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you use CP soap before it's cured for 3-4 weeks. What if it's only been like a week or so. Can you tell I am NOT a patient person. I just wanted to know if I used some if body parts might start falling off :eek: I know maybe I should try hp but I think I should get CP down good first and thay may take a while!

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i never waited. i almost always used mine after a few days (alright i almost ALWAYS used a little piece at the kitchen sink the next day... you know the tiny pieces you have left over after slicing, and you are so close to the sink anyways... lol) and no body parts have fallen off yet :wink2:

i want to meet the person who had the willpower to wait the full cure time before using any of their soaps, hehe.

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Just do the lye test with your tongue before using. Touch the soap to your tongue if you get a zap (tingle like toughing a 9volt battery to your tongue) then there is to much lye in the soap to use it just yet.

It's always better to be safe then sorry.

edited - had to correct spelling, can't spell :embarasse

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Don't worry, you won't have any body parts falling off. I have used soap that was less than one week out of the mold before (though the ones I sell are cured for at least a month), and it felt just as good as the older soaps. It won't be as hard though, so expect it to finish faster than usual

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Isn't there anything else we can use besides our tongue? I am afraid to test soap for lye using my tongue!! Anyone lost their tongue yet?:shocked2::sad2:

Just do the lye test with your toung before using. Touch the soap to your toung if you get a zap (tingle like toughing a 9volt battery to your toung) then there is to much lye in the soap to use it just yet.

It's always better to be safe then sorry.

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***Well, I have some bad news for ya. If you want to be a CP soaper, you are gonna have to sacrifice your tongue lol***


I only do HP when I soap and I still do the zap test at the end of the "cooking" process because I use metal molds and afraid of ruining them. When I was married, the first time my husband caught me "testing" my soap, he asked why was I eating my soap.LOL

Oh...and that's why I HP....too impatient!!LOL...Plus I don't have a lot of room to let my soap cure. Apartment living...YEEHA!!LOL

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Yup - I can't wait, either. If I have a bunch of batches curing, it is kind of fun because then I have a bunch of cured soaps in a few weeks, so I'm not as tempted to try the fresher ones.

The soaps, before cure, can be a little harsh and drying, but they don't make your skin fall off. And if it did - toss the batch, LOL.

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