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Do you charge testers?

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Hi everyone,

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. I am in the testing phase now and I have found several people who are interested. My question is, do you charge these people some money?

I am thinking of charging them half price (just to cover some cost and shipping) and some nominal refundable deposit to encourage them to fill out a survey form.

Is that OK?Should I charge more/less?



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For me, it depends. If I'm test running a new product, I don't charge them. I have a slew of friends and family that I do my test runs on, they're all local. Or I'll stick testers in with orders and request feedback. Usually they're small enough and light enough that it doesn't add any shipping on.

If I'm test running a new scent in a tried and true product, I'll usually do an introductory sale, let people buy it at a sale price, and again, usually with a little card, or a follow up e-mail, request feedback. If it sells well, and I have good feedback, then I'll keep carrying it. If it doesn't, I'll keep it in stock until I'm through my FO, then discontinue. I'll often include small samples of new products and scents in with orders. I've ALWAYS found samples to be very successful in getting people to try out new products.

(btw - most of this is in referral to our retail business, not our supply business. Although we do use some of these principles with our supply business as well. But assuming you were asking for advice for a retail business, I focused on that)

One last thing about testing new products. All of it should be tax deductible, even failed batches. It's simply research and developement. You will always need to budget a little bit of money for it. When pricing your products, it's part of the overhead costs you're charging for.

Hope this helps some!

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I don't but I make sure that they are close friends that are well educated in using and burning my candles. They have to fill out paperwork too and it's not just a four question card either. It VERY in depth questionair I also give a freebee to my wholesale accounts to burn in their store and they gather feed back for me that way too.

Complete strangers or a friend of a friend will be charged full price because all they are looking for is something free and will offer NO feedback.


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Since our testers are given a questionaire and guidelines on how to burn, we feel they are doing us a service to test for us, so we don't charge them.

We did have to weed out the people that just wanted to have free candles, and the ones that understood that we really needed them to follow the guidelines and fill out the form. The ones we have now truly understand what we need to know, and are fantastic about being honest. It is amazing how much their husbands get involved. When my partner was talking to one of our testers on the telephone, her husband grabbed the phone and started talking "full melt pool in three hours", "tiny bit of soot on the edge of the glass"....lol

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I test my own products and never allow testing by others. I feel it's my responsibility to test and not rely on someone else's opinion. It's also my liability on the line not someone who has no stake in the products performance.

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I test my own products and never allow testing by others. I feel it's my responsibility to test and not rely on someone else's opinion. It's also my liability on the line not someone who has no stake in the products performance.

Excellent point! When we started having people test for us, we quickly found that some of them had no clue that soot and tunneling was NOT ok! At this point, we do have people test scents for us - if they like flowery (which we cannot STAND! lol), we ask them to test it to see if it is a pleasant scent. While they are testing, they are suppose to watch for soot, tunneling, large flame, etc. but we always test ourselves before we sell. In fact, I lost the bet with my partner and I am re-testing a Honeysuckle and a Lavender right now.....EWWWW. :laugh2:

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I test my own products and never allow testing by others. I feel it's my responsibility to test and not rely on someone else's opinion. It's also my liability on the line not someone who has no stake in the products performance.

I also agree, you can't rely on someone to pay as much attention to your candle as you would. I also test all of mine, that way I can see first hand what it does.

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I test my own products and never allow testing by others. I feel it's my responsibility to test and not rely on someone else's opinion. It's also my liability on the line not someone who has no stake in the products performance.

I test my own products also, but I do send certain scents out for testing to get the consumers opinion. Can't rely on just my opinion of the scent because everyone has different tastes. I do not charge my testers.

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Of course I think we do our own testing, but it is always nice to have outside testers that we use to back up what we find. I don't use a tester on a scent until it has gone through my own testing process. I don't charge because they have like a five page questionnaire they have to fill out and I truly value their help. Plus they usually end up buying a candle one I add it to my line.

There are some candles that I thought I would not carry that I have decided to put in my line due to overwhelming responses from testers. They have gone on to be great selling candles. I realize I have a one track nose and while I try to not let my judgment/preferences get the better of me, sometimes it does; I need my testers to help me think outside of the box.

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I have 3 testers.

My mom, son & daughter

My mom does my jars,

My son does my pillars

My daughter does things she does not make.

I only trust them because they know exactly what to look for.

Plus they are as picky as I am.

I won't give anyone else a cnadle to test out for me.

But I will give candles away that I already tested so I can get an outsiders

opinions on scents to see if it's a keeper or not.

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I do all my own testing as far as wick, burn pool, basics of a good burning candle. My DD & DDIL test fragrances & give opinions on cold/hot throw, & uniqueness of FO. I found when I let others test, they never remembered what they were testing for. Carole

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I do not charge my testers. I have 3 people who test for me. I test all my candles first then I have my testers test. I have taught them how to burn and test and they also have instruction sheets and extensive evals to fill out.

Two of my three testers are very good. One of my testers is awesome! She writes very descriptively and has a great nose for picking out top,middle and base notes in FO's. There's no substitute for testing first yourself but secondary testers give additional input that helps in making a quality product.


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I am actually testing for a dry skin relief cream and other bath/body products. For candles I agree that if you don't make candles or know a lot about burning candles, you might not be a great candidate for testers. I think with candles, you can test it yourself.

But as far as B&B goes, I don't have any more skin left to try my cream on :confused: Both my kids have been my guinea pigs so far but they can't really give me any opinions. I recruited some people on the forum to test my new cream and I am wondering if it's fair to charge a nominal amount, maybe to cover cost and shipping or should I just make it a freebie?

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JMO but I wouldn't pay to test a product - the cost of the product (for you to make) and shipping can just be written off (as was said earlier). You are asking people to help you and they are taking the risk (especially with body products) by testing your products on their skin....:grin2:

Are you sending small sample size products to your testers? Cost of product and shipping shouldn't be too very expensive.

Another way to get feedback on your product is to join in on swaps. That way you get to try other products and get feedback on yours.

My 2 cents worth.......

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I test first. Then I have a few friends that I have educated, that test, under different conditions. For istance, one will burn normally , on will marathon test, etc..... I always test under proper burning instructions and then I also marathon test , I will burn a candle all day if I am around. I don't charge for these services and my testers are also heavy buyers LOL. Soap I pass around like crazy, half bars etc.

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No, I don't pay my testers. But I use them for consumer appeal for scent selection...I test mine for burn/throw performance--and my sister is the worst candle burner I have ever met, so she tests alot for me--she puts her candles in the highest travelled area of her house and if it can stand up to her house--it's a good one.

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No, I don't pay my testers. But I use them for consumer appeal for scent selection...I test mine for burn/throw performance--and my sister is the worst candle burner I have ever met, so she tests alot for me--she puts her candles in the highest travelled area of her house and if it can stand up to her house--it's a good one.

I have a niece like that....she never trims, leaves them burning FOREVER, ceiling fans running, near doorways, open windows...lol....if they can take that kind of brutality, and still burn well, that candle is a go!!

We also test for marathon burns, but it is a good feeling to know that even if they have been "abused", they still burn ok!

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