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Is It Safe? Melting Soy w/FO in microwave?

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Would it be dangerous to melt a small amt (an oz. or so) of soy wax with 8-10% FO, in a microwaveable container. Could the flash point of the FO cause a fire, etc? I found one post that asked this secondary question, but it was not answered in the thread. Has anyone tried it? I would like opinions before I dare to try.

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The flashpoint of FO when contained in wax becomes a non-issue. Flashpoint is the temp at which something will ignite when exposed to a source of ignition (like fire). Once it is in the wax, it will not "flash" at the same point.

What IS an issue is being able to monitor the temperature of the wax continuously in a microwave. The ONLY way I'd personally consider using a microwave to melt wax is if I had a temperature probe that would show the temp on the microwave display panel. Also - just a personal preference - I don't like for my microwave to smell like roses when reheating my coffee. JMO

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Are you talking about putting the FO in there with UNmelted wax? If so, I think there could definitely be flash point issues. Just get the wax to the temp you want in the microwave (check the temp often) and then add FO. No need to do them together unless you're re-melting wax that's already been scented, and then ditto to what Stella and others said.

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Ummm...my oven smells worse (or should I say better) than my microwave! Of course only due to melting down all those lovely palm containers!! I use my micro all the time to reheat wax that's left in the pour pot and it has fo in it. I used to melt wax in there, prior to the Presto pots. Not to say that a fire could not happen, just keep the fire extinguisher near by. I'm more afraid when I'm remelting wax in the oven, but my microwave has an issue with those wick tabs!

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I knew this would probably sound like a stupid question to some of you when I didn't explain why I was asking, and I knew the flash point doesn't matter in a normal heat situation when FO was included in the wax already. I just wasn 't sure if the electronic waves or whatever a microwave puts out would be dangerous to any product that has a flash point at any stage. I have heard of microwaves starting fires before. It would only take a minute or so, I would think, to melt a small amount like an oz. or so of wax (with FO mixed in). I have an idea I was working on, and melting in a warmer or by other means wouldn't be the the solution I was looking for. I had thought about and read posts about the microwave and ovens smelling like FO's, but I was going to check that out once I thought it might be safe to even try. Just to heat such a small amount for a minute might not leave to much of an FO scent.

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I don't think it was a stupid question at all. I honestly don't notice the smell in the microwave as much as in the oven and it's probably exactly why you said...it's only in the micro for a couple of minutes, but in the oven it takes much longer melt candles down. I've never had a problem, but I try to always have a fire extinguisher handy when I make candles. Just a safe practice.

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I used to do this until my pyrex (glass) exploded in my microwave! Now everytime I even 'think' of melting in the microwave, I get little shivers up and down my body. Thank god my microwave didn't blow up, as well. But damn, it was a hell of a time cleaning!

My microwave kicked the bucket the other day, too. I wonder if that's why? Hmm.

Anyway, I wouldn't do it!

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I always us the microwave when doing small batches for myself, but w/o the fo. My microwave will heat 16oz in 4:30 roughly.

For what it's worth, I do the same although I do it in 30 sec bursts and have had no problems. When it gets close to the temp I am looking for I lower the time to 15 secs until it gets there. I'm not sure what the reason would be for a Pyrex measuring cup to explode with wax in it unless it was in there for WAY too long. If I can boil water in a glass cup in there, there is no reason why wax at or near the same temp should explode. Granted, this is without FO- I can't say that I would ever want wax with FO in my microwave (not only because of the lingering smell, but because I would be concerned about the scent burning off from the wax).

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Don't use the microwave... Don't do it!

I don't get it- I got an email about a post on this thread, which I subscribed to, and yet, I don't see the problem? This was a rather nasty remark to a supposed nasty remark.

I love Candletech, people. Let us all work together and help each other, not try to take each other down a notch. I started out alone, without anyone but my own two hands, and it cost me a bunch of $ and time... Let's see how we can help each other, rather than fight against each other...

And, if one's reasoning doesn't meet another's, fine, so be it.. Life is too short! Be happy! Love each other and live well!

Enjoy who you are and what you do, share it, love each other, for it may be that it is all you can do for someone in this life...

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If your referring to my post, I was being helpful, not nasty at all. You'll need to explain where my post was being nasty, 'cause I sure don't see it.


Soy, you didn't say anything nasty at all. I'm pretty sure she's talking about the back and forth drama on page one that has since been deleted. :)

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If your referring to my post, I was being helpful, not nasty at all. You'll need to explain where my post was being nasty, 'cause I sure don't see it.


I honestly didn't keep track of who posted what, but have been since told that posts were deleted by the moderators, so they aren't visible except for those who subscribed to have them sent to their personal email inboxes.

And I had originally written a longer message, but edited it three times, the second time I had deleted everything and just written the don't do it thing... because if you look back at my posts on the thread, I used to religiously use a microwave to melt my soy wax until one day my pyrex blew up and then last week the micro died on me.

I was just tryin to say that I love this board and think we can all help each other out, tryin to help end the bitter remarks and cold retorts towards others. I don't think it's called for. But I really wasn't directing it towards any one individual... just have seen a lot of it the last few months and it shocked me. :(

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