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What are/is Dotz?

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I had bought both of those trays a couple of years ago, and never used them for anything. I think I bought them at the grocery store. Do you think I can find them again?? No way!! And I live in the middle NoWhere, Saskatchewan, so I don't even have a Linens N Things cry: Not that my hubby minds, lol.

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Lmao! Welll...if you are referring to my hubby, then the answer is yes. But otherwise, I think the original Bigfoot is from B.C./Washington.

Trust me, with the amount of snow we have gotten this year, you would get tired of it very quickly. The snow is literally as high as my back fence. I haven't seen this much snow since I was a kid. And we are expecgted to get another dumping tonight. :(

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He responed to a question I had on candle cauldron and he mentioned them there. They little dotz of wax that he makes out of his scrap wax from a copper mold that he made. He sells them for the tart warmers.



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Dotz are small peces of scented wax shaped like a ball cut in half. Mine are 3/4" in diameter, but the ones I saw in the candle shop in Niagara falls were much smaller and looked like M&M's. I use them to use up leftover tart & Pillar wax, and my customers really like them because they melt quickly & they can mix & match easily, creating a whole new group of fragrances. I made my own molds out of copper plate, because I work in a copper mill and it's available.

I get good money for them and never waste wax now. Also my customers think there is some exotic process to making them. (don't know where they get that idea) They are a bit of a pain to pour, but cool fast & simply slide out of the mold.

I also use them as incentives to buying my container candles. (Buy any two container candles & pick a bag of Dotz free)


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Could a poor man's solution be just dropping some on a cold baking sheet, pouring slowly to build up instead of out?

I don't know that that would work for commercial purposes, as they would end up looking all lumpy and non-uniform - know what I mean?

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I actually just received two molds for them. They are small round tarts and the mold looks just like something you would use in baking. It has 6 openings and is non-stick. I haven't tried to make any yet, but I think it might be fun!

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