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The Pics we all have been waiting for LOL

Ashlie K

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I made 2 batches. below are the pics in the mold. After I let them air dry for a few hrs, I will cut the soap and post pics.

1 using the emisty creek mold for the Castile Soap


1 using a log mold that I bought from Ebay that I was not impressed about because it leaked, scented Raspberry Blossom


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I wanted to use Grapefruit but I couldnt find it because silly me put it on the side and then couldnt find it....

So that will be the next but I want to cut these up first BEFORE I make any more batches.

I certainly dont want to waste oils.

I would like to thank




for being so patient with me on the phone and making me feel that I too can make soap. Even when I didnt want to continue, they reassured me that all would be well.


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Ok here they are cut up and I am not impressed with the raspberry.

Silly question...Is it supposed to feel slippery?

Look at the sheet on the raspberry and you will see what I am talking about

Castile Soap Cut up


Raspberry Blossom Cut up (look at the sheet

& you will see the greasiness I am talking about


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Way to go Ashlie! You did very well. I think it was wise to try an unscented, uncolored castile for your first batch. It gives you a better feel for the process with no curve balls. That's one of my staples. Believe it or not, some folks like their soap totally plain and that recipe is perfect for those with allergies and sensitive skin. I've never had anyone have a problem with that soap.

On the scented batch, looks like its oozing FO. Some will do that. Give it a few days and it should sink back in and be perfectly good soap. As for the leaking mold, if you lined it correctly, it should never leak, LOL.

Kudos to you! The next batches will be much easier as your confidence grows.

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I LUV the white bar :thumbsup:

Out of all the crafty things I've tried soaping by far is my favorite!! My family thinks I'm crazy but its just so much fun and you never know how its going to end up till its cut.

Congrats they really do look wonderful!

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WTG Ashlie!! The swirls look cool, I still haven't attempted swirls other than "in the pot" but so far I only have a log mold that DH made me...just need to get on it and figure out the dimensions I want/need for the slab so he can make it!!

Great job, keep it up, can't wait to see more from you:wink2:

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You did a fantastic job, that castile is a beautiful, creamy white! :highfive:

Eugenia has a mold lining tutorial here on the board, it is very easy and she has pictures. Those logs will leak if they are not lined perfectly with the freezer paper. I made mylar liners for all my soap molds, but the I still have to line that 32 bar Misty Creek until I get to JoAnn's for some oversized sheets of quilting mylar. I despise lining molds. LOL!!

Good work, and excellent cutting, BTW.

Soaping can be *so* addicting!

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