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I am now a Chunky addict...


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This is a day of firsts for me! I made my first chunks and then I made my first chunky candles with wax I hadn't used before!:shocked2:

I have red chunks that smell like cinnamon and orange chunks that smell like pumpking spice. The overpour is warm vanilla sugar. This is the first time I've used this 140 mp wax from Genwax. I didn't use any additives because I wasn't sure how translucent the wax would be. Anyhew, now I get to do my wick test. I'm hooked now!:yay: OK, I hope these pictures show up, otherwise I feel kinda foolish!:embarasse



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Julia, I LOVE them - the colours look fabulous. Did you use similar sized chunks and what ratio of red to orange to overpour? Sorry for all the questions but when I see something I really like I want to know how to do it too (unless it's a secret of course). LOL :yay:

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Those look great and I'll bet they smell wonderful....very good for autum. If I want my chunkies not to have a rustic surface.....I heat my molds, pour hot and tap the mold and heat again at the same time.......or I simply add some gloss poly C15 to my wax. Mine usually come out rustic, but then I "crackle" them and that makes them shinny. Donita

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Y'all are so sweet! I had one layer red, then one layer oragne, layer red, then orange and the overpour was yellow 3"X6.5". I'm doing my first test burn right now. They smell really great, I came in from my bike ride this morning and it just smelled great when I walked in. I have gotten smarter with my chunks, I poured some green this morning and 2lbs of wax seems to be the right thickness and I had a very flat trivet so the wax cooled level. I'm off to make green (apple) and yellow (vanilla). Woo hoo!:bliss:

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Well, here are my next two installments. The green and yellow is apple and vanilla, and the blue chunky is scented rain. I'm still conducting my burn test on these babies, we'll see which wick wins!! Thanks for all of your supportive comments, this is such a nice place to come to after a hectic day at work!!:cheesy2:


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