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Another "help me name my business" thread! :)


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There seem to be a million of these a day and I've tried to avoid posting yet another one, but I'm at my wit's end. I thought I had a name but found out a few weeks ago that BBW had it trademarked. :cry2: So I'm back to square one.

I make soy candles and *mostly* natural bath and body products. My style is clean and simple. Not country or prim but not really sleek or upscale spa either. I had a logo in the works (that will obviously have to be redone once I have a new name) that had blue and tan in it, and I think I'd like to stick with those colors for the logo and eventual website.

I don't want any misspelled words in the title or any overused words like "Scent" or "Creations". I'm not opposed to having "Candles and Bath" following the actual business name to clarify what it is I make. I also don't want my kids' names in the title because I plan to have more and don't want any future babes left out. :D

I work in theatre and have been racking my brain looking for a theatrical business name. I've recently skimmed through more Shakespeare plays than is reasonable and read ridiculous quantities of literary quotes.

Drama Queen came to mind, but it's trademarked for lotions and bath products already. Drama Mama is another one that I thought of and like, but I wonder if a name that "female" would drive away potential male customers. A friend suggested Center Stage, which is fine, but it just doesn't speak to me. Box Office? I'd worry that people would think I sell boxes. :wink2:

Maybe I'm being overly picky, but I hope to be using this name for many years to come and really want something I love!

Any and ALL suggestions are GREATLY appreciated! :)

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Okay just think aloud, I used to work around Shakespeare Globe Theatre and love theatre and musicals, so will chuck some names at you. I find it best to write down everything you think of and play around with combinations - 'brainstorming' just dump everything from your head onto a piece of paper as quickly as you can, once you have to think really hard about it, you've done enough. If that makes sense? Something will come to you.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name Would smell as sweet"

Anne Hathaway's Cottage

The Rose Theatre

Globe Theatre

The Jester





Measure for Measure

Loves Labours Lost

Midsummer Night's Dream



Twelfth Night ( I see a candlelit night there somewhere :wink2: )

The Tempest

Merchant of Venice

Quill Pen - leads me to seals and sealing wax :grin2:

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Wow, what a great place to work! Glad to "meet" another theatre fanatic!

Great suggestions too. I have a page full of random words, most of which would be absolutely ridiculous business names, but I may be able to glean something from the madness.

This naming business is HARD!!! Naming my children was easier than this! ;)

Any other suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated as well! :grin2:

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I'm not going to be much help here, but just wanted to mention that there is a Fragrance Oil company called "Scenter Stage", so there's one more reason to stay away from that one.

I have found brainstorming with someone (preferably in person) can really help. Write down everything, and you will probably be surprised at how things can be combined down the road to (hopefully) create the perfect name for you!

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Sorry, after I hit send, I thought of a few suggestions. Not actual ideas, but some things to think of while you're creating things.

I don't know that much of these will be a concern for you, since you already mentioned you don't want play on words. We original (seems like eons ago) started with Scentual Creations. (yeah, boring, I know!) We changed it, because it was PITA to ALWAYS have to spell it when we were asked for our website.

So make it easy to spell, something most people won't have to guess at. Something easy to remember, or at least whatever you use for your website make it easy to remember. You do NOT have to use the entire name for your website. Shorter is usually better. A good example of this is another member on here. Her company is LeoLily's Handmade Luxuries. But the website is simply leolilys.com. The full name would be a pain to fit on business cards, labels, etc. (hope she doesn't mind me using her as an example!) We did the same with our retail company. The website address is not our full company name.

I kept thinking there was something else, but I can't remember. I'll probably remember as soon as I hit send!

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Oooh, great tips, Lindsay! I think I'll try steer clear of Center Stage then.

Good idea with the domain name too. My company will likely be "Blah Blah Candles and Bath" and I definitely don't want that long of a website, so a unique "Blah blah" that will hopefully have an open domain would be a definite advantage. :smiley2:

Back to my brainstorming page.... Now if I can only get my DH to sit down and brainstorm with me despite how sick to death he is of hearing potential company names. ;)

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I'm jldorringtons business partner of Leolilys Handmade Luxuries. We had such a hard time with our business name as far as setting up our website on top of other things. We started off with the name leolilys little luxuries, but apparently people were getting tongue tied.(understandable) Originally, we were hoping to get handmadeluxuries.com so it would be easier for people to remember, but one of those stupid thief businesses stole it before we could get it and tried to charge us for it.:mad: So instead of confusing the hell outta everyone with leolilyshandmadeluxuries.com we decided on leolilys.com. It's a very important decision, don't rush it.

Good luck with figuring out a name. If I think of anything I'll let you know. Keep us updated!

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So make it easy to spell, something most people won't have to guess at. Something easy to remember, or at least whatever you use for your website make it easy to remember. You do NOT have to use the entire name for your website. Shorter is usually better. A good example of this is another member on here. Her company is LeoLily's Handmade Luxuries. But the website is simply leolilys.com. The full name would be a pain to fit on business cards, labels, etc. (hope she doesn't mind me using her as an example!) We did the same with our retail company. The website address is not our full company name.

of course we don't mind u using us as an example. actually we take as a compliment that you know/ remember us.:D

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Ok, I have a name idea that has to do with stories rather than theater. What if you call your business "Once Upon..." Your products can be labeled this way:

Once Upon ... a candle

Once Upon ... a lather (soaps)

Once Upon ... a shower

Once Upon ... a bath

I was thinking of a logo with an ornate "O" just like in storybooks. It could also be written as




with the ellipsis underneath the word "upon" rather than beside it.

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Thanks a lot, you guys! I've come up with a lot of great ideas but so far every single one of them is either trademarked or the domain isn't available. :( The ones I've looked into are Drama Mama, Upstage, Third Act, Act One, etc. I know there were more but I'm all business-named out. I'm so tired of thinking of these!I'm also open to incorporating Flood or River into the name (I live by a river that floods yearly) but can't think of a good word combination with those words. Something theatrical paired with Flood (or Flooded) or River might be nice. This was so easy the first time I chose a name. Why is it so hard now? Oh, and there's added time pressure because my logo designer will be out of town for two weeks soon and I'd really like to have something before she leaves to put up on a "Coming Soon" website.

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Sadly, Stage is trademarked for several of the products I'm hoping to carry. :cry2: Those trademarks are killing me!

Thanks, Amy! I'm trying to think of ____ River, but all I can think of is Sonnet River which doesn't seem to flow well to me.

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ohh I feel we're we're getting very very close. The place in London where Shakespeares Globe Theatre is along the river Thames and dah dah, guess what that area is called? 'Bankside'.


A river, Shakespeare, entertainment and theatre connection and to top it all, coming right back round the world to complete the circle to USA - you know Sam Wannamaker was the person who commissioned the building of the New Globe Theatre and spent most of the latter years of his life raisng funds to get the theatre built.


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