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Another newbie question before placing first order....

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Even though shipping is cost prohibitive I am going to order from Peak as I cannot really find a more local shipper.

This will be my first candle making experience...I am interested in containers and pillars but am going to start with container.

I have no preference over soy or other wax, they offer a kit of either. If I order both kits there would be duplicate in equipment so that would be a waste.

Would either type be easier to attempt for a beginner?

Any other tips or recommendations?

Thank you :)


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If you don't have a strong preference over soy v. paraffin try a blend. I'm not sure if they offer that, but it's the best of both worlds in my opinion. Where are you located we may be able to point you in a different direction for supplies, etc? Don't get me wrong, I love Peak's. I live on the east coast and order oil from them often, very often.

You will be surprised after you begin this (and like it) how quickly your supplies will multiply.

Welcome to the board!

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The regular container kit comes with IGI 4630. The soy container kit comes with Ecosoya. I can't say I have a preference since I'm just starting... :)I live in FL, in the panhandle area. The shipping from peaks is over 1/2 the cost of the whole kit... So sure, I'm open to suggestions.Thank you for taking the time to reply!Dana

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Candle Science is in NC, which is closer to you. They do not mark up the shipping and if you order by 3pm it ships the same day. I get my orders in 2 days from them. They have the best customer service. Good luck and have fun!

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We can direct you to closer suppliers but Candle Science and Tennessee Candle Supplies (both really great suppliers) do not offer kits (that I could see with a very quick look). I'm sure someone can chime in on where they bought their kit. I bought mine at Michael's, wish I had invested more $$ into a "good" kit when I started.

Peak's doesn't mark up their shipping, I find it very reasonable. I just checked out Peak's kit...that's a nice kit. When ordering a kit, make sure you have the pour pot and thermometer included--they are both necessary when making candles.

I saw Cajun Candles has a nice kit too.

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Oddly enough, the kits from Peak do not give any type of savings (I added up all the components separately)...so I guess I can just order whatever I need from who ever is closest, unless the directions Peak includes are different than on the website or anywhere else I can find.

That said, I guess the quality of the FO would be my next biggest factor in deciding where to buy.

Thank you all for your continuing help!


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If there is no discount for ordering the kit, versus the seperate supplies, then I would definitely order from Candle Science. The quality of their oils are TOP NOTCH! Not dissing Peaks, b/c I order from them as well, but as for the closest supplier, Candle Science would be your best best! Their customer service is great, and if you will be paying full price for all of your supplies anyway, might as well save some $$$$ on shipping.

If you order from them today, your order will ship on Monday. I am in Kentucky and receive my supplies w/i 2 days.


And welcome to the addiction :yay:


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Candle Science is in NC, which is closer to you. They do not mark up the shipping and if you order by 3pm it ships the same day. I get my orders in 2 days from them. They have the best customer service. Good luck and have fun!

I'm in VA so i just switched to CS for shipping cost and it took them one day to get the stuff here. The customer support is top notch, i'm a PC tech by trade and trying to wrap my head around the science of candles is a bit tough, and the lady on the phone was pleasent understanding and very very helpful...she made sure i was clear on what i was ordering and why i was ordering it, and if i tried ordering something i didn't need she asked why i needed it, and told me why i probably should save the $ and not order it.

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A kit is a great way to start, but you don't need to get your equipment in the kit. A glass measuring cup (4 cup to start) makes a great pour pot and is very easy to warm up in either the microwave, oven or on a warming tray. The thermometer, you may already have for cooking purposes, or they carry them in every grocery store or at mass merchandisers like Wal Mart. Wick setter, just use a hollowed out bic pen barrel to start. Why pay extra shipping for items that you may already have in your home. Find a close supplier that gives you the wax, container, fo, wicks and make due with the rest until you become addicted!

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Dana, since you are in PC, there are many distributors closer to you! Candlescience, Cajun, Just By Nature, Lone Star, Greenleaf, Taylored solutions all pop to mind right off the bat. Don't get me wrong: Peak's is GREAT, and I order many things from them, but for heavy items, you will want to find a wax source as close to you as possible because shipping ain't cheap and it's not gonna go down in the near future! There's a source in central FL (forget the name) that carries soy wax also. Take a look at the "pinned" links on the General Candlemaking page - check out abbreviations and suppliers by state.

Good luck & have fun! I wish I were still living on the Redneck Riviera!:D

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Redneck Riviera too true......:rolleyes2 I take a bit of pride in NOT being a local...

Anyhow after reading so much on the forums here I've about paralyzed myself with doubts and fears and am afraid even to start an order anywhere....

That said, on the flip side, I want to order 6 of everything I see....

I don't think you even have to make your first batch to become addicted...



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LOL OH boy is it good to see another total noob!

Dana, I've been reading for about a month now, and comparing prices. I'm really very lucky to be able to buy my wax locally, when I finally get to that point.

I'm not expert, and have yet to even make one candle yet, but I have hit a zillion links in my price comparisons.

Have you done the research yet on the scale you'll need? The thermometer is another thing I found a challenge. Also, even though from what I'm soaking up, a heat gun can fix some boo boos, but you don't want something that could blow so hard and hot it will damage the wax if you have to heat a top or two.

I just today got my scale, and my thermometer. Here's the thermometer I got. The probe can be used, carefully not to get it gobbed up with wax, to read the wax and alert you when the temp you want is reached. I found a place with the best price, that ships free. http://www.kitchenkaboodle.com/product_detail2.php?sku=DTTC-S!316&multi=1 Here's the pdf file for the instructions and what it does. http://www.cdn-timeandtemp.com/pdf/products/DTTCen.pdf

Here's where I got my scale from and I got the best price I could find on it. 27.00 and there was 1 left when I bought it. It was new but the box had a dent in the top corner, so they must have considered that a flaw. The scale was fine and I test it and it works extremely well. Normally 44 "Quick Supply" http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&me=A3FF7JBZJ31X4M. They have a few now for 31.00. The MyWeigh 7000 which is considered to be a great scale for candle and soap making, because it's got plastic shields that protect the face from being ruined by wax and dyes. http://www.amazon.com/My-Weigh-KD-7000-Digital-Kitchen/dp/B000EVHHJC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=A3FF7JBZJ31X4M&s=generic&qid=1195955340&sr=1-1

And the heat gun I got. Two speed and heat settings. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=96289 Came out to 16 with shipping.

Those are the bargains I've found for the basics, so far.

See what you can get locally, and utilize that source, and check if they carry what you need first, then shop online, so you save on shipping. If you need to buy anything online from a candle supply place, try and do as much shopping there as you can in one order, to get the most out of shipping.

For instance, I priced the lowest price on a 4 lb pour pot, but since I had to order something from another online candle place that specifically had something else I needed to buy there, I bought my pour pot there and actually saved money, since the shipping there with a few things in cart didn't go up much adding the pour pot in. If I had gone to both, the cheaper pour pot would have cost 8 dollars to ship from the place with the best price on the actual pot.

A hint...always use google for what you're looking for, and put "free shipping" after it to see if you get any hits. :)

edit: I already own a deep fryer/crock pot, and will use that as my double boiler. I know you can heat wax directly in that, but since the element is really located within the bottom, don't want to risk any scalding, so doing double boil method. Pick up a cheap crock pot that can be set to like 200 degrees or less and find something or buy a double boiler maker so your pouring pot doesn't touch the crock pot/fryer directly. :)

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I started out making container candles and bought a kit from Cajun. They have a lot reading material that will help you out and as far as what to buy and what you can use from home. Their scents are really great and they have good service. I didn't have a lot of money to start out with so their suggestions on what I needed and didn't need was really helpful.

When I had the money I did buy a Presto Pot at Walmart and I ask for a digital scale and digital thermometer for my birthday. All three make it so much easier for you.

I have ordered jars and misc. things from Candle Science and they do have good service and their shipping charges are good.

Hope some of this helps. Have fun and welcome to the addiction.

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Be careful with those Harbor Freight heat guns...if it is their brand for $10 a lot of them have "issues"...like smoking, getting too hot, shorting out. They will take it back and refund or replace, but IMO not worth the risk...my DH bought me one and we both thought it was great until I used it. He took it back the next day. I got one at Ace hardware for $20 and it's great...no problems with smoking or overheating. You can also get a great digital scale on Ebay, I think I paid $25. for mine with shipping charges and it weighs up to 55 or 75 lbs...can't remember. Presto pots are avail at Wal Mart for $21, they have the metal themometers there as well. Of course, this is all after you make your first candle and become addicted. I wouldn't invest in a bunch of stuff until you know you'll like it.

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