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Wholesale Accounts..The way to go!!!


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I have been reading about some of you guys having really crappy shows this Holiday season. I do not do shows at all. First, they are too much like work!, 2) too much stress 3) NO TIME!

I have several Wholesale accounts that keep me hoppin! That and I do a ton of Fundraisers...but that is another topic.

I tend to seek out shops that promote HAND MADE. My biggest account is a little shop here in the center of town. The store owner is very big on hand crafted. She will not even carry anything in her store made over seas.

I have to say she has been one of my biggest promotors. Everyone who comes in the store gets a blurb about my candles.

Last night was an annual local event called Sparkle. The streets of Corning, NY were flooded with people. Her shop was sooooo packed that at one point there were over 50 people in there...it is a SMALL shop. I do regional names for scents for her and they sale like crazy. She sold out of Market Street Sparkle, Holiday on the Lake, Fingerlakes Harvest and Crystal City Rain...in 9oz candles, 16 oz candles, tarts, votives and room sprays. I made sure she was stocked well before the event. She called this morning to restock the items she sold and placed a $3200 order! This was just 1 night!

I am totally excited that she is doing so well with my products. This shop just started carrying my line back in Feb when the other shop on Market Street that carried them decided to shut down.

So, if you are disgusted with Shows..try seeking out some wholesale accounts. NO CONSIGNMENT....WHOLESALE.

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Way to go Kimberly. That is totally awesome.!!!!:highfive:

That's awesome. I'm glad you have had a great experience. I am hoping to do the same. I agree with the "no show" deal. There are already too many candle makers out there and I always hear how they never do very well at the shows. We are in the process of building a room ONLY for my candle manufacturing. I'm going to be "pounding the pavement" as soon as I'm setup! Good luck in the future!

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Rock on with Shirley.... :whoohoo:

She makes Brown Bag look pathetic, huh?

Wholesale is most definitely the way to go, IMO.

Easy peasy! No set up, no breakdown. No drama.

Who want's to stay up all night stressing about a show and come home with less than booth fee? Not very encouraging. I would never do a show. I am too damn lazy, and I see no benefit for me, personally. Contacts can be made by an effective marketing plan and/or some good reps. I do enjoy a good craft show and like to see what is out there. But only as an attendee.

I give you show peeps MUCH credit!

But show season is just that. Wholesale is all year long. :smiley2:

Never consignment- get that money upfront.

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Congrats Kimberly!! And a big AMEN on the wholesaling! I just had a great show, but for hell's sake, by the time I calculate stress into the equation I have to second guess myself ~ yet again! Why I put myself through it is beyond me. Wholesale is sooo where it's at, and I will happily reiterate that consignment does NOT equal wholesale nomatter how hard you try to make it do so!

Jumping for joy for you.. all the way over here on the prairie! :yay:

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Congrats on the huge order!! What an amazing account to have!

I agree, wholesale is the way to go. I haven't done a show in two years but did a small one Friday night and will do a large one in April...but that's slow time for me so it will be nice to have something to work on then.

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Kimberly.Congratulations.You are so talking about some of us.I have really been posting on this for a couple days and received some good responses.

I have 4 orders this week and just today got my first order out of state.I have to get that going and then got a request if I can make a certain candle.

Not much business but really happy.Better than a show at this point.There are about 3 shows I do fairly good but sure don't make anything near $500-1,000.

Clever idea to come up with some names for the candles.Just to catch people's eye.I think coming up with something others don't have can help.That was a idea I am planning.Something different and unique.Something we as a candlemakers are known for.

I would love to get just a couple fundraisers to get a feel of it.Start small and then get bigger ones.See what to do with one.Get hang of packing, order forms etc.Then move on.

Silly of me but I am starting to think Valentine's Day.What to make this year and put on my site.

Continued Good Luck


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OMG - I missed "Sparkle" in Corning!!!! I started going there years ago and loved it...it was a wonderful way to start off the season! My kids used to love checking out the shops and getting food from the vendors. I can't believe I missed it!!!! :cry2:

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CONGRATS!!!!! I'm for wholesale too! I did ONE local show this year. I don't want to do them anymore!! I am working with a sales rep that is fantastic. Nothing beats sitting at home while someone else sells your product! All you have to do is make it and that is the fun part!!!! Again congrats!

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I dub kimberly the Frog Lady II. :D

But, I have to say I am not coming around to wholesale as much as she wants me to...lol. Believe me, she has tried! I have to say I LOVE doing shows...love them! They are a lot of work, but I love sprucing up my booth, I love gabbing with the people and I love the $$$. I don't do many...maybe four a year, but they are ones that I do very, very well at. It helps me keep my customer base up and then they go to the stores and buy between shows or come to me.

I have a few wholesale accounts and do well, but nothing near $3k...the stores are just little and I get about $500 out of them every six weeks or so. I do have two consignment situations...I know a lot of you think consignment is not the way to go, but one of them is putting about $1400 into my account each month, and the other about $600. Of course that is the busy season...it is about half of that during the spring/summer. For me it is a time issue I guess. If I only have x amount of hours in a day, do I want to make something that I am going to sell for $16 or something I am going to sell for $8? I know...I know...with wholesale there are a lot of benefits, but I am just still in that retail mentality right now. You can try and talk me out of it, but ask Kim...I am a hard nut to crack...lol. Maybe if I were to land a wholesale accnt like Frog Lady II, I would be ribbiting a different tune, huh?

Bottom line, Kim is truly a master at her art. She makes a GREAT product and I am convinced she could do this full time. That and she is just an amazing person and I love seeing good things happen to good people.


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Congratulations!!! I also do wholesale and only do 4 shows at the end of the year and I wished I wouldn't have done it, but I really thought I would clearout my leftover candles. NOT!!!! This last show had candlemakers booth on every aisle. Out of 200 vendors including commercial their were at least 12 candle people. Even people selling dollar store candles got into the show. Unbelieveable!!! There was way too much competition. Last year their was only 2 commercial candle people at the show. Where in the world did they come from??? I had a couple candle people come over and ask personal questions thinking I didn't notice one ladies tote bag with her candle business name on it. She wanted to know how I did this and that and where I got my containers, wax, wicks, and labeling and blah, blah, blah!!! I was expecting it and bit right back. She was so rude when she was asking me these questions that I got defensive quickly. I was firm but nice when answering, but she didn't like that I wasn't giving any info up. She just said I was just asking in a whiny voice. I said but candlemaker's don't give out their trade secrets especially to someone they don't know. She disappeared....What the he^#????? Why do people ask these questions. I just don't get it. I should have given her a piece of paper of where I get my stuff from with the website www.pooponu.com or whatever it was. I will next week. I have had it with stupid people.

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Heaven, your post just gave me a great idea...we could host a site where we could send people who ask about how to make candles and/or b&b. It could say "If you are reading this, then you had the audacity to ask someone how to do something you have every opportunity to learn on your own. The person you asked likely spent a lot of time and money researching their art and you waltz in asking questions. So here it is...the candle maker's secret. www.google.com. Go forth and research."

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Oh great one!!! We really need something like that. We need a web designer that is willing to make us a website that all of us could go and post what we think about these sneeky people that want our trade secrets. I am willing to let them have it online. Maybe they will think twice about trying to get our trade secrets....Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!

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I think you both have hit on a great idea. I don't mind answering some of the general questions other candlemakers ask; but when someone has the ba##s to come right out and say that they are buying one of your candles because they are thinking about starting a candle business and then start asking you where you buy each of about 10 different fragrances from. This was a guy and his wife was quite embarrassed by his boldness. My stock answer is, online.


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Wow that is awesome! Congratulations!!! Thank you too for the motivation to try to get more wholesale accounts. At most of my shows I end up telling my husband..."Yeah it was a great show - but I'm sooo tired!" Dangit exhaustion bursts my bubble every time! :undecided

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There's no way I can wholesale in my town beacuse I own a retail store and sell below what they would have to sell them for. So I guess I need to get out to surrounding towns for wholesale & maybe that would help with more $$ during the slow times at the store.

I have found to have a retail store you have to diversify in many different things to make it year round, candles & candle related products alone won't pay the bills year round in a retail store.

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