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Label Critique Please...

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I understand where you would wonder why I am labeling so soon but I have decided to go wickless as I have had a lot of people ask me about the wickless ones at work and plus I know some people at retirement communities,etc that would benefit better with wickless.

PLUS I have already tested out these two FO's, so I decided to play around with labeling a bit so I figured I could go ahead and label the FO's that I have already tested.


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I like your labels. I'm almost done switching most of mine to the clear ones.

BTW--I try to start working on labels as soon as I can since they take me forever. It's nice having the label already done when you're finally finished testing. Working outside of my home only 2 days a week makes it a lot easier and faster with testing. I was even test burning a few at the office til the fire marshall came in for an inspection! He sure put a stop to that real fast.

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I like the jar label, but one of my first thoughts is that the label on the melts is a little too big for your container. Are you planning on displaying your tarts for sale? If you're going to be hanging them on pegs of course it would make more sense to have the labels going the other direction. If they are to be displayed on their side, as pictured, a smaller label would still give a cleaner, more 'finished' look. The margins on the top and bottom of the label are far smaller than on the sides. It also might look nice to have a little more space between your logo and the product type/scent. A more appropriate sized label for the clamshell would allow for that.

The other thing I noticed about your labels is the typestyle. Personally, I find the font with the vowels italicized kind of annoying (sorry :( ). I may be in the minority here but I thought it was worth mentioning. Perhaps keep your business name/logo in that typestyle and use something complimentary for the product/scent names?

I do think that your labels have a very clean design though :)

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I also agree with Tereasa, starting in July and beginning to sell in August is just WAY too soon, even if you HAVE dialed in a couple of scents. I would strongly suggest that you test your products on friends and family for several months at the very least before you begin selling to the general public over the internet or even at local craft shows. There's a lot more to this business than melting and pouring and labelling and selling... I am assuming you have your product liability insurance in place, especially if you plan to sell to retirement communities and the general public... ;)

Instructions on how to safely use these is very important as you do not want to be liable for someone using an unsafe method of melting, then suing you for not telling them how the candles were to be used on the label and they burned their house down...

I like your use of the term "premium" to describe your candles (rather than "all-natural", "non-alien" or some other hype). However, I would add the word Wax after soy. It is a soy WAX candle. If the candle is indeed a wickless candle, it should state that clearly on the label, as in "premium WICKLESS soy wax candle."

I do not mind the mixing of italics and normal in that particular font, but fancy fonts like that should be used sparingly because they are used to accent something... Since you have used that font in your logo, don't repeat it in the rest of the label. Try an italic font for the line "Premium Soy Candles" in either all-caps or all lower case; and a normal bold font for the scent (which does not need to have quotation marks around it) - you might even use the same font as used for the word Shoogie in the logo for the scent...

Does 8 oz. refer to the size of the container or the actual net weight of the wax it contains? I believe it should refer to the actual net weight of the wax... ;)

I also like to see the address of the manufacturer or at least the city & state on the label... It's not a bad thing to let folks know that your candles are handmade in the USA, rather than machine poured overseas someplace...

I am assuming that your warning label is on the bottom of the container?

The melt label needs some work - too stark. Again, I am assuming that instructions & warning label are on the bottom?

I think, overall, your design is very appealing and simply needs a little "massaging."

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WOW, thanks you guys so much. I really appreciate all the advice. I agree, I need to change up the clamshell labeling a little. Thanks again for all the ideas :) I do not plan on selling anytime soon. I have not even begun on my website :tongue2: I just want to make sure I have a basic idea of what Labeling I want to use before hand :D

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I do not plan on selling anytime soon. I have not even begun on my website :tongue2: I just want to make sure I have a basic idea of what Labeling I want to use before hand :D

You're a smart cookie to get all your ducks in a row ahead of time, Bobbie! It's a lot better than trying to make label design changes the day before your first show! :tongue2:

I don't wanna... ummmm... mention exactly how I learned that one...:o But I CAN tell ya how to get mega amounts of built-up label adhesive off your fingers easily...:tongue2:

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You are very smart to start your labels now. We changed ours 20 times before coming up with the one we like...and I'm still messing around with labels for the tins! I like them alot, and I also understand some of the suggestions made. I suggest you look at it every day for a week or two and then implement the changes you feel are necessary. You'll still find lots of different opinions, but it's most important that you are pleased with your results as your label will be a reflection of you in your customer's eyes. Good Luck with your business!!

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So all this and I have two things ...

Pink Sugar is trademarked so it requires some reference to philosophy on that label, no?

And if your candles aren't pure soy, which if they are fine, change nothing, but if they have anything else added to them then they aren't per se pure soy so perhaps that means they aren't just a premium soy candle right? For instance if I'm a nature loving tree hugging individual and that isn't a pure soy candle I might be inclined to bad mouth your product or sue you for misrepresentation of natural. There are some of them there folks out there.

Just things to think about.

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Well, I'm obviously in the minority ... but I find your product & labels to be very appealing. I love the font & (for whatever it's worth) was in marketing/advertising for 7 yrs. Should you choose to make changes, a general rule of print is to mix no more than 3 fonts, as it distracts the mind. I guess it depends on your market, but I find your label far superior to cutesy cartoons or a country theme. You're product will have to stand on it's own merit, but the packaging exudes a sophisticated, upscale style. I'd be drawn to your packaging.

Personally, I find no fault in your choice of wording w/ 'premium soy candle'. It's a worn out topic, but since there are no labeling regulations for candle ingredients, this is a matter of conscience. Nowhere have you stated your product is 'natural' or 'pure' & I fail to equate the word premium w/ either of those terms. I, instead, read premium to mean quality & a higher level of craftsmanship. I have no idea what ingredients go into your product, but I certainly don't feel your choice of wording is in any way deceptive ... unless you're adding paraffin.

You're very brave to offer yourself up to public scrutiny among your peers, so I hope you take it all for what it's worth & don't spend too much time 2nd guessing yourself. Go w/ your gut & be proud of the progress you've made.


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labels look good! I love the font you used! can you share the name of the font?:D

That is why I went with "gourmet"! An Epicurean of fine products and tastes! :D plus I want to be totally different than everyone else!

AND thinking of changing my hang tags! hate the sticky labels but that gold stretchy cord is expensive!!!!!! :undecided

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Well, I'm obviously in the minority ... but I find your product & labels to be very appealing. I love the font & (for whatever it's worth) was in marketing/advertising for 7 yrs. Should you choose to make changes, a general rule of print is to mix no more than 3 fonts, as it distracts the mind. I guess it depends on your market, but I find your label far superior to cutesy cartoons or a country theme. You're product will have to stand on it's own merit, but the packaging exudes a sophisticated, upscale style. I'd be drawn to your packaging.

Personally, I find no fault in your choice of wording w/ 'premium soy candle'. It's a worn out topic, but since there are no labeling regulations for candle ingredients, this is a matter of conscience. Nowhere have you stated your product is 'natural' or 'pure' & I fail to equate the word premium w/ either of those terms. I, instead, read premium to mean quality & a higher level of craftsmanship. I have no idea what ingredients go into your product, but I certainly don't feel your choice of wording is in any way deceptive ... unless you're adding paraffin.

You're very brave to offer yourself up to public scrutiny among your peers, so I hope you take it all for what it's worth & don't spend too much time 2nd guessing yourself. Go w/ your gut & be proud of the progress you've made.


Thanks so much Susan. I really appreciate your reply :D

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I am taking all of the replies and advice here to heart as I greatly respect all the comments from all you WONDERFUL soapers. I have learned so much from this board and truly appreciate all the HONEST advice, whether they be harsh or not :D Honestly is the ONLY way to go and I have to respect everyone comments on here or else I should not post asking for advice :o

Thanks again :tongue2:

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labels look good! I love the font you used! can you share the name of the font?:D

That is why I went with "gourmet"! An Epicurean of fine products and tastes! :D plus I want to be totally different than everyone else!

AND thinking of changing my hang tags! hate the sticky labels but that gold stretchy cord is expensive!!!!!! :undecided


I believe you are referring to the font used for the actual Scent name, correct? If so, it is "Will & Grace"...LOL Gatta love it :D I just love that font, but I can see where it would be a little hard on the eyes to some people!

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Personally, I find no fault in your choice of wording w/ 'premium soy candle'. It's a worn out topic, but since there are no labeling regulations for candle ingredients, this is a matter of conscience. Nowhere have you stated your product is 'natural' or 'pure' & I fail to equate the word premium w/ either of those terms. I, instead, read premium to mean quality & a higher level of craftsmanship.

Well said, Sue! :) When as much effort and care goes into making products as many folks here put into theirs, I think "premium" is a PERFECT way to describe their products!

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