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KitchenAid Mixer: Is It Worth It?


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I want to get a mixer to be used for body butters and bath butters. I would like to get a KitchenAid mixer, which runs about $200 for the Classic model. The main reason I want to get a KitchenAid is that several members on this forum have stated emphatically that they prefer it.

However, my friend thinks a hand mixer would be sufficient. Since I currently have neither type, I don't know if he's correct or not. But I can just see myself getting the hand mixer only to later end up purchasing the KitchenAid.

So I would like to ask for opinions on the matter. If you've tried both types of mixers, I REALLY wanna hear from you. But everyone's opinion is welcome.

I ask, is the KitchenAid mixer worth it for body butters? Or is a hand mixer just as good? (NOTE: not "good enough"...JUST AS GOOD)


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I think you have to decide how much your time is worth. AND how much butter you are going to be making. If it's for personal use and you just want to whip up a batch now and then a hand held would probably work.....BUT to make it often and in large batches you would have to stand there with a hand held for HOURS..... I have trouble standing and waiting the 2 minutes for cake mixes....lol. With the stand mixer you just let it go... and can get other things done while it's "doing its thing"...

Btw there are cheaper stand mixers out there, but if you are going to use ALOT go for a model that will last.

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Thanx for the reply, schmoopie. Ummm, no. I do not want be fooling around with anything for "HOURS". LOL! I do plan on making this to sell, not just for personal use. So hopefully I'd be making a LOT of butter.

I was kinda thinking that if I'm trying to do things on a larger scale, it would make sense to just get what I need and be done with it!

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I personally think the KA is worth it and would rather use it than a hand mixer. In fact, I've never really used my hand mixer but my KA sure gets a workout. I bought a cheap Sunbeam and it burned out. The KA will last alot longer than other mixers.

It doesn't usually take hours to whip up a batch of butter but a KA will definately be of help to you in that area and be faster than a hand held mixer.

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I vote for the KA. I love mine. I originally bought it a few years ago for cooking (who would have thought?) but recently took it out to my shop for good. I use it for everything... whipped soap, butter, lotion, bath bombs, the list goes on and on. I want an industrial mixer... one of the Hobarts. Sigh... one can dream. Last one I ordered for the store where I worked was close to $5k.

I do have a suggestion though, if you are thinking long term, opt for the Artisian brand (I think) kitchenaid. I think it's a 5qt bowl and a bit stronger motor. I'm going to replace my standard one for one of these later this year.

It takes me two days to do my butter. Mucho time involved depending on your recipe. Some are very easy though. The actual whipping part takes no time.

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Not knocking KA, but I opted for the Sunbeam MixMaster. It does a wonderful job mixing my butters and have had no problems with it. My butters and mousse come out so nice and fluffy. Considering I paid a little more than half as much for it, as my sis paid for her KA Artisan, and all she does is complain about hers. DH wanted to spring for the KA, but I couldn't see spending that much for the purpose I wanted. Now when I require another mixer for the kitchen, we'll talk :D.


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Thanx for the replies. I think the KA is the way to go. I was looking at the Artisans and wondering if that'd be worth it too. Decisions, decisions!

It takes me two days to do my butter.

What tha??? Is there a rain dance or something involved with this recipe??? :D

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I can't even fathom doing butters with a hand mixer. I started with using my Sunbeam Mixmaster. Got that 3 or 4 yrs ago when I was doing more baking than now. It did the job just fine, but I still wanted a KA. Got the big one this past Dec with 575 watts. It definitely is quicker at doing the job. Both at least allow you to "multi-task" while your butter is whipping.

One thing I like about the Sunbeam is that I have a small bowl as well as a large bowl. I did make the mistake of trying a bath of whipped butter in the small bowl. Eek what a mess.

I don't really know what the Sunbeam cost since it was a present. I think the KA was @ $400.

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No problems so far, but I did read some negatives a while back with KA in general. Can't remember where--maybe on this board. Mine says 600 Professional. Got it at QVC and also a rebate.

A good friend got whatever model Walmart carries for Christmas. She uses hers for cooking. Used it once, and then it died. Took it back for exchange. Every one in stock had been opened, so she took the refund. Went to Kohls and bought one step up. Same thing happened. She got a refund and said she'd wait til she could get the Professional.

My sister has had the 474 watt for about 3 or 4 yrs. She uses the daylights out of hers. Seriously, she does. Has never had a problem. She uses her for cooking just about anything and everything.

That Sunbeam Mixmaster I have has served me well, also. I have done a lot of thick batches of cookie dough with it. I also have done lots of batches of body butter.

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I've had a KA for 10 years, though it only gets used maybe once every couple months. My mom and sister both have them. None of them have had any issues. I know that my mom's is at least 3 years older than mine.

Why not try to find a used one?


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I don't have the KitchenAid Mixer, but my mom bought me a Bosch Mixer several years ago, and I LOVE it! I really need to get the stainless steel mixer bowl though, because right now with the plastic, I'm limited to scent-free products only in it.

But I use it to make my whipped shea butter, and I honestly probably wouldn't make it if I didn't have the mixer. I love that I can just turn it on and walk away. I just let it go until it's the consistency of whipped cream. It's beautiful!

I know the Bosch's can be pricey, but I don't know how they compare to the KitchenAid's. It might be worth comparing. Mine also came with a blender, which I use all the time. And the mixer has all kinds of different blending attachments. I use the whisks for the whipped butters. But use the attachments for other things as well. I think that's why I like the Bosch system so much. It has soooo many different add ons available once you buy the base set.

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Went to Shopko today, Saw sunbeam mixers that just like kitchen aid but much cheaper like $80.00 and has all the gadgets that kitchen aid have.

I personally think the sunbeam looks more fancier than Kitchen aid..lol

I'm saving up for the sunbeam...cause I think it would get the job done for me as in mixing. :D


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Went to Shopko today, Saw sunbeam mixers that just like kitchen aid but much cheaper like $80.00 and has all the gadgets that kitchen aid have.

I personally think the sunbeam looks more fancier than Kitchen aid..lol

I'm saving up for the sunbeam...cause I think it would get the job done for me as in mixing. :D


I've heard lots of good things about the Sunbeam! I remember my mom having one when I was a kid...and that thing was a workhorse! I'm wondering if she still has it put away somewhere...I may just go poking around...I bet it STILL works!!

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Hmmm....now Sunbeam is sounding pretty great. :undecided

Well in the meantime, my best friend is gonna let me borrow her Williams-Sonoma hand mixer. She claims it works great! I just need something right now so I can play with my FBB. I'm dying to try it out! ;)

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Well, I just would like to add that I do have the 4 1/2 qt Kitchen Aid mixer from Walmart. I think in the future I wouldn't mind possibly buying the Professional model which is 6 or 8qts. :grin2:

I did, however, at a tag/garage sale find an old Sunbeam stand mixer with all the attachments. It only cost me like $5 and I washed all the parts and tested it recently to make some whipped butter for a swap I was in. I have to say it worked out great! ;)If you can find something like that, it will save you lots of money and mine did work. Just maybe ask if you can plug in the mixer to see if it works before buying or ask to make sure it's in good working order.

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I found a VERY old Sunbeam at either a yard sale or the Salvation Army about 15 yrs ago for a few dollars. I'm talking vintage here, and it was a workhorse for me for at least 6 yrs. I'm sure it was a workhorse for someone else for many years before that.

I don't think any of the newer appliances--whether Sunbeam, KA, etc--are made as well today as they were in earlier years. If you are on a tight budget, not sure what you want exactly, do a little looking at thrift shops or yard sales. People upgrade, have deceased family members' homes to clear out, or other reasons to sell these stand mixers.

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I use mine mostly for cooking :D but I do use it for my scrub and smaller batches of lotion. But I did have a Sunbeam one that I was pleased with until my sweet husband surprised me with the colbalt blue Kitchen Aid Artisian I have been wishing for. I actually cried

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