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microwaving wax

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Does using the microwave to melt wax hurt the quality of the wax or does it have any other effect on it? ( comparing microwave vs presto pot)

Lack of controlled heating is dangerous.. microwaves are dangerous for wax. I believe soy wax can be microwaved but don't take my word for that, I've just heard stories.... but paraffin wax~~ don't do it!! Flame, explosion, 911, bad, bad, bad. Heard stories about that too.. they weren't pretty!

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I wouldn't use the microwave to melt any amount of wax. I cannot control the temp nor do I know how hot any portion of the wax becomes. Perhaps if one has one of those temperature probe thingys, it might be safer, but IMHO, there are too many vastly safer methods of melting wax to ever take a chance on using a microwave.

I have had the unpleasant experience of losing a home to fire. I never wanna see my house in charcoal again. Ain't worth it. Nope.

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I can't think of ANYONE'S decor that looks good redone in charcoal, Tricia! Don't get scared, getchoo a Presto pronto! In fact, getchoo a couple! :grin2:

You can always use your oven, set on low (real low), to melt leftovers in jars, from tools, etc. in a pan. If you have a timer control on your oven, you can even set that to turn the oven off in case you ...ummmm... forget to turn it off... I don't know anyone who would forget that... :rolleyes2 :embarasse Especially someone whose house has burned down once...:embarasse :tiptoe:

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I used to micro my soy wax all the time. The kit I started with taught me that way. I never had a problem, but I watched it very closely and never put it in for long periods at a time and kept stirring it as it melted. Now I have...ummm...I'll say 3 presto pots and I wouldn't live without them. It took me well over a year to finally buy one and it has improved my life!! For the $21 they cost, they are so worth the investment. And it is easy enough to ladle wax out, you don't really need a spigot.

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Buy a Presto Pot, you'll love it. I use a Turkey Fryer now but have worked my way up from a Presto and still use when I am melting different wax. As far as a Micro have been using one for over 6 yrs to remelt/reheat wax. I use plastic to pour and as a mixing pot so the micro works great for me. Anything is dangerous if not used right. Just had to get another MW the old one bit the dust. The new one works much faster melting a mixing pot in a minute or two. Already mixed wax melts a lot faster than new virgin wax..... I would not use the micro to replace a Presto Pot.

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You can use a microwave for soy...not generally recommended for paraffin, never use for gel.

Short intervals and intermittent stirring is always the best and safest way, and after you stir, take the temp. Using caution should always be in the forefront of your mind.

I have melted blends in the micro. (Oops) But didn't have a problem. I just wasn't thinking and wanted to try one.

The Presto is superb for larger batches...It still shocks me how fast it melts wax, even on a lower setting. I think it's better than the microwave. But they can be pretty pricey.

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