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The day of the craft fair

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Good Luck Today! Sorry to hear about your job. Just remember when one door closes another one opens. God has a plan for you, so keep your chin up.


E'dee- I sure hope so. I really did okay for my first fair- not as well as I expected and I am sure I made too many candles for the first one because I had no idea what I would expect.

I kinda broke down afterwards. I cried and had a near nervous breakdown. It was so much work and so few even showed up. But I"m told the fair I was at had low attendance as a rule. But it was kinda discouraging. I did sell far more than my cohorts near me, but still. I had $1000 in product made up. I guess the upside is that I have these prepared for the next one, no work to do because it's already boxed up and ready- just sad becaues I lost my job yesterday, things fell through, even my ink cartridge ran out and keyboard died last night... haha. Bad things come in threes, right?

I'm thinking of swapping parties with the girls I was next to. One was Home Interiors, which would compliment the stuff I sell, the other was Avon, which I used to sell when I was 20, and another company that carries all natural products.

Thinking about an open house at this point, too... buying that needed cartridge of ink, printing a crap-load of flyers, setting a date and being available the entire Sunday. Think it is a good idea?

They loved my chocolate cherry chunk candles. Plus Hansel & Gretel. Um... French Vanilla from SOS.... Hot Apple Pie SOS... Jack Frost... Autumn Lodge.. I did buy 3 get one free, which saved them $ but also made me more sales and my markup was good. Strawberry rhubarb (SOS) was a good once.

The palm candles I made (bigger jars) are nearly gone. I think I have mostly the 5 oz ones left. The mason jars sold out except for one which I left at my friend's house for driving me home after the breakdown.

IDK though- Is $125 worth it given the time and consideration you have to put into it? I was loading and unloading by myself til someone from the church chipped in. It was backbreaking work. Is 10% worth it? Or maybe as we near the holidays, with a better location, I might bring in more?

IDK at this point. Riding the fence big-time.

I'm dying .... Going to sleep shortly.

Thanks for all the encouragement and advice.

I felt like opening up the back-end of my SUV and dumping the stuff today. Glad I didn't do it, but still. I worked my butt off. Sigh...:undecided

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I saw people make not one sale today. My day was sad but I thank the lord I sold somethings! I can't totally be negative. There was a lady who made holiday wreathes.... no sales all day... same with this couple who crocheted blankets and covers for potpourri jars. They were beautiful, too. And lit up with X mas type lites.

One couple had some awesome paintings... I saw him sell a couple...

Amongst the vendors today that I dealt with and was surrounded by, I really think I made out the best as far as sales go. Sad to say when considering costs, but most if not all put their time and patience into it as well... and I am a painter, as well- I know how much it takes to get a painting 'perfect.' It never is... Always the artist... that's me.

All in all. I wanted to end this on a good note, seeing as how badly I was feeling earlier.

This one lady was selling this unwind bath salts for 20 bucks. I wanted it so badly and woulda got it but .... yah, being unemployed... I couldn't justify it.

I did justify the 6 pack of Killians later.

This is what I really truly want- I want to open my own shop, make some $, not too much, but set my own schedule. I want to start working on my novels again. I'm a writer- that's why I went to school in the first place. I don't belong in an office environment; it stifles me.

I will do what I have to to pay the bills, but I would love a way to be happy and be "me."

I know it's far-fetched. But this is my dream. Can't help but dream, right?

Thanks all!


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Sorry about your job, and don't give up on the shows, some are just like that from what I hear, I have never done one, but I have a friend who does a lot, sometimes she sounds like you after one, and other times she is on top of the world and amazed at how much money she made. I am sure you will find some way to full fill your dreams, sounds like you got a lot of good ideas. Good Luck with everything.

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Hi Violet,

One time that happened to me. I was told that there was this place that I could set up a booth at for free. There was going to be a fabulous turnout. Lots of people. I worked for 24 hours straight in prep for the event. It took me and my husband both driving our cars to carry everything to event. Needless to say we worked our tails off for a whole days wages of $80.00. I was so upset and frustrated.

Just keep on going never give up. It is so hard to own your own business and depend on all of the little things like extra money for ink for the printer. Right when you wonder why are you working so hard at making these candles you will be shocked at what doors will open.

Approach schools about doing high profit fundraisers with your candles. The open house is a GREAT IDEA!! Push your name out there and once people get and fall in love with your product line they will be back for more.

:D If you ever need any tips on selling or want to chat here is my email address Countrycandlemaker@yahoo.com. Get some rest tonight. Each day will get easier. Keep your head high and be confident in your product and your will go far. Take Care & God Bless!

E'dee Johnson

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Hi E'dee-

I know. I was told to walk into it as a 'newbie,

given that I haven't sold candles much locally, even though I've been doin g it online a lot since I started in 2006.The church staff were great- one of them helped me carry my candles to and from my vehicle, making my back a lot less sore. And the lady bought $36 worth of jars.... She was running it.

I'm tryin not to be discouraged. It's just hard some days. I've been at this long enough to know Ebay's a dead-end because people expect wholesale prices, retailers expect less, how can you win? Then marketing and stuff? And I just lost my job...

It's all quite disheartening. In 2005, I wsas entering a Master's Degree program. I finished last December. It has been so competitive. But really, if I could choose, this would be the one I'd take. I guess, wouldn't we all?

I'll be better in the morning, I'm quite sure.

thanks to all..


Hi Violet,

One time that happened to me. I was told that there was this place that I could set up a booth at for free. There was going to be a fabulous turnout. Lots of people. I worked for 24 hours straight in prep for the event. It took me and my husband both driving our cars to carry everything to event. Needless to say we worked our tails off for a whole days wages of $80.00. I was so upset and frustrated.

Just keep on going never give up. It is so hard to own your own business and depend on all of the little things like extra money for ink for the printer. Right when you wonder why are you working so hard at making these candles you will be shocked at what doors will open.

Approach schools about doing high profit fundraisers with your candles. The open house is a GREAT IDEA!! Push your name out there and once people get and fall in love with your product line they will be back for more.

:D If you ever need any tips on selling or want to chat here is my email address Countrycandlemaker@yahoo.com. Get some rest tonight. Each day will get easier. Keep your head high and be confident in your product and your will go far. Take Care & God Bless!

E'dee Johnson

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Violet, if I had not already done craft shows, etc. for other media, I would have been devastated at the results of my first show selling candles. One learns as they go and you got a LOT of education AND you made some money!! As long as I make up my expenses (booth rent and gas), I don't feel totally "skunked." Different shows bring different crowds. Even the same show two years running may not net the same for you, so roll with it. I think you had a very GOOD first outing, so onward and upward!! Try not to mix in your general feelings about your job loss with the experience you had at the show - they are different things!:D

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Violet, if I had not already done craft shows, etc. for other media, I would have been devastated at the results of my first show selling candles. One learns as they go and you got a LOT of education AND you made some money!! As long as I make up my expenses (booth rent and gas), I don't feel totally "skunked." Different shows bring different crowds. Even the same show two years running may not net the same for you, so roll with it. I think you had a very GOOD first outing, so onward and upward!! Try not to mix in your general feelings about your job loss with the experience you had at the show - they are different things!:D

Thanks Stella (as well as everyone else). Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me! :D

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I think first of all, you can't go into the adventure of being in business for yourself and have your hopes set so high so early, yanno? You will set yourself up for disappointment big time. Just about everybody has a rough go and a terrible time of it the first two years. Most business are made and broke in that initial time period. So hang in there and don't let yourself expect too much or get too discouraged. I don't think anybody here that does shows say they are easy... only that they get 'easier'.

It sounds like you did REALLY REALLY well considering. In fact, it sounds like when all things considered your first show was a great success:D Congrats!

The only other bit of advice I would/can offer- is to stay in the job market at least until your candle business pays for it's self. You don't want to be forced to cut corners and like they say, ya gotta spend $ to make $$. It doesn't have to be full time, and it may not be the greatest job- but if you would be struggling too much for comfort w/o some other income, i'd get back in the saddle (if possible) and just hang in there. You can do it - you've already proven it to yourself and we're here for ya!:highfive:

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Keep your chin up, and just think, you got your first show out of the way. They'll be more shows, more chances to get your name and product out there. An open house sounds like a good idea as well, and if you check around, some places like vista print have things going on where you can get some postcards made fairly cheap. That's who I used for my first one, I just made it an open house postcard, mailed some and gave out some.

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The season is just starting things will pick up. I was at alot of craft shows for the past few weeks and not alot of sales going on. Just alot of lookers. I don't think people are ready to buy yet... But give it time and you'll be surprised how many sales you'll make as the weeks get closer to the holidays...

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My mind is already churning with new ideas for my next fair. I know things that I didn't have that I should have had- signs. I need to make some signs for the buy 3 get one free special, price tags on everything... (I had some but because I was so rushed, didn't tag everything). I also need to get some sort of sign that clearly shows my business name. I had business cards and handed out mini-tarts as samples, gave 15% off discount coupons for their next purchase. I had order forms printed out, but in the flurry of things, forgot to hand them out. :undecided I need some sort of mini-file system with tabs (like an egg crate with an accordion file inside) so that they are more handy when needed. I'd like a banner of some sort.

Location is important, too. I'd like to be near the door (not outside because of weather). I was stuck upstairs in the middle of the room. Even then, if I have to be in that sort of environ, I'd like to be against the wall so that I have all my business things back there but not hidden... like- my packing materials were hidden under the table and hard to access. Plus, being against a wall means I can more easily place a banner or sign up above me.

The good thing is that I have all the product ready for the next fair. It's all boxed up and labeled so I don't have to worry about rushing to pack the night before.

I need to narrow down the amount of scents I have available at a fair, though- people were getting candle-nose. I didn't bring coffee beans (meant to, but forgot). I think ten scents would be adequate, with maybe three types- holiday, food, floral.

And next time, I am going to need a helper. I had one, but her car got a flat that had to be attended to. My son was going to help, but he got a job on the weekends. I think next time, I will ask that he request the day off well in advance. He would not back out or have unexpected problems (other than illness). Although I did have the two girls who were next to me watch my booth if I needed a break, they didn't know enough about my product to really push sales, plus they had their own product to worry about.

That being said, the pouring is going to stop for a few days. I was at it non-stop for 2 months. I need to sit back, relax, enjoy some candles that I haven't had time to burn other than testers. Look for a job. Go on that interview tomorrow morning (it's a state job and very good benefits). I just hope I don't get itchy fingers when looking at my wax and stuff!!:D

Thanks to all of you! The morning after looked a lot more positive than it did yesterday, especially considering your words of encouragement. I appreciate it more than words can express. :cheesy2:

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Hi, I just got back from a craft fair. My table fee was $225.00 for a 10 x 10 in door space. The show was well promoted. A ton of lookers came very few buyers, sure I was upset. I love this craft stuff. I love meeting all the new vendors. Everyone is so nice. Well are you ready for my total. We made a amazing $330.00 for a 2 day show. The most expensive thing I had was an orb priced at $20.00. I sold one of them This show was in the high wage section in our area.So after deducting table fee I made $105.00. I am not giving up. All the crafters couldnt beleive, no one was buying. I think this is my gambling addiction. I keep thinking next time and keep making more. Good Luck To All...

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Hi, I just got back from a craft fair. My table fee was $225.00 for a 10 x 10 in door space. The show was well promoted. A ton of lookers came very few buyers, sure I was upset. I love this craft stuff. I love meeting all the new vendors. Everyone is so nice. Well are you ready for my total. We made a amazing $330.00 for a 2 day show. The most expensive thing I had was an orb priced at $20.00. I sold one of them This show was in the high wage section in our area.So after deducting table fee I made $105.00. I am not giving up. All the crafters couldnt beleive, no one was buying. I think this is my gambling addiction. I keep thinking next time and keep making more. Good Luck To All...

Yikes!! A booth fee of $225!! Oh man that is very high. If you only made $330, you did not make $105 unless all your supplies, packaging and other expenses were free. You have to deduct the costs to make the products, booth fees, gas and food and any other miscellaneous, before you get into what you actually made - what your profit is. It sounds like you actually went into the hole on this one. Been there done that too. But, don't count yourself completely out as you never know what will come of this show down the road and the orders you might get as a result of being at that show. It takes time to build a following up but in time, peo[le will come to know that shows you do and go that show just to buy from you.

I hope we all have successful show seasons. :)

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