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ebay and soy

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i've been searching on all of these site, including ebay, and i've found ebay has the cheapest soy waxes. mostly nature wax. but i was wondering if any of you had any opinions or suggestions about buying on ebay. thank you for all of your advice and tips.

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I bought some molds, new and used, and also fo's...but never wax. Also have purchased lots of non-candle products. Everything I got so far was pretty good. If you pay with PayPal you're pretty much protected against fraud...they will get your $$ back if not satisfied. Ebay doesn't mess around either, they kick off the bad sellers.

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Buying a kit off ebay, was what got me hooked on this in the first place...lol

She had the perfect wax. Couldn't find it anywhere else. But when I asked her if I could buy just wax from her (like in 50# qty) she refused to sell it to me :cry2:

I tried another ebay supplier (who is also a friend of the original one) and she also has her own site off ebay, but her wax wasn't the same.

So.....now I have found the ones I like the best, and stick w/them.

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I buy my FO from a good seller of ebay,who brings them in from usa ( i know it would be cheaper to go direct)

did buy wax off ebay when i first started, but now buy direct from one person:):)

snap, snap, snap lol

we use the same person for FO, same person for wax and I did buy some wax off ebay to start with.

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As long as you can get the same again off ebay or somewhere else (if you like the wax) I would go for it. Just don't want to get the wax and test test test not to be able to get more of the wax.

I have never had a problem with ebay..knock on wood

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A Friend of mine and I sell on Ebay. (Not candles, this is a new venture for me that I am doing with my wife) Anyway the vast majority of sellers are honest people. As KK points out, ebay does not mess around. Not only do they kick bad sellers off, they kick off bad buyers as well. I got ripped off once by a buyer and before I knew it she was kicked off as about 6 checks to 6 different sellers bounced within a couple day period.

The number that you see next to their on-line names is the number of feedbacks they have received for transactions. You can go and read the feedbacks to see what other buyers and sellers say about their transaction. When you see a seller with a number in the thousands you know they have been selling for awhile.

I would not be hesitant to buy on ebay if that was the best price. Just remember, the total price you are going to pay is the item and the shipping like elsewhere. Some folks have a low price and make it up with high S/H charges. I have bought items that was not the lowest, but because the S/H charges were lower it was the best buy.


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I have never purchased any candle supplies from eBay. I might at some point, but I felt that going with established suppliers was my best bet for quality supplies, service and knowledge. Maybe I am a chump, but a lot of eBay folks are here today, gone tomorrow. I would rather pay a little more and help support folks who have made a commitment to the industry (taxes, location, licenses, etc.). :)

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I would not be hesitant to buy on ebay if that was the best price. Just remember' date=' the total price you are going to pay is the item and the shipping like elsewhere. Some folks have a low price and make it up with high S/H charges. I have bought items that was not the lowest, but because the S/H charges were lower it was the best buy.[/quote']

This would be my thought as well. I've found that the lowest price wax may not be the company with the lowest price of the wax, but is dependent on the shipping charges that are added. I also like the comfort of having my suppliers' phone number and address (sometimes, even a photo of their store :smiley2: ) should I need to contact them about the transaction or product.

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Lately I've been reading about some bad "batches" or "lot numbers" of wax from established internet suppliers. If you buy from them you have recourse if the batch is bad. In fact there is one that is dealing with that problem right now...and they are working with the manufacturer to figure it out! I'm just wondering if you would have the same customer service? I did get a cheap bag of it when I started but have only used it for dipping bears. Once I did start making candles I wanted to stay with one supplier - and luckily I've got one that I can pick up from.

I do get some great oils from ebay suppliers, however. If they don't work in soy they usually will in paraffin. If that doesn't work my friend will use it in her air fresheners. All the oil gets used.

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i've been searching on all of these site, including ebay, and i've found ebay has the cheapest soy waxes. mostly nature wax. but i was wondering if any of you had any opinions or suggestions about buying on ebay. thank you for all of your advice and tips.

Hi all I'm a newbe here. But I started by getting a kit from ebay. I also buy some FO"S from there to. I have never had any trouble with the wax and FO'S I have bought. But you do have to be careful and watch what you are paying for alot of ebayers may have you thinking they are cheap but when you add in the shipping thats were they get ya. Regina;)

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