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EO's - Where to get them?


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I'm looking to buy some EOs at reasonable prices. There are some places out there that will charge huges prices for thier EOs but I don't have a huge pocketbook. I just want reasonably priced EOs. A health food store in my area used to carry them, but for whatever reason they only sell a few now and it looks like they haven't replenished their stocks in awhile (dust on the bottles).

Not only do I want to pay a fair price, I want good quality EOs! I look forward to some suggestions so I can look into it. If all else fails I guess I'll order them from my neighbor from Young Living at high end prices.


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NuScents are pretty reasonable and they have a decent selection, though not nearly the selection as elsewhere. Not to terribly far from you either. http://www.nuscentscandle.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=101&Category_Code=CEO

Ooh that's great. I just wish they had a larger selection, but maybe they are working on that! :)

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Many of the suppliers that sell EOs without minimums have a pretty high price. Health food stores in particular are very expensive.

LibertyNatural.com in Oregon has good EOs, but they've got a $50 minimum.

Eden Botanicals is great quality but spendy.

EOU Essentialoils.org are great but they have a $9.95 minimum shipping charge.

You can look at their prices to see what the going rate is, then you can judge other suppliers' prices based on those.

You can do a lot with the inexpensive EOs - spearmint, lemongrass, citrus', eucalyptus... Anything else it's very easy to be paying $25, $30, or way more per pound.

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I would beware of some places that have smaller selections they tend to cut costs and buy weaker oils and them sell them for premium prices. you want someone that specializes in fragrances or EO's. I have used Glorybee because they carry a large selction of EO's both organic and regular plus a ton of soaping and skin care oils and butters. I don't just use EO's for aromatherapy I use them for treat and healing properties and I trust them. They also screwed up when I ordered a spearmint oil and sent me cloves by mistake. They had the spearmint here the next day and told me to keep the cloves for free because of the inconvenience. That is good business.

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As you know, EOs are a world of their own. You can study them for years and still make mistakes, and they can be dangerous. I’ve used some from some of the previously mentioned companies and was very disappointed. Don’t think you should buy from a store either, because many have short shelf life and most stores don't know how to store them.. They are very complex. Some actually improve over time and become more expensive, like some wines. Each batch can be different. One rule I use is to never buy from a source that uses plastic bottles. Many Eos will pick up the plastic, or eat through them. Forget the companies that say they’re saving you money on shipping by using plastic. As far as expensive, maybe, but I would rather pay a higher price for a first extracted oil then a lower price for a third or forth processing, and I know you can use much less EO than an FO in most cases. The co-op previous mentioned for EOs should get started in a week or two and that is usually the least expensive way to buy, and I believe their source is newdirectionsauromatics.com a quality company with one of the largest selections. Although they are an Australian company, I believe they have a distribution site in NY that might be close to you for shipping.

Be sure to go to the co op where it’s listed as gauging interest and let them know the type of EOs your interested in, so they will be listed. So far it doesn’t appear enough people want a very wide selection, but it still has a week or so before it begins.

Also a good source of knowledge is a natural perfume yahoo group where they only use EOs and several of the members make their own from botanical sources.

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Im new to the list so I hope you dont think me too foward to post but I found a company that sells EO in various grades small quanities to large called EO University. You can buy oil all the way up to 10lbs at a time. They have specials each month and the special prices are pretty good. Since EO doesnt go rancid over a few months period that would definately be a lifesaver for me. I also use EO for Aromatheraphy so they are used two fold.


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Essential Oil University, A Garden Eastward, MMS (The Sage) and Glory Bee.

I would stay away from Wellington, I didn't think their oils were all that, IMO.

New Directions has great EO's, but they do not ship out of NY.

The distribution center is about 20 minutes from me, but unfortunately they ship out of Toronto, Canada.

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RE: New Directions

They have both a Canadian and USA website, and if you order from the USA site, you should only be paying shipping from the Buffalo, NY site. That was the reason they put it there, to serve US customers, but it is just a warehouse without hardly any customer interaction. The boxes however may have Toronto markings on them. They also have the right to ship from Canada when one or more products in your order can't be filled from Buffalo, but according to their HQ when this happens, they pick up the added cost, if there were any. If you were charged additional shipping charges, contact them in Toronto and I'm sure they will make it right. They also have offices in CA., but do not ship out of there yet.

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