchor the end of the wick so that it doesn't move while the wax is setting up - you can get a wick bar where you buy the wax - it should be nice & tight during the process

4. try the extra large wire wick w/this wax. It comes in the little packages and isn't pre-tabbed but you can do that yourself.

And if you're shopping at Michael's or Joanns (both carry the Yaley products) watch the newspaper for their 40% off coupons. :wink2:

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I also started the Yaley way, as I'm sure many of us did. This is a very addicting hobby, and can be very expensive, and I'm sure you are looking to make a great candle just like we all are. You will find in time that getting a kit through a supplier (like Peaks) with quality supplies will simplify your life and you won't be spending a lot of money on inferior products. Don't lash out on me people, I'm not saying Yaley is inferior, but a kit just will help make your life easier. I never had much luck with Yaley wax, color or scents.

Your candle looks just fine for your first, so don't knock your self, it's like anything else in life, practice makes perfect. And, in this business, you will always be learning, it's a never ending learning hobby. Have fun with it and keep showing us your progress as you make more candle.

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I love the color and for your first , its good, now if your first was perfect, then heck you wouldn't be lucky like so many the rest of us and have to test, test, test,:rolleyes2 i been playing around for over a year with candles, still haven't been brave enough to try making a pillar.

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Not bad for your first. I started with Hobby Lobby wax, but I also bought good FO - yes, my first was from Peak. Good FO will make the difference.

And, by the way, if the yellow was the repour, your candle is upside down. The bottomof the mold is the top of the candle. :wink2:

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And, by the way, if the yellow was the repour, your candle is upside down. The bottomof the mold is the top of the candle. :wink2:

Oh LOL. Well I didn't read that anywhere... yup, the yellow was the second pour. How funny! Ok, taking that one down in my notes...

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That's pretty good for a first try, and you'll get better with each one because of the feedback from this board. :smiley2:

P.S. Using additives like vybar will get rid of those spots beneath the surface.

What causes those spots?

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No one else has said what I'm about to say, so I'm going to rain on your parade, just for a second. I just want you to have enough info to make the best decision for yourself.

For a hobby, candle-making can be VERY expensive. In some ways, even more if you buy from a hobby store like Hobby Lobby or Michael's. For example, I've seen molds go as much as $20 at both places, whereas you can buy at least 2 from a wholesale supplier like Peak's, or whatever might be closer to your house, for the same amount of money. I've been making candles since 12.04 & I have spent over $1000 frickin dolllars. If I knew then what I know now, I would not have started this hobby ... that $1000 could have been a kick a$$ digital camera, which is my primary interest ... or was prior to candle making. :wink2:

Anyway, that being said about the expense, it is an activity that I thoroughly enjoy, & it is ridiculously addictiing. :D

No offense meant to the one who told you your candle was upside down, but I think you played it right by putting the yellow at top. I think the candle would have looked excessively top heavy if you had the yellow at the bottom. Sometimes I'll put the intended bottom up knowing that when I burn it the flaws on the surface will disappear in a melt pool. One fun aspect of candle-making is that you can break a lot of 'rules'. :grin2:

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You might check your local library for books on candle making. Lots of good tips and safety info in most of them. I started with Yaleys wax from Michaels too using their 40% off coupons. On the right of this screen is a link to Peak. Best move I made was to start buying my FOs from Peak. They have a deal on sample packs. I think it is 10 1 oz bottles for $20. One of the best investments you'll make. The next best investment if you want to keep making pillars is wick pins. Wicking is hard enough without trying to keep the wick straight in the mold. Good Luck and welcome.

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Welcome to our world of practice practice practice and then scream....and sometimes pat yourself on the back.....Why in the world do you think that this board is so popular????? LOL......we all have a gazillion questions even if we (me) have been making candles for many years.....You have done the hardest part already.....you made a candle and then posted it to the world for feedback. Now.....just search this board for anything you want. It's all here or it will be here tomorrow LOL..just keep trying, make notes and post pictures. We all (most) try to help eachother. Now you are ready to try a tiny tiny bit of additives to see what happens to the wax. You will be amazed at how a little bit of vybar will change the look. Also helps to bind the fragrance oils and make the candle opaque. Pre blended waxes don't need to be played with so they are safe, but not always so much fun......fun....is that what we are having??????? Go to the library and read candle books......or what I do is get a cup of coffee at Barnes and Noble and sit on the floor and read them.....I have met a lot of cool people in that "crafts" isle. Men and women. Just have fun. Donita:)

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Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! I have to admit I made that monstrosity before I really did any reading. I have since gotten the Complete Candlemaker book and did a lot of reading here and on other places, so I am hoping my next candle will turn out a little better. Might try a couple different colors. In any case, I'll post it here, no matter how ugly it is! Thanks again!!:wave:

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