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"gentle" scrubbies


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I want something "earthy". Rough enough to help get ground-in dirt from my rough fingertips but not as scratchy as coffee. Do you think vanilla bean seeds are rough enough for a gardeners' soap (they sound yummy, do they have a vanilla scent)? How about poppy seeds - anyone tried those?

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I use poppy seeds some times and crandberry seeds. They are very nice. I get them both at a local health food store. They sell them in bulk so I do not have to buy a lot of them. They are not too harsh but yet do the job. If you have a coffe grinder or even a blender or food processer to grind up items that you want to use as scrubbies to make them finer. I have done this with orange peels and lemon peel granules.

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I can send you some, I bought 4oz and it was 4 big containers. I've only used about 1tbs. They are a little scrubby. Here's a link to my soap made with them. I sent a bar to someone she said that it was too scratchy for her sensitive skin. It's my very first soap.


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Hemp seeds or powder? Apricot seed meal? Apricot shell powder? Ground up Walnut shells?

DH has grubby hands & nails...he prefers Apricot shell powder when I make his "construction man hand soap" ...I like the Hemp...makes a really pretty sage color, and w/ the seeds you can control the "scrubbiness"

Hope you don't mind suggestions from a M&P princess :D


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Cornmeal sounds easy! I like easy! How much would you add to ah hand soap?

I may have to do some experimenting...

1. coffee (grrr, but need the baseline)

2. vanilla seeds (yum)

3. cornmeal (simple and cheap!)

4. poppy seeds (I think I can get those bulk at Whole Foods, but I'm so LAZY I'll probably spend a fortune at the grocery store!)

5. citrus peels - nah, too lazy and I don't have a grinder

6. almond meal - nut allergy no no (oh I do miss nutella & peanut butter, but my little peanut comes first :( )


7. hemp seeds - now where do I get THOSE?

8. apricot shell powder - ditto

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7. hemp seeds - now where do I get THOSE?

8. apricot shell powder - ditto

OT...and a little goes a long way!

Cornmeal...now why didn't I think of that? It's sitting right next to the oatmeal in the cabinet. Thank you Crafty...you just saved me a few bucks!

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My first thought was poppy seeds too.. I just got some to try. Got a big 16oz bag at Safeway for $2.25..I also got some apricot shell powder and apricot seed meal from Oregon Trails, it was pretty cheap too. I have yet to try it (it's on my to do list :) ).. I got some ground vanilla bean from MMS and it looks very fine to me, not sure how abrasive it will be....

I just recently made OMH soap and put some ground oatmeal in there and it's really nice. I was worried that it would be to scratchy, but it wasn't, it is just the right amount of scratchy-ness...lol Love it!

Oh, and you can get dried orange peel in the spice section. I have a bottle of "spice islands" orange peels..

I'd be happy to send you a bit if you want to try any of the above.. Let me know..:smiley2:


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I use cornmeal in my gardener's scrubby soap. Off the top of my head, I think I use 1 - 1.5 tsp. ppo. I'm a full water soaper (well, 6 oz. water ppo). I'll check my notes and if I got this way wrong, I'll come back and post that. My notes are down in my workshop and I'm currently in the bedroom, so please don't make me get off my lazy butt and find them just now. :laugh2:

What I have found, though, is that you have to experiment with amounts of abrasives to find what you like. What I find "too scratchy," you may find not scratchy enough, kwim? It's such a personal thing! Besides, I think scratchies in a HAND soap is a different animal than using abrasives directly on other parts of the body. The hands can take a bit more grit without bleeding. :D LOL


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Well, I have some cornmeal so that is what I can start with! I think this will be a very interesting experiment. Which recipe though... Hmmm... Something with lard and CO I think - it's gotta clean, but not be too harsh...

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I'll add my exp with poppy seeds and vanilla bean-

Poppy seeds do seem to be one of the gentler of the more textured scubbies... but the problem I had with them was they ended up on my body, loose out of the soap. Something about little black things all over me, lol....probably just too many but I really don't think I used much, same with Jojoba beads- they seem to stick in some places.

Vanilla beans are usually called Vanilla SPECKS or even more misleading-Ground Vanilla...because they are usually not even really full on ground up beans. But actually the pulverized PODS of the bean. So there is minimal if ANY vanilla scent at all in these. (and no flavor! Some ice creams use these to trick your mind) I'm sure you can buy something that is actually the ground up bean, but you would probably only know it by the ridiculously high cost of it.

Any kind of oatmeal or breakfast cereal grain make nice forgiving scrubbies as well. If you don't have a grinder you can fake a mortar and pestle type grinding by just putting them in a deep bowl and taking any thing like a shot glass or such and pressing them into the bottom of the bowl. Twist as you push down and move the stuff around to be sure to get the bigger peices down to a less coarse size. Its not a fine or consistent grind, but I think it's more interesting to have the variety of sizes and textures. And its ok to be lazy too, lol. I've used straight up oatmeal flakes with out grinding them down at all and feedback was good.

I just thought I should say something about the Vanilla specks, though more than anything!:wink2:

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  • 2 months later...

Ok I read through 1/2 the thread so this may already be mentioned - I like fibers, they are VERY gentle, if you add more you'll get a little scrubbier of a bar. MMS carries cranberry, vanilla, and raspeberry- among others. Those I mentioned are the ones I have.

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My favorite so far and I've tried vanilla, coffee, poppy, lavender, pumice, and various "fruit" scrubbies and my dh and I love loofah in our soaps. I do like the vanilla as my 2nd favorite but ground loofah wins in my book.

I agree, trying a bunch of different ones is the way to go, everyone has their own preferences. Have fun.

And, at Brambleberry it comes in colors, blue, green and violet.

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I got raspberry and blueberry fiber from Glorybee, intending to use for color (don't bother~goes various brown shades), and found it does make a nice scrubby. (just beware it will discolor your soap)

I just put cornmeal in a kitchen bar and that works nice too, although it's not as "fine" looking as the fibers are in the soap.

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