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Shooter type tart containers..where do I find these

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I saw those on a website just this morning, but it was the first time I have seen them.

I would guess they came from a website supply store...

That was pretty clearly an original name and idea I saw on a website...not sure I would want to copy it...

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:laugh2: :laugh2:

I saw those on a website just this morning, but it was the first time I have seen them.

I would guess they came from a website supply store...

That was pretty clearly an original name and idea I saw on a website...not sure I would want to copy it...

So where is this site selling shooter type tart containers?

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I have seen those too. They look like little oval condiment containers, like the to go type containers used by restaurants for dressings or dips. Probably something you can get from a paper/plastic supply company that specializes in the to go packaging for restaurants.

As I would not use the name that the other site uses, I see no harm in using the containers as I am sure they are available to everyone to purchase and not that one person. And there is nothing wrong with using the same type container as someone else, if there was, then only one person would be able to use all those neat looking glass jars that are used by ALL candle makers.


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The trouble with the Colonial ones is that those have no lid; at least they didn't when I bought some a year or so ago. It's just the plastic shell and the label is the lid. So making a label/lid might be somewhat of a challenge; it would have to fit exactly and have some type of adhesive around the edges.

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Yeah, I call them shooters and I'm in the process of trading marking the name as well. Actually I'm trade marking "Scent Shooter" not just shooter.

I get mine at Costco.

I saw your site the other day when I was looking up portion cup tarts, and I thought the shooter idea was so cute. I dont blame you for trade marking it :grin2:

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I saw your site the other day when I was looking up portion cup tarts, and I thought the shooter idea was so cute. I dont blame you for trade marking it :grin2:

Thanks! It's strange how I even came up with the name. I started pouring them one day and I thought they looked like jello shots and just called them scent shooters. They've been a huge hit and I'm busy as ever selling them. It's amazing how catchy they are and they hold scent like you wouldn't believe!

I have to include really exact burning instruction with this style of packaging as I don't want anyone burning the thing in the cup. You never know! Some people don't even know how to get them out of it so I actually have to include it all in the instructions. So far so good! I'm amazed at how people can spend hundreds of dollars on a 1st order and not have tried my stuff but keep coming back for more. It's ok with me!

It's been almost 2 years now since I started Whiff and Sniff and I haven't been happier with my scent list or packaging. I walk into my shop and I'm actually happy with how things are going and I just look around and I'm like, wow.. this is all mine! It's a great feeling to have!

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We use the round cups similar to the oval ones and we get ours at sams club. We and our customers love them. So easy to do.

But whiff I am with you. At our monthly show, we have people that ask us if they just throw the cup in the melter???? We are just like duh.....no you take it out of the cup and then put the melt in. It is too funny to see people look at them. Most people think they are just samples of our candles, so they are not opening all the jars. We sell the heck out of them.

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I have to include really exact burning instruction with this style of packaging as I don't want anyone burning the thing in the cup. You never know! Some people don't even know how to get them out of it so I actually have to include it all in the instructions. So far so good! I'm amazed at how people can spend hundreds of dollars on a 1st order and not have tried my stuff but keep coming back for more. It's ok with me!

I sell something similar but in the black portion cups and I have "remove from plastic cup" not only on the warning label (along with normal melt type warning) on bottom, but in red on the scent label as well. Like you said, you just never know. These sell better for me than the clamshells or mini muffin melts I was doing before.

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