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Any Ideas?

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I have this horrible problem with feeling the need to change everything all the time. It shows in my house..I am constantly changing furniture around, changing the kitchen around, etc.

However, this need is falling into my business life as well and it is driving me nuts lol!

Everything is registered and I have been The Soap Box since November of last year. I have a nice logo that I am trying to incorporate into my labels (labels are the bane of my existence) but I am getting that itch to change my biz name..OY! Anyone have any ideas on how to stop this insane compulsion? I am very happy when I start out with something but then the novelty wears off and then I end up not liking what is there and feel the need to change it again and again.

Here is a pic of my logo better (you can't see it too well up by my name).

I just need some tips maybe from anyone who is about as neurotic as I am with this change business :laugh2:



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I LOVE your logo!! Don't change it. The colors are soothing and the idea is clever.

I'm a changer of things, too. If I had the time (which I don't because I'm too busy turning everything I see into a candle!)...I'd change my website again.

I like you business name, too. If you have that as a domain name, count yourself lucky because I'm certain someone else would love to have it.


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I am exactly the same way. I think it comes with being creative and becoming bored with the same old thing. I am constantly changing but the business name hasn't changed. I love my business name, but I change the fonts, colors, graphics and anything else I can thing of. My containers, labels, and scents have changed since I first started. I just am not satisfied with the same old thing. It is refreshing to change every season or yearly. My merchants love what I am doing this year and in two weeks I made over $1000.00 which is huge for me. The sales reps. have told me that I have taken away business from two other companies that sell similar products. Which I feel guilty about, but I am in the business to make money. So I say neurotics rule.........

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I LOVE your logo. You need to take your own advise: indulge, relax, enjoy!! Sounds like we all have the same creative bug. I'm not so bad about changing things, but I often abandon projects. I'm too much of a perfectionist & just walk away if something can't be the way I want it. But it's always there waiting for me to come back ... so once complete, I've nitpicked it to death & there's nothing I want to change!

You really do have a great logo -- leave it alone!


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I love the logo too and I know it was worth every penny of it but sometimes I get the feeling that my name is too cheesy lol! I don't know why but I think it's just the itchiness for change hitting me once and again.

My biggest problem I think is trying to design a label with it. That is when I get frustrated and then I start thinking of change.

I just have to work and work at it to get it right eventually. Until then I am just using generic type labeling.


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I wish I had it as a domain name :(, it's some site that has tons of links on it darnit!


I'm the same way. I will change things a thousand times before I just go for it. I'm in the process of changing things now.:tiptoe: Since someone has this domain, how would that work with leaving your logo alone? Will you still use the same name? But it does look very GOOD. I love it just wish no one else had it.:cry2:

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Well it's actually my registered business name too so if I do any changing I have to do it all over again.

I did register soapboxsoaps and figured it would be ok with The Soap Box logo. I just haven't switched that domain to my site yet.


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Okay, so you change your name and logo from The Soap Box to I Change My Mind More Than My Underwear Soap Company. Your soaps are still great and your new logo may even be as cute as your current one, but take a little trip with me and imagine this. We are floating about a little tea room, listening in on the conversation of two of your FROMER customers:

Mary: Hey, I am really bummed. That GREAT soap company, The Soap Box, went out of business. I cannot find their stuff any more. Remember them? They had the really cute green/black labels? They were awesome.

Jane: I know, I loved them! Oh well. But there is this other company that is okay...here is their site. (she proceeds to give Mary a site that is NOT your new one!)

You go on to lose many of your customers, a lot of money and before you know it, that need for a "change of pace" is quenched whe you rearrange your bottle caps and change your "Will Work For Food" signs at night in your cardboard house under the expressway.

There...does that help? :laugh2::wink2:

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That's very true, I'm also a big 'changer' of things and always think I can make things better, but sometimes you really do have to stand still and say 'enough already'. Your name is 'out there' as it is and changing your name means you are starting out all over, trying to get customers to know who you are from scratch. So, yes to small enhancements and tinkering, but say no to making any major changes that may affect your current standing. You can change things gradually, new 'improved' labelling, colours whatever, but you can't change the whole look and feel of your business in one go, or you will lose all the hard work you have put into your current identity.

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And I thought this was some kind of strange DNA I had in my family. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. It used to drive my husband crazy I would change things so much. He's convinced I've remodeled the closet 3 different times, even though all I've done is move things.

About your name & logo - maybe this will make you feel a little better. I read a business article that said right about the time you are sick of your name and want to change it, is the time that people are actually recognizing it. That most people want to change after a year and it's a huge mistake.

BTW - It's not cheesy and your logo is great. You're right, you just have an itch, go move the furniture. Some things you just have to leave alone. :wink2:

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I have the same urge to change things all the time, so what we did was "sub" sites and DBA's. Our official business name is still the same as it was 7 years ago, and when you go to our "original" website it's now a directory of our current websites. That was for those that may have bookmarked us ages ago (previous customers, etc.), as well as search engines, and has worked out great.

I guess it depends on "what" you're thinking, but that same thing could work for you ... THE SOAP BOX could be your "parent" company and whatever else you're thinking would be the 'sister sites'

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I love the name. Cute and creative. Better stick with it or someone else might get the idea. Change maybe the logo different ways if you need a change. Color etc but that name is to cute. I have a candle name but do some bath and body BUT I do have a bath and body name. Don't use it. Thinking about seperating both but really not much business with my bath and body so put them together. LynnS

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Yes, use your creativity and start different lines or business divisions. That's one reason I got a generic name with an LLC - I can have that as the parent company, then I can do a bunch of DBAs if I want, and they'll all be registered to the parent company.

Or if you don't want to go that far, you can just do lines - feed off your colors a bit, something little to tie things together, a few changes here and there.

Your logo and name is great. You've take a common term and spiced it up.

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Great ideas! Now I think I really need to look into the LLC thing. I am still a Sole P. as I have not done really a huge amount of business but I haven't even been in business an entire year so I know that is to be expected. But I am thinking I need to get away from the Sole P.

Thanks again for the info!!


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You have a great name and logo and I want to tell you to LEAVE IT ALONE but all honesty I can't because I'm the exact same way as you are. I have changed my labels FOUR times already in under a year. My website has changed twice and is being overhauled once more as I type. I tell myself that I must be sick. It's painful to make the same soap recipe twice. I wish every batch could be different and unique. I never thought of it as being a sign of creativity.


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