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I am finally online!...what do you think?

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Very nice. I love the black and white!!

One question though.. I see that you are offering flat rate shipping on ALL orders. Does that mean that if i buy a basket full of goodies, its only gonna cost $8.10 to ship? You might want to rethink that one. It could get you into trouble.. Your baskets look amazing, but i know those wont hold all your wonderful goodies!! :D :D

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Very nice website, and I'm sure you're proud of all the work behind it.

I agree that more description is needed. and you're probably working on that. For example, as a consumer looking to buy for myself or for a gift, I would want the items in the gift baskets listed. There are also lots of people unfamiliar with warmers (yes, believe it or not). You might want a brief explanation of what "combo" warmer is, etc.

Congratulations on this site opening, and I wish you great success!

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I like your site but here are a few things I would add or change.

The quantity of melts you get per pack I would add and I would change the wax mistake part on the clearance it was a bit of a turn off for me. Other than that I thought your site was great.

Mindy :)

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You'r site looks great! I like the black and white together with the color coming from your pictures. The only thing I was wondering is why do you have a link to Candletech on your site? You want your customers buying from you NOT learning how to make their own and then you are out of business..that was my only concern! Have a great day!

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that is a very good point!

i just love candletech soooo much.

yeah i guess i am leading them to others who make candles as well......:laugh2:

I think your site looks great. The black and white theme really shows off the colors of your candles. I don't think that the link to candletech will hurt you either. People either want to make candles or they don't. I think you would lose very few customers (if any) due to that link.

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I haven't read all responses so forgive if this is a dup response. I notice you have all of your text centered. To my knowledge it's a big no no as it makes it harder for your reader. Imagine trying to read a book with centered text. It exhausts/confuses the eyes and draws away from what you want them to see...your shopping buttons! I know a lot of sites use centered, but if you look at the 'big boys' I doubt if you will find many. I prefer reading text that is aligned left. (sorry I taught school for many years and wouldn't even accept a paper that was centered...only titles and sub titles and those are not even necessary)

Other than that, I too agree that your logo and the black and white theme is wonderful. Best of luck!

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Love the site, and the labels look perfect! Very, very nice.

I have a question. I also use the 10 oz apothecary jars. We had all labels printed showing that they are 8 oz candles, because that is how much wax is actually in the jar. Of course, mid-way through selling, I happened to weigh another jar, just to be sure.....it weighed 7 oz!! :shocked2: I then remembered that we lowered the pouring height so they would burn better.

So my question is, do you have 10 oz of wax in the jars, or is that the jar size. I am thinking of pouring higher and getting the burn right, just so I can keep 8 oz on the label!! LOL

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should you put warning labels on the bottom of wickless jars?

My first thought would be no... if your label is large enough than put the warning/use instructions on the side? With the text vertical?

BTW -- saw that you are on the "featured member" rotation now -- clicked on the banner but it didn't work. I got an error - didn't even make it to the site. Thought you'd like to know!

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