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Name for business???


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Why is it so hard for me to pick out a name for my business? I am completly brain dead when it comes to thinking of one. I would eventually like to add B&B to my candles, but my candles come first. My middle name is unique (atleast some say)... Starr, yet I can't come up with anything creative, lol. I am such a creativity loser I guess :embarasse

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Where are you located? What direction are you going with your line? Sleek, elegant, country, prim? Any favorite colors? Hobbies?

I am located in Indiana. My city is Anderson, but I am about 20 minutes from Indianapolis too. My county is Madison. My line is still undecided, as I like the country/prim look, but the husband likes the sleek look. My favorite color is baby blue. My hobbies include candlemaking, scrapbooking, stamping, reading, singing and dancing, and my all time favorite right now during my pregnancy is sleeping :)

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All I can come up with (and it's almost midnight):

Starlight Candle & Bath Company

Scented Star

Candles of Madison County (ok, I know hokey, but I thought of Bridges of Madison County).

I am so sick of my business name, I wish I put more thought into it...

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Smelly Starr Products (if you go the humorous route)

Simply Starr

Starr Atractions

Rising Starr

Little Starrs Bright Ideas (...for Home and Bath)

I like the idea of 'Blue Starr' that was mentioned already. But of course that limits your logo choices generally, lol. But on the upside- makes it all rather easy! It will be a nice touch to add a metallic blue star sticker to your labels, business cards etc.

You can have a clean/classic logo and still have a Prim line. The more basic the logo style the more versatile. And then you can do any kind of overall look with the addition of a prim/country line. Just give the line it's own name. If you are unsure of where to go with your overall style you need to look at your local market (if that is where you will be selling mostly) For instance...Younger folks and ritzy areas don't often go for the country/prim stuff.

Im not sure i'd use my location in my business name... what do you do if you ever move????? I know people think they never will but there have been quite a few moves going on around this board alone. At the very most I'd use the state maybe, but not so specific as my town or county.

Looking forward to seeing what you end up with. I always think if and when I sell, that i've got my name picked out. Then something comes along and changes it:rolleyes2

Good luck to you!

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Sorry....I'm also challenged in the creativity dept so I can't add help with the name however, alot of great suggestions above. I would suggest searching the .coms to make sure it's available before you decide on your business name if you want your .com to reflect your business name :)

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Love the Madison Starr.. very different. Could go sleek contemp but could also see it with a country feel. Should have no problems adding the bnb when you are ready as the name is not about 'scents'. Plus, the name has a bit of a 'story' behind it that many would find interesting.

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How about Starry Lights? (a play on the title of Vincent Van Gogh's "The Starry Nights")

If the starrynight didn't make me think of an ex BF's online handle, man I would be all over your suggestion. This is me and I'm not the one to please here lol!

I suppose

Starr Studded (means I should get to bed lol!)

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