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It was a first year show and they are always iffy, but it was huge! Almost 150 vendors - only 3 candles. I didn't see any soap and found that odd. Unfortunately what few customers there were seemed to be just looking. It was at the county fairgrounds and advertised well...don't know what the problem was. After booth fee and my gas there and back and have $17 left to splurge with. :laugh2:

It could have been worse - I could have been helping DD move!



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Your booth set up is nice and classy! Wonderful presentation!

I have only done one craft show so far and I did about the same as you, except the booth was free!!! Let's just say I was NOT in prime real estate-- all the people that knew I would be there only found my booth if they ran into my husband and he told them! how sad is that.....

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this was my second show of the year, outside, beautiful day. hardly any buyers. we may of had 15 people really come into are canopy to look at things. made a total of 52.00 after space rent. i sure hope things get better. i was the only soy candle maker their. there were mia bella candles & some paraffin ones.

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AT my Huge Craft show, I did poorly also. There was over 150 vendors. I wonder if its just the spring and candles dont do well???? I know alot of other vendors who werent selling candles also did poorly. Attendance was great just no one was buying. Well it can only get better right????Older vendors tell me storys of how about 10 years ago the living they made off of there craft. Each year they say sales keep creeping down. I said figures I finally find something I love and its a bad buyers market..Lets hope things start looking up, because Im not going to stop making candles

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Sorry to hear your show wasn't more of a success. Could it be that nice weather played a part in people doing other things today? (I apologize in advance for not knowing where you are located). Where I am, our school district has a 3 day weekend so a lot of people went camping, to the lake etc since the weather was so darn nice. Your set up was beautiful :thumbsup:

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Wow, you guys make me feel great. I made 62.00 after everything. That was with one other candle vendor. No one was looking to purchase anything, they were all just browsing. This was my first show so at least I got the word out. So far, I have two ppl begging me to do fundraisers but im little iffy about whether or not im ready to take that on. Im gonna have to study into it some more.

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I did one this last weekend with 3 other candle makers there. One was Home Interior, one dipped only, and the other soy, but I had the only tarts. I made just over 100.00 after gas and booth fee. I think I may have sold 5 actual candles, the rest all tarts. I have noticed, people most buy small 8 oz and under.

I think this time of year it will only get worse. :cry2:

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Thanks for the nice comments.

Yes, it was a beautiful day and people may have been working in gardens and such instead of shopping. Spring is usually not a great time for candles, but it shouldn't have been that bad.

Funny, I was 30 miles form home in a different state (Ohio) and had a lady buy from me that remembered me from 2 years ago at a show in KY! I keep pluggin along!

Cindys...I'll keep making them too and doing the shows because I just enjoy it too much!

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Hoping you's all do better on your next shows.

I stopped in at a show yesterday, one I decided not to do this year as sales have been slumping there over the past several years. My vendor friends reported how awful sales were, lots of kicking tires, but very few buying. There was one candle vendor there, and no soaps and 2 bath and body lotion stuff. There were about 90 vendors and from what I observed these are the hot items this year. Sweatshirts, tons of kids tie dyed stuff, blouses, woodworking ,, and tons of JEWELRY!!! I must have counted 10 jewelry people,, and 3 of those selling that magnetic jewelry stuff.

Unfortunately spring shows are known for low/minimal sales. My wholesale took a big jump and I'm well ahead in my usual sales for this time of year, so I decided to keep my money, enjoy my spring weekends and stay off the road until June, when we have another major festival.

I'm not surprised to hear of no soap vendors. My prediction on candles sales is you'll see fewer and fewer booths. Candles are fading fast, just like soap did. I think people realized it wasnt' a get rich quick idea.

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I had a bad show yesterday too. It was an outdoor show and I heard about it from customers from the show the week before...so I call the woman organizing the show, pay the $$ and show up yesterday. It was in a local park and it was a flea market/craft show. Those don't go well together in my area. The good news is... I have a ton of candles already poured for the next show.

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Wow, this is a little disappointing to read. I've always heard from old-time crafters that it's hard to get sales on beautiful days. Everyone wants to be out in the sunshine! I've also heard that the markets are completely saturated with jewelry and have been for years. But who knows? Sometimes I'll see a jeweler doing great and sometimes I'll see one yawning at his booth. It would be nice to know what the next BIG thing is (candles maybe?;) )

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Sorry to hear about the poor sales. The pics of your booth look nice.

The weekly craft markets I have been doing are working quite well. Don't know why but I have noticed that people at the market tend to spend more freely than at large craft festival. Or-- it could be that this year I am having my first repeat customers-- who tell me they bought soap from me last year and wanted more.

I have a few craft festivals planned this year so I will see how they stack up to the markets. So far I am really liking the market setup. I make the same amount of money in 4 hours that I used to make in one or two days at a big show. Go figure!

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My show sucked for the most part.

I did sell a LOT of soap. All Goat Milk, All uncolored, All Naked, and only 5 scents to chose from. This formula seems to work very well for me. My last two shows cleaned me out of soap.. this one was close. I did completely sell out of Lavender Cucumber Sage soap yesterday.

Many vendors packed up and left this show yesterday rather than staying for more misery today.. I don't blame them, but I am glad I stayed cause I sold a bunch more soap today LOL.

Other than the soap though, I sold a few bottles of lotion, and a dozen plus maybe one or two room sprays. Only took along a few candles and only sold a few too.. I think 14 LOL. Sooooo not a candle show. If it weren't for my Mercantile account I think I'd just give up on those buggers completely now and just make soap. Ahh well. NEXT!

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My show sucked for the most part.

I did sell a LOT of soap. All Goat Milk, All uncolored, All Naked, and only 5 scents to chose from. This formula seems to work very well for me. My last two shows cleaned me out of soap.. this one was close. I did completely sell out of Lavender Cucumber Sage soap yesterday.

Many vendors packed up and left this show yesterday rather than staying for more misery today.. I don't blame them, but I am glad I stayed cause I sold a bunch more soap today LOL.

Other than the soap though, I sold a few bottles of lotion, and a dozen plus maybe one or two room sprays. Only took along a few candles and only sold a few too.. I think 14 LOL. Sooooo not a candle show. If it weren't for my Mercantile account I think I'd just give up on those buggers completely now and just make soap. Ahh well. NEXT!

The show we did yesterday was hot. The weatherman had predicted it to be around 85 and it got up to 92 or so. Mighty early for that to happen. There was one vendor from your state that showed up selling mailboxes. From one of the show organizers that I was visiting with at the end of the day they said that he didn't make a sale. Wow! They were some of the most beautiful mailboxes that I had ever seen......

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The show we did yesterday was hot. The weatherman had predicted it to be around 85 and it got up to 92 or so. Mighty early for that to happen. There was one vendor from your state that showed up selling mailboxes. From one of the show organizers that I was visiting with at the end of the day they said that he didn't make a sale. Wow! They were some of the most beautiful mailboxes that I had ever seen......

Note To Self: Mailboxes are NOT a hot item!!

Poor guy, that sucks. I'd actually love to have a really cool new mailbox. But I'm guessing they aren't cheap! There's a guy here locally that does bird houses.. he sells the hell out of them, but damn they are expensive.

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Note To Self: Mailboxes are NOT a hot item!!

Poor guy, that sucks. I'd actually love to have a really cool new mailbox. But I'm guessing they aren't cheap! There's a guy here locally that does bird houses.. he sells the hell out of them, but damn they are expensive.

It was sad. I believe he was selling them in the $30.00 to $50.00 range. A long drive with nothing to show for it. Everybody else I think did Ok including us. Now we are getting ready for the next outdoor show. This will be last outdoor show till Sept. Woo hoo!!! Indoors shows just around the corner with AIR conditioning. I am so gonna love that.

Good luck everbody on your next show.


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