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Itching to try pillars

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How hard are these really? They look way to involved for my attention level, but I think they are so pretty and want to try to make one. Do they sell very well? One thing I did notice at the craft fair last weekend was that ALL of the candle vendors except for one had only containers. The one that did have pillars were chunky pillars, but noone was buying them. Is this really worth the trouble of learning? You all make some BEAUTIFUL ones and have inspired me to try it. I also like the hurricanes, but don't want to jump to soon. Any advice would be great!

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Pillars aren't hard to make....just time consuming. It takes me one day to make one pillar, because of the repours. I have sold a few, but not anywhere near the amount of containers that I've sold. I have found that people like to buy container candles because of the scent throw, they only buy pillars when they need a certain color or size and its usually just for decoration. But don't let that stop you...there is nothing like unmolding a pillar that you've been working all day on :)

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I had NO intention of EVER making a pillar. I figured people burn jars, so they will use them and need more. Most people I know don't burn pillars, just decorate with them.

Then I would check out the gallery. Tanya's creations made me want to try and I was scared to death!! I bought the stuff to get started but it still took me months to try.

Once you try, you're hooked! And the funny thing for me is, that's all I'm selling right now. I do sell a few jars here and there, but once that guy took my pillars to a couple trade shows, I ended up with 14 wholesale accounts (maybe some of them will want to carry my jars too!!)

Anyway, just try it! Just jump in and go. You won't be sorry!! LOL

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Like Trish said! Just jump in! Do it! Try it anyway! I know that if I am itching to do or try something it eats at me until I do. I do mostly and mainly pillars. I do very well with them. They do sell! I am working on some containers and they sell too. It really depends on your area and your target market!

Peak has some seamless molds for pretty cheap (the economy ones). Get one mold, one kind of wax and try it. Then go from there!

Depending on what you are wanting to do they they can be pretty simple. If you want a plain simple pillar you pour, wait, poke, wait (and if you are like me poke some more) repour, wait and unmold. Of course there is more to it, with pour temps and other factors but that is the main jist of things. Layers and such can take lots of time and practice to get what you want.

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I LOVE making pillars. I would make pillars even if no one ever bought them. I was at a two days arts and crafts festival last weekend. I was featuring my pillars and hurricanes. I only sold one hurricane and pillars flew off the shelves. I came home after the first day and made more pillars.

Pillars can be as complicated or easy as you make them. A plastic container full of rice or beans makes a great tilt base. Put the mold in at an angle and it stays there. Make a solid pillar, smooth, mottled or rustic...make straight layers... make tilted layers...make distinct layers or blended layers. I just love the creativity of pillars and it's just like Christmas when you take it out of the mold! :yay:

ps I have round molds for sale in the classifieds....

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Yes in my area I find too that my customers only buy pillars to decorate with.

Plus with the stories I have heard from my customers about burning candles I push more containers because they are safer to burn than a pillar. My customers wont read or listen to me about the proper way & time to burn pillars. To many people forget or marathon burn candles. They just wont listen.

Don't let this discourage you in any way about making pillars. They can be easy or diffucult to make. It just depends on the techinque or finished results you want.

If you try it and you don't like it the same wax can be used for votives or wax melts.

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I have the opposite problem - I only make pillars - container candles seem too complicated to me.... All the times I've ever burnt jar candles, I've always had bad soot problems. Okay, they were from that "other" company that shall not be named, but I thought pillars were easier to start with. That being said however, I would like to try containers as some point. I'm busy reading all the posts I can to learn which is the best wax, wicks etc.....

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Well we do the pillars and have no trouble moving them at all. I personally love to do them with the option to be more creative. We see a lot of container people out there, but there are quite a few who buy pillars. Nothing to them. Everything is only as complicated as you make it really :)

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You won't regret the decision. I've moved into containers only recently, but still find myself going back to the pillars over and over. They're fun to make, especially when you pull a candle from the mold and see that the technique that you've been working on has come together and you're standing there with a beautiful candle in your hands.

To me, pillars are a joy. There's really only so much that you can do with containers and you can do so much more with pillars. Marbled containers are beautiful, but a marbled pillar to me is stunning, it's a standing work of art.

Start small. Make only single color/single fragrance and then work bigger once you get the basic concept down. It won't take long before you're attempting marbles and swirls and mixing/matching techniques. Trust me, you won't regret the decision!

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