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RRD in a 3" tumbler

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The joys of testing, I have learned to love to hate it :laugh2:

Oh how I can relate! lol And how much money have we spent thus far? (If my hubby knew the exact amount, oh man....lol)

I think I'll try those crystals. Thanks for the tip on that! (Yea, more money spent!! :yay:)

Thanks again,


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I've also had luck with the CD14,CD16 but they do bend when burning. The CDN wicks are very nice and they have a coating especially for natural wax. I got mine from The Scented Bean. It's too bad that your wholesale person won't put up with a little bit of hang up because with some more difficult FO's the RRD wicks worked so much better. I'm operating on a much smaller scale than you are so I was just able to explain to my customers that the small amount of wax on the side would melt after the candle burned past the middle of the container. No one had a problem with that. However, your situation is much different. Congratulations on the account and good luck!

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Natty, any update yet? I'm interested in the CD results cause I think once you get up to the 12 and 14 Eco's they just get to dang hot for me.

I'm going to order some CD's and mess with them anyway in my 70/30 cause I'm not happy with the hot throw I'm getting with my 50/50 blend.

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Giving up on Ecos - they suck for fragrance throw - the RRD did so much better. I don't really know eco wicks that well so think I'll leave them.

I used CD wicks a lot a while back - but decided their scent throw wasn't that great but am going to give them a go in this tumbler. Then I'm going to go back to hemps and give them another go - even if i have to use the super large. So far, the eco got to the edge on second burn but scent throw was poor - the rrd got to the edge on 4th burn (just about) but scent throw was awesome.

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Since I mainly do tumblers, I know your grief!

Are these colored candles? Are you adding BW or frostop or sterin?

If I add color, it slows the burn. Also the RRD 50's end up tunneling down, while the 47's go wide. I couldn't get RRD's to work at all in the colored tumblers. I used the hemps.

Try the smaller hemp. Trust me, the slower burn will burn out while the larger hemps burn down quicker. I was using the 8008 size and it was doing well with the lighter oils. I have a 3 inch tumbler straight side heavy bottom burning right now with the large hemp and it is clean burning perfectly. But it is a colorless candle. For some reason (and I use liquid dye) it slows the burn.

Try one without any color. If I make a colorless candle with the RRD 47 it usually gets to the edge using 135, so it should with the para blend. Just don't add any additives. The candles you saw pix of were all RRD 47's but the diameter is just under 3'', and there is very little dye in it.

Good luck!


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I used CD wicks a lot a while back - but decided their scent throw wasn't that great but am going to give them a go in this tumbler. Then I'm going to go back to hemps and give them another go - even if i have to use the super large. So far, the eco got to the edge on second burn but scent throw was poor - the rrd got to the edge on 4th burn (just about) but scent throw was awesome.

I have made quite a few candles in the 16 oz platinum jars from walmart. They are square mason with a 3 inch diameter opening and "square out" to about 3 1/2 inches.

I have the perfect melt pool and throw using the super large hemps. I couldn't get another wick to do what these are doing.

I guarantee it will at least get to the edges lol. I have a couple candles poured in the 16 oz wide mouths which are basically a straight down 3 inch jar like you are using. I will find one of them and get it out to burn so I can let you know how it does.

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tried all the RRD range and still no joy. wax is un-dyed and no additives. Just 70% CB135 and 30% standard soy.

Trying RRD55 again - still doesn't work no matter what oil. RRD 47 just doesn't cut it at all. Going to try hemps again as my CD wicks got mixed up and now I can't tell which roll is 12, 14 or 16. Doh!


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First off I am very new to candle making but I have been doing nothing but R&D for the past three months.I have been testing a tumbler that is just over three inches. I have tested most of the wicks mentioned in this thread and finally decided to try double wicking. I started with LX14 this one burned to hot. Finally settled on LX10, full MP in 2 1/2 hours. Hope your customer is not against double wicking. Good Luck

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Update:CD16 way too small. even on 2nd burn there was still at least an inch all around. Now trying CD 18.


Nat, I admire your determination and rooting for you to find the "magic" wick!!!

*super banana*

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CD16 way too small. even on 2nd burn there was still at least an inch all around.

Now trying CD 18.


Wow...Im really surprised that the CD16 is not working...I usually get a full melt pool with a CD14 in a 3 inch container using a 70/30 mix. Im going to throw this suggestion out there cause I have just been testing it myself the last couple of days and it seems to be working. I put in a 60-44-18Z the 3inch with the 70/30 and got great scent throw and full MP with no problem with little to no soot at this time. Im still working with it but it may be something to consider...hth...:cheesy2:

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CD 18 is doing a good job - didn't get quite to edge on first burn, but did on the second and scent throw is good.

However, I put it in my bathroom, shut the door and left it on "power burn" for 5 hours - when I opened the door the room was misty, not quite smoke, but misty - and there was a big black soot streak up the tiles.


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I couldn't find the post but it's been discussed before. It was concerning small rooms and lack of air flow or oxygen in the smaller rooms with the door closed. You might consider cleaning the jar and re-test with the door open. If that doesn't help it could be a number of things from the wick to that wick and FO combination or just the FO, or the FO %...so much involved in

testing:undecided . Just throwing this out there...but there was also another post from someone a while back that was having soot problems with the tumbers with all of the wicks they tested. I believe the problem started after the wax burned down a bit, like past the mid section. I've had that problem with narrow containers. Keep us posted on your results.

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CD18 did nicely. Not quite to the edge on first or second burn but very good scent throw. but to be honest, I am using such nice oil, i'd get a nice scent throw if I used a bamboo skewer!

So anyway. Next test was Hemp Super Large.

Burns all the way to the edge on first burn, lovely scent throw, flame a little large but sorted with a quick trim of the wick.

BUT. my god the shrooms are HUGE! I know it's not my wax/fo blend as RRD and CD didnt shroom at all.

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I've been following your thread because I've had some of the same problems you have mentioned here. I had a lot of smoke with the larger CD wicks and my melt pools were always lop sided because of the bend in that wick. I'm cheering you on so keep us posted!

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Did you ever get this one to work properly? I have never tried RRD wicks, but was considering trying them next. I use either a 3" square or a 3" round frosted tumbler, if I get the MP and HT to be wonderful I don't like the poop that the wicks leave behind. If I use a wick that doesn't make a mess, I don't seem to get a great HT (ok, but not great.) I think I've tried every wick except RRD's...almost every wax too!!

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