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Do this carefully, but put your stick blender into some hot sudsy water (dish detergent is what I use, to cut the grease) then turn the stick blender on. Presto! Kinda cleans itself. LOL Then I unplug and wipe carefully with a clean dishrag to make sure I got all the gunk off.

Plug it back in, then dip it into hot rinse water and turn on for a moment to rinse. Unplug and let dry.

When I'm ready to make lotion the next time, my stick blender goes into a bleach water solution and/or rubbing alcohol to prepare it for the next batch. Usually both, because I'm paranoid. :D

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I clean mine a little differently. I wipe all the lotion off with paper towels than remove the blade and wipe drip and throw it in boiling water. I also hold the blender in boiling water for a few minutes. Remove and let air dry. I always keep it in a ziplock bag for next time.

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I pull off the bottom half and stick it in the dishwasher as per the insturctions that came with it. Doesn't yours come apart? (I don't worry about bleach and all cause I don't do lotions, just soaps).

As for water and plugged in things, isn't water the primary component of your lotion?

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Yes mine comes apart, I was afraid of the lotions and stuff getting in my dishwasher but I guess it shouldn't hurt. Just paranoid because I rent.

And, no my body butter doesn't contain water, but my cream base does require water but a very small amount. I am pretty clumsy so I didn't want to kill myself by cleaning it in the sink while plugged in... the blender can fall in the sink, not in my tiny little mixing bowl. But I suppose what might work is putting water in a big glass and cleaning it that way... but the dishwasher sounds much easier!

Hey! I'm new to B&B give me a break! :) Seemed like a good/normal question to ask to me!!

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I would suggest doing what is most comfortable for you. ;)

I personally do what AJ stated. If I am feeling lazy, I just unscrew the bottom off and throw it in bucket of hot, soapy water and wash it later. Like I do when I make soap. As long as you maintain the most sterile field you can when you make creams/lotions, you shouldn't have any problems.

I don't stick anything B&B related into the dishwasher.

I am wierd like that. I wash everything by hand. I can't imagine putting a soap pot or a lotion bowl into a dishwasher filled with things I am going to eat off. Plus I've seen some really ugly messes from people that put a soap pot into a dishwasher. UGH! But that is just personal preference. Anything I cook with isn't even in the same room as my B&B equipment.

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Do this carefully, but put your stick blender into some hot sudsy water (dish detergent is what I use, to cut the grease) then turn the stick blender on. Presto! Kinda cleans itself. LOL Then I unplug and wipe carefully with a clean dishrag to make sure I got all the gunk off.

Plug it back in, then dip it into hot rinse water and turn on for a moment to rinse. Unplug and let dry.

When I'm ready to make lotion the next time, my stick blender goes into a bleach water solution and/or rubbing alcohol to prepare it for the next batch. Usually both, because I'm paranoid. :D

This is also how I clean mine. Seems to work.

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