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How many pounds of wax did you pour in 2006?

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And an FYI: They'll tell you that they are slabbing domestic (read IGI) -- I call a good solid B.S. on that one. They are taking imported (most likely China) and adding a few polymers to make it nice-a-nice and then slabbing it. I don't see it being IGI for that price. And I don't care. On a good day, when all else fails, I buy from them, IF they play nice on the truck cost. When they're feeling greedly I go with other places.

Which wax is .77cents/lb? I didn't see anything that low at all just now and I looked through most of the waxes...

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Oh forgot to answer the question, I was so amused by blondie.

Lets see. I can get IGI locally, 40 minutes away, so not paying for shipping. I have a Mitsubishi Eclipse and can comfortably fit about 3 cases at a time. Took me 364 days to fill up my garage, so I am thinking I poured about 1/2 case.

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Okay, so I looked a little harder at their site.

It looks like a few of the paraffin waxes you can get that price if you order 211 cases. That's 10,550 lbs of wax.

You only have to order 10 cases to get their container fill (CF) for 78cents/lb

Were there any others?

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Okay, so I looked a little harder at their site.

It looks like a few of the paraffin waxes you can get that price if you order 211 cases. That's 10,550 lbs of wax.

You only have to order 10 cases to get their container fill (CF) for 78cents/lb

Were there any others?

"Container Fill" should be lower melt temp and thus even cheaper than the 140ish that I use. Look around -- you'll find it.

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"Container Fill" should be lower melt temp and thus even cheaper than the 140ish that I use. Look around -- you'll find it.

I'm not looking to buy wax from there, I was just trying to figure out which waxes were that cheap. The container fill was that cheap, if you bought 10 cases or more compared to the 140 that you had to buy 211 cases to get that price.

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Hi all, my very first post.

I just happened across this forum...looks interesting. Last time I made any candles (a few years ago) we poured about half a million pounds that year.

Yes, 500,000 pounds give or take. A couple full trucks a month.

My interest is in the talk of IGI, as they were my main supplier. Anyone else have anything to say about prices and/or service of late? I was going to do a project soon and was intending on using them but I may need to look elsewhere...


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About 14,000 and that was mostly tarts.

Is it physically possible to make that many tarts a year! LOL

If 11,000 pounds were for tarts and your tarts are judging from your site 1.5 ounce that would be..... 117,333 tarts you made last year? Come on now you dont make over 2000 of them suckers every week of the year did you? :bow:

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About 400 lbs soy, maybe 50 lbs paraffin. If it wasn't for testing (and much of it was) then it was for melts/tealights (the only things I'm comfortable selling at this point). I am surprised, though, at how well the melts went over, during the holiday season I filled orders almost every night. Paid for a little of the supplies I bought... lol.

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This is All very interesting! In 2005 I poured 2,800lbs. I knew I was down but I didn't know it was down that much. I'm shocked becaused Gas prices were lower this year too.

Thus far this year, I've already bought 100lbs for testing new scent.;) I cetyainly hope 2007 is much better than 2006


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Blondie, to answer your question about IGI, we started using them around five or six years ago. We switched from Honeywell because of the high shipping and poor customer service. We started off paying 59 and 62 cents/lb for the waxes we used. The IGI sales reps were eager to please and helpful. The freight charges were much less (as I recall $90 for two pallets-we live a little over 100 miles from Pasadena,Tx). Until the first of last year nothing changed much. At the start of last year we got a letter raising their minimum order amounts and the prices. We received six letters raising prices last year. The last order we paid (I believe) 89 and 93 cents/lb. Then we got a letter saying we could no longer order direct from them because they have a 24,000 lb/yr min. They directed us to BCS which only carries a few cases of our waxes. So, bottom line is we are looking for a new supplier. Their sales reps are no longer eager or friendly. We will quit them as soon as we find someone else.

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David, very good post. IGI now thinks they own it all. They want to have firm yearly orders with "big" candle supply companies. They have forgotten us "middle of the road companies, trying to compete with the big guys." I think they are making a mistake, but there is not a lot we can do about it. Maybe it's time for someone like Clarus Wax http://www.clarussp.com/candles.php to step up and help us. I have tested some of their waxes & got good results. Think I will contact them again next week. Happy New Year. Carole

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