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Do you ever have this problem?

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I make candles and max them out with oil. If I put more in, it would run down the sides. Know what I mean? Then you got this customer that says, can you make mine extra strong? They already say, mine are the strongest. I think they tell all the candlemakers that. lol I heard this several times, so I decided to tell them, I would do it for 2.00 extra. Ha! But I didn't, because they are already maxed. SOOOO........I over scented one and keep it back to show them what would happen if I add more scent. That works, cause it looks bad.:tongue2: Just wondered if you go thru that too.

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Hello Debra, you should not need to "max out" your fragrance load if your using quality frags that work with your applications. Many fragrances in our stock are used at 3% and we achieve a fantastic throw. Adding more is not the answer and definately not cost effective. We have a few that if used at the max % smell downright nasty, overpowering the nose.

I would play around and test a few more frags, perhaps from a few different suppliers and see what you can come up with before just adding more.



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Hello Debra, you should not need to "max out" your fragrance load if your using quality frags that work with your applications. Many fragrances in our stock are used at 3% and we achieve a fantastic throw. Adding more is not the answer and definately not cost effective. We have a few that if used at the max % smell downright nasty, overpowering the nose.

I would play around and test a few more frags, perhaps from a few different suppliers and see what you can come up with before just adding more.



I agree completely. It is actually possible to diminish throw with excessive FO load.


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So What oils do you Use? You are always touting you oils and dropping your .. website.? So what fragrance oils are you using? I am very curious :)

Hello Debra, you should not need to "max out" your fragrance load if your using quality frags that work with your applications. Many fragrances in our stock are used at 3% and we achieve a fantastic throw. Adding more is not the answer and definately not cost effective. We have a few that if used at the max % smell downright nasty, overpowering the nose.

I would play around and test a few more frags, perhaps from a few different suppliers and see what you can come up with before just adding more.



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I make candles and max them out with oil. If I put more in, it would run down the sides. Know what I mean? Then you got this customer that says, can you make mine extra strong? They already say, mine are the strongest.

Have you ever tended bar? Some folks have gotta have an extra shot even if there's so much booze in their drink, it could self-ignite from static electricity!:D

Some people always must have MO'...

the "everything-to-excess" crowd :wink2:

All kidding aside, I do agree about not using more than the wax can hold... Our average is 1 oz. per pound of wax. If it doesn't throw well at that rate, I find another supplier or simply cross that fragrance off my list (since I have only a couple of hundred more to try...).

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I'll vouch forWendy and I don't see her as a name dropper or a website pusher. She's a fantastic Canadian supplier!!!! Some of the oils she carries are the WYW ones and the others she gets directly from the manufacturer.

So What oils do you Use? You are always touting you oils and dropping your .. website.? So what fragrance oils are you using? I am very curious :)
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I think you must have me confused with someone else, we have never pushed our site onto any group including this one. If you look at the number of posts and perhaps go back and read them you will see that.

In addition we have not been supplying oils, wax etc. for quite some time since our switch from retail back to homebased, last April actually, although I don't think we ever "announced" this move to this board, only our newsletter group which your not on. The only products we now carry as a supplier are our wax embeds.

As for the oils, Sherri is right, we carried and used many Wick your Wax oils, fantastic products although there was a couple that we couldn't get to throw in our formulas at the strength we liked. Our other oils come from a variety of sources, mainly made inhouse for us. It has taken many years and dollars to search out what works for our applications and hopefully you will find some suitable for your use.


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I think what she was saying is that "Debra Phelps" uses inferior/cheap FO's since she is using more than 1 oz to try to get a strong smelling candle. And since "Country Crafter" only uses the finest/superior FO's she only has to use 1 oz and refuses to use more. Have heard it many times from several people. I would say that most that use 1 oz or less use some kind of paraffin and it must require less scent to throw great. I use soy and find most scents need 1.5 oz to throw great. If it needs more, then I look for something else too. I don't think buying FO from one company verses another makes any difference. Just have to tell your customers that's as strong as they get and maybe they're/your candles are not meant for them. The strongest scents I have ever smelled are TW's Orange Blossom, I used .5 in this and it was still way too strong, got rid of it cause I never could get the right scent & KY's Wildberry Crisp wayyyy strong, you'll have to figure what you can stand, I use it at 1.2, some customers want it that strong. Have to use my gas mask with this one. HTH

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No not at all Sharon, I wouldn't speak to someone like this in person or on any board. Sorry if you think that is the case. We have worked yrs. at finding fragrances that work well for us in our applications and as well that are cost effective, (lower percentage used.) Not all that we use are like that and I never have indicated they were, there is some that we use at the max or close to it to achieve the throw we are happy with.

Anyway I am not going to argue the point, not in my nature.

Have a great day.


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I don't think buying FO from one company verses another makes any difference.

Oh, I disagree. I think it makes a huge difference. I'm not really good at explaining the science of candle working, but too much FO can actually clog the wick and diminish the throw. FOs that are of superior quality don't need nearly as much. Actually you can reduce the FO. I've worked with soy and gotten superior throw with the correct combination of wax and wick and 6% FO. I've never had to go up to 1.5oz.

Quality FO is not necessarily judged by price either. It's just a matter of testing, testing, testing.

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Oh, I disagree. I think it makes a huge difference. I'm not really good at explaining the science of candle working, but too much FO can actually clog the wick and diminish the throw. FOs that are of superior quality don't need nearly as much. Actually you can reduce the FO. I've worked with soy and gotten superior throw with the correct combination of wax and wick and 6% FO. I've never had to go up to 1.5oz.

Quality FO is not necessarily judged by price either. It's just a matter of testing, testing, testing.

Each to their own.. So I go up to 1.5 and you don't. So all the scents you use are Superior to any I use? What makes you think this? Your nose, your customers, The FO that's clogging my wicks. I'll put any candle or tart I make up against yours any day.

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OK...........I was going to reply to this thread but since I am a newbie I don't think I can or want to reply. Can't we all just agree to disagree?????

Sorry Brenny - that is just the way it goes sometimes.

I explain to my customers that there is a max FO load a wax can take and explain that scent throw also comes from formulations, wax, wicks etc. - They say okay and keep ordering

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Each to their own.. So I go up to 1.5 and you don't. So all the scents you use are Superior to any I use? What makes you think this? Your nose, your customers, The FO that's clogging my wicks. I'll put any candle or tart I make up against yours any day.

Touchy, touchy! I'm sure you make great candles. Maybe you should relax a teeny bit.

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Again......it is all about experiments and personal taste. Some people actually like unscented candles. I don't like to smell candles when I am eating. I am also finding that less is more. I agree with Wendy in that too much oil isn't a good thing. If you are using a good quality oil....actually about 3% does a great job.....I did use 3 1/2% yesterday for some rustics and they did come out of the mold better. If you buy a candle from one of the huge popular companies on the market......put it in a windowsil.....let the sun shine on it......it will amaze you that the oil doesn't come out. Why you ask? Because there isn't a lot of oil in it in the first place. I also buy some uncut perfume oil and that is so strong you wouldn't want to use much. Wick you Wax FO's are very strong and so are many of Lychel's. (Candlecocoon...raspberry cordial and creme brulee cafe to name a few......I also have found recently that some of my less expensive oils do fine at lower amounts. I was using a lot and I had oily mottles and I don't like than. The ones with less oil actually smell better to me. Again....this is all subjective. If you like a shot of 151 on top of your cocktail.....does it make it really taste better?.......Maybe it just makes you "oiled"......(smile).....Donita

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I would say that most that use 1 oz or less use some kind of paraffin and it must require less scent to throw great. I use soy and find most scents need 1.5 oz to throw great. If it needs more, then I look for something else too. I don't think buying FO from one company verses another makes any difference. Just have to tell your customers that's as strong as they get and maybe they're/your candles are not meant for them. The strongest scents I have ever smelled are TW's Orange Blossom, I used .5 in this and it was still way too strong, got rid of it cause I never could get the right scent & KY's Wildberry Crisp wayyyy strong, you'll have to figure what you can stand, I use it at 1.2, some customers want it that strong. Have to use my gas mask with this one. HTH

HUH??? I'm a bit confused here...you use soy, and you have found that most scents need 1.5 oz pp to get a strong throw? But yet, you stopped using an oil because you had to use so much less and it was still too strong? And if someone uses 1 oz or less pp, they must use parriffin? Umm..ok, but no, that is probably not the case. There are many many many fragrance oil companies that have quality oils that you do NOT need more than an ounce of oil to get a very strong throw. Many many soy users can use an ounce or less and get that strong throw. Yes, there are a few companies that you must use 1.5 oz pp to get a strong throw from, but it does not limit you to using parriffin to be able to use less than that.....and yes, buying fragrance oil from one company to another DOES make a difference...a huge difference in alot of cases. Not all oils are the same. And wow, you would actually tell a customer your candles aren't for them? HUH?

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I was just a bitch yesterday... Most time I just type out a NASTY reply and delete it. I know I should and will really try to keep out of the disagreements. I apologize to all....

Don't you just HATE those days. :wink2:

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I was just a bitch yesterday... Most time I just type out a NASTY reply and delete it. I know I should and will really try to keep out of the disagreements. I apologize to all....

No worries. I thought you were probably just having one of those days.:grin2:

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