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Honestly... the names kinda confuse me :o Is there some correlation between the names, scents and colors? Maybe I'm just confuzzled ...LOL

I'm guessing you have more information somewhere else on them?

Very pretty candles! :D

Now that is one biiiig picture!

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Just FYI.....Autum.....is spelled Autumn (hope that helps)....other than that love the edges of the labels. I agree though...about the correlation between the name and the "scented with" part. I would just give them a name....and let people smell them and ask what the scent is if they don't know. That makes for conversation anyway if you are doing shows....Hope that helps.....;)

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I think I get what Tucker is trying to do here..... His candles are named because of how they look, not how they are scented. However, it seems that the scents do match their titles. I do agree that for some people that may be confusing, especially when you're used to purchasing candles that are named for their scents.

They are very pretty, and the labels are nice too. Good luck at the Market..... ;)

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I LOVE the labels! They look fantastic! :highfive: I would say, try them the way they are. If people act confused or you have to do a lot of explaining, I would then leave off the "scented with"....JMO.

Edited to add, you are a very talented photographer btw. I always love your pics!!

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Looked at the pictures and "got it" right away. Then read the other comments. I'd try the way they are. One thing that you may want to test though is that paper sometimes starts soaking up the FO and in a few days may look blotchy. Ask me how I know:rolleyes2

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WOW.....they all gave you a lot to think about. The labels look good. I like the design....now about all of the confusing stufff.....guess you will just have to work it out (if necessary)......and if they are paper, they will absord FO. Are they paper? Hope you do well and selll a whole bunch! Donita

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thanks for all of the come back, pro and con. I really wanted the truth and I got it and I appreciate it. The labels will stay as is THIS TIME, may change in the future. Fact is, there are only 5 of them and it is purely a test market to see if there is any interest in pillars. I'm hoping when they see "AUTUM" spelled wrong, they'll buy them as a collectors item. Who knows, maybe some day they'll be worth $8.00 or $9.00 (smile)

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thanks for all of the come back, pro and con. I really wanted the truth and I got it and I appreciate it. The labels will stay as is THIS TIME, may change in the future. Fact is, there are only 5 of them and it is purely a test market to see if there is any interest in pillars. I'm hoping when they see "AUTUM" spelled wrong, they'll buy them as a collectors item. Who knows, maybe some day they'll be worth $8.00 or $9.00 (smile)

LMAO! You may start a trend.... Autum, Wintar, Sprig, and Sunner :D

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Personally, I think they look cool and project a calming atmosphere. I didn't even notice Autumn was spelled wrong and I'm usually a stickler for that. I have learned to always hit spell check when I'm printing a label.

If you are going to stick with the paper, try buying some art sealing spray. Spray the backs after you cut.

Good luck at the market...your candles are great!

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