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I Need Some Help Here...


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I met a lady at my craftshow Saturday and she started asking questions about my candles. She knew I wasn't going to be blabbing my trade secrets, so she started to tell me she was an insurance agent for a well known company. I told her I had to go through the phone book and went through each insurance company before I found one that would cover my candles, so it was shocked to hear this company covered candlemakers. She started to say she just did a quote for one of my biggest competitors. And she asked if I knew of her and I said I don't know her personally, but I know of her. She proceeded to say she would offer me a quote because she quoted the other candlemaker $300. a year and she has a storefront. I was blown away and said for 1 million???? I was still leary. She said yeah and started walking off and said I will check out your website and give you a call about a quote. I didn't think much about it because of all the weirdos that hangout at these places. So this morning she emailed me and wanted to know more information about my candles. Like how are they made? What type of wax? Where I get my supplies? All my scents? Blah, Blah, Blah!!! Plus she typed in another insurance company, not the one she said she worked at. I even wrote it down Saturday, because who wouldn't want to save some $$$ on insurance. Now I am thinking she is either a friend or sister or something to this other candlemaker. I would love to lead her on but I don't know what to type back to her. I have even went to check out this insurance company name she gave me and it isn't in the phonebook. No phone number just her email address. Any suggestions on what to type back to her? I would like to have fun with this. santa wink

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This does not sound right to me, I dont see why she would need to know some of that information. I would not share your scents or supplier or type of wax you use or anything like that, something just does not add up. I would just respond to her e-mail and tell her thank you for the offer, but I am happy with my current insurance carrier. Thats what I would do anyways.:wink2:

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I'm not much for leading people on, so I'd probably just point out that the insurance company she emailed me with wasn't the same as the one she told me she worked for at the show, and ask her if that would affect how much my rate was going to be.

I'd expect not to hear from her after that, though.

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I guess I better be upfront with her. I have never been asked those questions from an insurance person before. They have always asked how many employees, how much do I earn, what type of candles are being marketed, but never how are they exactly made and where I get my supplies from. I called information to see if this company existed and they couldn't find it for me. So I guess I will just send her an email and let her know that I thought she quoted me a price from XY insurance company not the one she wrote in the email and see if I get a response. Why be deceiving back, even though I would like too...

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I know you would love to find out if this gal is 'with' your competitor, but why not nip this in the bud. Simply tell her you have insurance & are not interested in changing companies right now. If she still questions you, tell her you know what she is doing, lol. I guess I'm just a very cautious person & never ever 'leak' any info I don't want out.

Pam R

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OMG that is too funny......she couldn't be any more obvious that she is only after your information and it's not about insurance LOL!!! She is a true moron.......I've had competitors pump me, but not by pretending to be an insurance company!! :cool2:

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A legitimate insurance agent would have immediately whipped out a business card. lol.

I also think she is a scheming witch....unless she emailed you using an insurance company email addy. Did she?



edited to add--you do have to be licensed to sell insurance. Get her name and report her to the carrier she quoted. lol.

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I personally would have emailed her immediately and said:

"Oh so you no longer work for XYZ company and now work for ABC company? Please stop wasting my time."

And have to agree with Donna about telling her you will contact the insurance company about her using their name to scam people out of information.

I do not play around with these type of people.

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I sent her an email, because she sent me another one asking for my website address. I just told her that I wasn't interested because she gave me 1 insurance company Saturday and another via email. I will wait for a response. I gave her my business card with my name, email address and website address. I know that all the information is correct on it. She says she can't access it and wants more information on how my products are made so she can give me a quote. Is candlemaking so specialized and competitive that they are having to stoop so low that they have to do this, especially to me. It not like I am making millions, yet!!!

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not that I don't agree with you.. but the difference in the name could be that she gave you the company name she could write you with.. and the email could have come from the agency she works for...

just a thought....

mind if I ask what company she gave you... I'm an independent agent and might know if it's somthing they would write...

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She said she was with Allstate Saturday. Her email she said was with Farmers. They don't even sound alike. I even told her that was weird I had the hardest time finding someone that would cover me and I went through every insurance company in the phonebook and found two that covered candles.

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I would simply ask if you could stop into her office and discuss the quotes, that you are more comfortable dealing face to face. I am an insurance agent and let me tell you, I much prefer working with my clients face to face, especially new customers, it allows you to make a better connection than over the phone or via email. If she cannot give you a legitimate office address to visit than I would be leary. I do agree with what the other agent on board said, could be she represents several companies or gave an agency name.


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She said she was with Allstate Saturday. Her email she said was with Farmers. They don't even sound alike. I even told her that was weird I had the hardest time finding someone that would cover me and I went through every insurance company in the phonebook and found two that covered candles.

those are both captive companies.. meaning you can't sell for both !!!!

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Smells fraud-y. Who's she using for e-mail? You don't need to tell here. I can't think of anyone (non-friend/aquaintance) who'd use a non-business e-addy for business. If handling the situation nicely doesn't send her on her way, be polite and firm about seeing some credentials from her. If none, you're "really not interested, and please don't contact me again". The before mentioned of contacting the ins. co's isn't a bad idea either. Hope she doesn't waste too much of your time.

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She did call me and want to come over to discuss more indepth about my business. I told her that I didn't feel comfortable and wanted to meet with her in her office and she said she worked from home and only went to the office once a week for a meeting. I told her that I really want to make sure she worked for this company and wanted to meet in a legit office. She said she would have to get back with me to meet at the office. She said she had to go and would call me to schedule a time to meet. No more emails or calls. I do have her name and number and the place where she said she worked at but have been so sick that I haven't had time to call to make sure she worked their. If it is even a real address or name, but I have her number... The whole conversation sounded weird. She really couldn't answer my questions. If someone was in the business they should be able to answer some of my questions. What a freak!!!

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If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it probably is a duck.

If it was me? I would follow up by calling the insurance company she claims to work for, and see if she actually does.

If she doesn't, I would make them aware that someone is fraudulently representing themselves as an employee of their company and is attempting to sell you an insurance policy (unsolicited), and that you are pretty upset

and unhappy about it, as she was asking for very personal information.

I would give them all the detail (written) of your conversations and subsequent correspondence, with copies of any emails you may have from her. Then, I would happily provide them the name, addy, email and phone number for her. They can do what they choose with the info. If she is not an employee she has broken the law.

Thereafter, I would not have any further contact with her.

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One word SCAMMER....Is she hasn't found anything to scam on you yet....she will!

I met a lady at my craftshow Saturday and she started asking questions about my candles. She knew I wasn't going to be blabbing my trade secrets, so she started to tell me she was an insurance agent for a well known company. I told her I had to go through the phone book and went through each insurance company before I found one that would cover my candles, so it was shocked to hear this company covered candlemakers. She started to say she just did a quote for one of my biggest competitors. And she asked if I knew of her and I said I don't know her personally, but I know of her. She proceeded to say she would offer me a quote because she quoted the other candlemaker $300. a year and she has a storefront. I was blown away and said for 1 million???? I was still leary. She said yeah and started walking off and said I will check out your website and give you a call about a quote. I didn't think much about it because of all the weirdos that hangout at these places. So this morning she emailed me and wanted to know more information about my candles. Like how are they made? What type of wax? Where I get my supplies? All my scents? Blah, Blah, Blah!!! Plus she typed in another insurance company, not the one she said she worked at. I even wrote it down Saturday, because who wouldn't want to save some $$$ on insurance. Now I am thinking she is either a friend or sister or something to this other candlemaker. I would love to lead her on but I don't know what to type back to her. I have even went to check out this insurance company name she gave me and it isn't in the phonebook. No phone number just her email address. Any suggestions on what to type back to her? I would like to have fun with this. santa wink
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