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Caramel Kisses

Groovy Chic

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fabu fabu fabu....could I ask you a question? I have the same fluted heart pillar mold...do you have trouble removing your finished piece? Here's a visual of me getting the candle out of the mold. Hubby takes hold of the base and the mold itself...I put on rubber gloves and grab the pillar as soon as I can get an inch or two out of the mold and we have a tug of war...I usually end up flying into my kitchen radiator..lol...any secret you can share or is it the same for you? thanks for any info you can give~

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I know exactly what you're talking about. What put me over the top was a 4 x 9 palm candle I had made for a wedding. I went to Harbor Freight and purchased a little air compressor for around $20.00. The next best purchase to my heat gun. I use the compressor for all my pillars now. One little blast of air on the bottom of the mold where the hole for the wick is and those babies slide right out each and every time. Rustics, mottles, palm, all of them come right out. I also use a silicone spray (lightly) after I clean my molds.

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omg you're a genius! I'm getting a compressor thingie..hubby has a list of things I am absolutely not allowed to buy or receive as gifts..right now the list is

Taser Gun-my son bought me a pink one and hubby won't let him give it to me because he's afraid every time he snores I will zap him one

Monkey-he says if they don't have sex they get vicious...well who doesn't?

Baby Girl from China-He says we're too old and we didn't do such a great job on our first 2 but hey...my son bought me a pink taser so I think I at least did okay

Alpaca-well he said no to a goat so I thought I would try an alpaca...


I'm going to home depot.

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:laugh2: You're gonna love it. Just hide all the connections from him so he'll leave it alone. Maybe.

Let me know how it does for you. I have my own tools, I got sick of DH bit----- because I had something of his in my workroom. I showed him, I bought my own. Now it's my turn to bit--.

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Beautiful EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOWWW! i don't make pillars just containers....I just love those! If you don't mind me asking? What wick did you use for the Balmorals? I am having a difficult time wicking them.TIA!And once again BEAUTIFUL work!


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I use a soyblend and I get my best burn in the 9 oz balmoral using 52 zinc or 60 zinc wick, depending on the scent, etc. I can't find a zinc that likes the 16 oz though. One wick isn't big enough and two are too much, even using two 42-24z. I have been using the cotton wicks that Peaks carries and usually two of the C55 are my best bet.

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