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Fedex Vent...


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Okay, so I'm waiting on a few packages to arrive today and I see the fedex truck drive up. Well I didn't want to seem all impatient so I waited for him to ring the door bell. I can hear him talking on a phone outside my front door and I'm still waiting for the doorbell to ring, when all of a sudden I see him throw my box over the front porch and onto the patio. What?? Are you joking (keep in my this package being delivered has fragrance oils inside). So I open the door real quick to say something to him and he booked it so fast he was already gone. I couldn't believe it. Should I call fedex and complain. He better pray that nothing is broken inside. I'm going to check, just thought I would vent first.


Update: Luckily everything was packed so well that nothing was broken. But I still can't believe they would do that, they don't know whats inside or how it's packed.

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I had an issue with FedEx at Christmas time. I ordered a full drum set for my daughter and when it was delivered, the box looked as if it had been cut open with a knife and the drums were practically falling out of the box. I called FedEx and they basically told me they don't have to be careful with packages even if they are labeled "Fragile". As for the box being cut open, they had no answer for that. Luckily there was no damage or missing parts or I would have pursued it further. Hope you get somewhere with them.

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I work at a blood center and when we have frozen blood products shipped to us by FedEx the boxes look like they were drop-kicked into the trucks!! :mad: If they treat precious, life-saving human blood this way....I couldn't even imagine how they are treating our other packages!! FedEx gets a huge thumbs-down from me and I won't ship any of my products by them.

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I've had nothing but bad experience with FedEx... Can't stand them. I ordered my boyfriend a very large eagle figurine for Christmas. And I like to check in online everyday to see the status of my orders. Well it says the box is damaged, ok a little worried, but I want to see if the figurine is damaged before I say anything. So wait for it to get delivered... and I wait some more. I check online again, and it says "returned to manufacturer." And they didn't even let me know! Didn't even let me check the package! I know it got at least to my city. So I called the 1-800 number to complain. And the guy was INCREDIBLEY rude! All he would say over and over is "we return the packages to the manufacturer is they get damaged", and he refused to answer me about WHY they didn't let me know! I was so peeved... :mad:

And then!

I was going to ship some candle supplies to a fellow CTer in Canada. So I checked out the rates on their website. I did the detailed rate, put in the measurements, weight,.. all that good stuff. It gives me a rate of about $25 I think. Ok not too bad. I go to the store to ship it, and the VERY rude lady at the desk says there's no way that package will be shipped for under $100. It was a 7lb package! I told her about the rate on the website and she said it was wrong. I said 'What are you talking about? It's YOUR website!" :mad:

So... I went to UPS that same night, paid maybe $28 to ship it to Canada, no problems. :rolleyes2

I avoid FedEx at all costs.

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This is how my UPS driver is now. The other guy we had was great. But he retired and now I am stuck with this other guy and he is a jerk. He loves to play find your boxes or he will stack all my cases of wax infront of my storm door so I can't get it open.

Well, we had words about this and now he makes sure to put my stuff in the right place!

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I'd try to call to see what happens & make sure you get the name of the person you speak w/, but I'd absolutely write a letter to the district manager giving full details of what happened w/ the delivery person & the call center. My husband is a driver for DHL & heads start rolling when a letter comes in.


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I can understand your frustration about this and would definately call the office to complain. He had time to yack on a phone but no time to place a box down where it belonged? (shaking my head here)

It's not just Fed Ex that is careless, UPS is also. My SIL worked in the UPS warehouse for a few months and he told me that they have a certain time to load so they throw boxes. He said they even throw computers, glass, etc. He cringed when he heard stuff break.

I am sure this and more goes on that we are not aware of.

With the restrictions the post office put on fragrance oils, perfumes, etc. we really have no other choice but to ship with Fed Ex, UPS, etc.

I have received dirty broken boxes from both Fed Ex and UPS but I've also received nice clean ones.

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Well I called today and pretty much got no where, there were phone transfers and noone that could help me, I didn't even get an apology. I know it wasn't there fault, but at least give me someone to talk to and help me. <br>

I got a few packages from UPS and so far so good. At least I had new stuff to play with today or else I would have been even more mad. Thanks for eveyone responding. I wish I could use UPS on everything, but some suppliers only ship one way.

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FedEx throws all of my packages out at my mailbox-when I check online if somethings been delivered, they say it was left at the front door....um, last time I checked that is NOT my front door. I live in the country and my mailbox is on the main road about 1/2 mile away from my house. ARRGgggghh!!

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FedEx throws all of my packages out at my mailbox-when I check online if somethings been delivered, they say it was left at the front door....um, last time I checked that is NOT my front door. I live in the country and my mailbox is on the main road about 1/2 mile away from my house. ARRGgggghh!!

OMG! There's NO excuse for that.

I have NEVER had any delivery service throw my boxes anywhere. They are either placed by the door on the front porch or they walk through my garage and place them by the entrance door to the house.

It just may be the area we live in or the fact that I give my drivers chocolate dipped pretzel rods or homemade cookies once in awhile :wink2:

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The bad thing is, there's not a house anywhere near my mailbox and I can't see it from my house. If something goes missing I guess I'm screwed. Usually when they deliver I'm at work and the box sits out there all day long.

A few weeks ago, I thought sure that someone stole my MP soap that I'd ordered. I ended up calling headquarters that one time and they traced it back to FedEx. I think I have a lazy FedEx driver, to say the least!!!! I finally found my soap, in the ditch behind my mailbox about a week later.

Unless I HAVE to sign for something that's how they deliver all of my packages!! :mad:

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FedEx will only go to my basement door (the first door they come to). Then they throw it out of the truck and land it right in front of that door and drive away (no knock or doorbell- they don't leave the truck!!!).

DHL (when they were Airborne Express and before they used the PO for deliveries) delivered to my mailbox and called it the door. Had stuff stolen this way.

UPS drives to the top of the driveway and knocks on the kitchen door, right where I WANT stuff delivered. Since they know I'm home (or maybe just because) they are nice with my boxes.

USPS drives up my driveway, leaning on the horn (lol). That way she hopes that I'll come out to her by the time she gets out packages. If I don't answer the door, she knocks and leaves the package at the backdoor, right where UPS does. Before she realized that I'm home all the time, she used to leave the notice for signature required deliveries in my mailbox and expected me to sign it and then wait for her to deliver the next day- assuming that I wasn't home. That ended REAL fast. The horn thing is annoying on Saturday though as we're less than a mile down a fairly uninhabited road from the post office... takes her 20 minutes to get here and she starts at 8 am or so.... EARLY delivery!


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My husband has a lot of things delivered for his carpet cleaning business. He has had the WORST luck with Fed Ex and he won't use them any more. Things arrived beat up and broken and the boxes are hardly together anymore. I am sure that UPS has some poor delivery too, but we have yet to have any problems with them.

The one time I bought some candle making stuff on ebay, she shipped it Fed Ex and the thing was so beaten up. The bag of wax was broken open and wax chips were everywhere. I could tell that she really packaged it well in the box, so couldn't complain about her, but the box was so beaten up that it was easy to see where the fault was.

I would definitely complain. There is no excuse for that type of service.

Good luck!


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i will not ship anything fedex unless it's a have to case i 've had two packages that was sent to me be screw up one they took it to another county belive it or not the other one they delivered to somebody else and they are very rude i had a fedex driver slam my own door in my face one time he delivered a package just because he screw up wasn't my fault. i usually ship DHL or UPS both my drivers here are very nice i had a woman driver thur DHL and she really careful with everything and my ups driver he real nice about my packages if their heavy he'll bring them inside the door for me. so i know what ya going thur with fedex and i complained and it just went in one ear out the other with fedex.

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Try the trampoline approach. Normally, when calling a company to complain, you typically call the 800 number where a receptionist answers your call, and then usually you're connected to a person or department that might be able to help you. Keep in mind, that when you're filing a complaint, you're probably talking to a customer service rep. If you're not satisfied with the response you're receiving, generally you ask to be transferred (up the ladder) to their supervisor. The supervisor will listen to the wah wah, but when the call is said and done, you're complaint is filed away. Especially with this type of complaint and a company as big as FedEx. they probably receive alot of these daily.

Now, instead of calling the 800 number to file a complaint, one of many by the way, try calling FREDERICK (Fred) W. SMITH, Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer of Fedex at 901-818-7500. You'll probably be transferred to his assistant. I can tell you that if you give the assistant as much information as possible,indicating that you've tried the other approach without results, I guarantee you that the assistant will not only give the message to Mr. Smith, but she will also transfer you "down" the ladder to a person that WILL have to look into and resolve the matter and then report back to Mr. Smith's assistant or directly to him to advise the steps taken to resolve the matter.

Imagine, you're a line staff employee of a large corporation like FedEx and the Chairman has just transferred you a problem call to resolve, vs. your line supervisor, who you probably eat lunch with and see on daily basis.

I've gotten to the point where I will try the suggested approach of calling customer service but if it's not handled appropriately, I start at the top and work my way down. Actually, it's less time consuming to start at the top. There isn't a Sr. Level Executive out there that's wants to be known as a do nothing by lil' ol' us. I learned this while working in Corporate america before comitting to my business fulltime 2007. In any event, you probably won't be responsible for major changes at FedEx or any other shipping service, and your packages will still be thrown about in the warehouse but, when that driver approaches your driveway, your packages will be handled with care.

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Unfortunately, I have another package arriving today via fedex. I am waiting to see if it's the same gentlemen or not, (thinking to self: maybe I should wait outside in the bushes with water balloons) my ups delivery guy is awesome, he rings my doorbell, waits for me to answer and even brings the heavy packages inside for me. Same with my usps delivery guy.

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The thing about this is, they treat all packages like that at the warehouses etc. I think there was a post about this a while back and it was mentioned that they don't have to be careful, that all pkgs. should be packed to handle the stress of whatever's thrown at them-or in this case how far package is thrown, stomped, kicked, pounded etc. I forget, it was something about each pkg. having to be able to support a certain amount of weight, blah blah blah, something really outrageous and unrealistic but it was their justification. :rolleyes:

Why would you call on this particular incident? Yes, he threw your pkg. but you said yourself it was fine, nothing damaged etc.

I mean seriously, what did you say? "Oh I just wanted to let you know that my delivery guy threw my package, nothing was damaged inside but it just really pisses me off!that he did that!" :confused:

That's called being a tattletale!

Maybe that was a one time thing (or not).

Maybe the call he got was really bad news or something-no excuse I know, but hell he's human just like the rest of us. ;)

To me it's no wonder why you got the run around by calling about that, I mean what could they possibly do? Tell you they'll have a talk with your delivery guy?

What satisfaction were you wanting out of it?

I could see if it was a repeat offender, and your goods were being damaged in some way..........

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I can't believe how shocked people are over this. LOL

Packages get kicked and tossed every day, no matter the carrier.

Just like the airlines. Do you think they don't throw your bags around?

I am not saying that this is right by any means, but it's just


And never write "fragile" on it. That's a given it will be beat up!

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Oh, my goodness, I totally agree with not writing Fragile! I actually pull the fragile stickers off any recycled boxes after noticing a few years ago that only the boxes with fragile stickers were damaged.

USPS has lost 2 packages and damaged 1 just this year so far. As for deliveries, my mail carrier will absolutely not leave his truck. He drives up beside my carport and drops the boxes out of the window!

While I've always had what I consider good service from Fed Ex, they have put me through 3 major screw-ups/damages in the last few months. Before that, I'd had 4 damages in 6 years of using them. I've never had an incoming damage with Fed Ex, but I did have one misdelivery that was resolved in 24 hours.

UPS damaged 3 packages in the first 6 months that I used them. And for some reason, they can't deliver a case of wax intact. Every case I've gotten for the last year has been torn down the end and the harder waxes have chunks missing off the slabs that were lost out. Not to mention, it is absolutely filthy and extra work to strain out the trash. :angry2:

All carriers are about the same, some just give better service for some areas or at differing times. It seems to be ALOT worse lately.

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