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BCN (again) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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Actually I didn't RUN out of wax until AFTER they ran out of wax. I opened my last 50# box and thought---better order. Went to order and they were out and have been every since. I checked the newsletter before I went to order and saw that it was on sale and thought BONUS! Would have ordered wether it was on sale or not....but because of the sale they ran out and I can't order. When I open my last 50# box I usually always order that day or the next (and have it within 2-3 days). I am now out of wax but do NOT need it in a dire emergency. And yep I had a LOT of unexpected wholesale orders that all came in at once. Not a biggie---I had enough already made and enough wax to fill everyones orders. My point is and was......They ran out almost 2 weeks ago and are still out. They ran out half way through the sale ............ When you throw a sale on one of your big items and run out half way through the sale and have 2 weeks left before the sale is over and then say too bad BUT yet get a load in a couple days after the sale ends...I see that as a problem. Doneen has already said she is extending that sale....but the person who answered my email was not aware of that. I will wait till they get it in and order and I THANK Doneen for setting that straight on here. I am not whinning cause I don't have the supply to meet the demand, nor am I waiting for wax to finish orders...I am done for the year. BUT I do have to replenish and like anyone else would rather do it while it is on sale. I do see a problem when the supplier runs out close to 2 weeks before the sale is over BUT gets a load in 2-4 days after the sale ends. That is what irritated me. I have always had the supply to meet my demand and I have never waited until I have run out to reorder...I know at what point to reorder. And of course IF I would have read the newsletter at the start of the month instead of in the middle of the month I would have probably checked my stock and ordered and would have caught it still in stock. But since NOV was my busy month I didn't take the time to read the newsletter at the start of the month like I usually do. My irritation stemmed from running out in the middle of the sale and miracuously replenishing that stock a few days after the sale is over. Which Doneen has been kind enough to explain that they are bringing that in from BCS and that their actual truckload won't be in until the 10th of Dec at which time they will honor the sale price again.

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My question is, when has it become proper or okay for suppliers to come to our boards and post. I think this is a huge mistake and very unprofessional. I am sorry Doneen but suppliers reading forums just doesn't seem right to me, when it involves a single transaction between you and a member of the forum. We have suppliers that advertise on this board and only post to help out which is nice. Believe me I am not putting BC down. I do buy stuff from you, but this is just a huge turn off for me. You have a good company, but these posts on the boards are getting a little annoying. That is just my opinion.

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Cindy since you addressed me here, I feel I should respond here. I'm really sorry you feel that way about suppliers posting. The people who run this board invited suppliers to come and post in this community and participate, they encourage it. I'm not sure why you'd feel it's unprofessional. I only post to try and help with the given situation because I care enough to. Many other people seem to think highly of it and feel it's a good thing. What matters to me most is that I make a customer happy or satisfied in the end. Suppliers are just people, and we're crafters too just like you guys. None of us are perfect, just like you we all make mistakes, but I personally don't see anything wrong with responding to a concern when it addresses your company and trying to help the customer. I guess we always run the risk of catching a little flack, but if I can fix a situation and help a customer out or keep them happy, then it's worth it. I post when I have time and try to help on other threads too, not just threads that involve my company. But naturally helping a customer takes priority.

I think it's only smart business for suppliers to read the forums, and believe me they all read them ;). It helps us keep up on what's going on in our industry, and enables us to better help our customers because of this knowledge. Boards help us get a better feel for what customers are looking for, what's popular, what types of problems they have, etc. Reading reviews on our products helps too, as we can see which ones people like and which ones might need tweaking. I think a supplier would be silly not to read the forums. I guess some people like it and respect me for it, and others don't. You can never please everyone I suppose, but I try. I appreciate your opinion, and I hope you can appreciate mine too :)

Scmoopie I don't know what you're implying, but I have no idea who Ky guy is if that's what you're thinking. In fact I was curious myself as he said he's in the supply biz. It's not often a supplier would stand up for another, lol. But defense is not necessary... this was a simple matter that was resolved, end of story. Everyone has their opinions, some agree, some don't. That is life. We will all live. Happy Holidays All :)

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I know I'm a noob to these boards, but I personally kind of like knowing that suppliers can read things here (if they care to). It doesn't stop us from saying what we really feel, but it may give them a hint of sentiment about them, and it could in the end benefit us all. If a supplier knows that people are unhappy, if they want to stay in business, they'll fix it.

As long as things are kept under control, I think it's a potential benefit for the whole community.

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My question is, when has it become proper or okay for suppliers to come to our boards and post....We have suppliers that advertise on this board and only post to help out which is nice.

I understand what you are saying Cindy. And we are very thankful for the suppliers like Peak, Golden Brands, Clarus, Online Labels, etc. that have help to support the site showing they value CT and the community as a whole.

Suppliers are encouraged to come here and post, be a part of the community, preferably in a casual manner, offering advice, tips, etc -- not just when a post directly pertains to them.

I think it's only smart business for suppliers to read the forums, and believe me they all read them ;). It helps us keep up on what's going on in our industry, and enables us to better help our customers because of this knowledge. Boards help us get a better feel for what customers are looking for, what's popular, what types of problems they have, etc.

I'm sure suppliers do get a lot out of scouring the forums, seeing what their customer base is saying. It's a smart thing to do. Maybe we should start charging admission. :tongue2:

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I've bought (what I feel is) loads from BCN. What I want to know is, why the hell am I not receiving this infamous newsletter??? :awww:

:tiptoe:...going to go check receipts cuz I don't think I got my hundred weight shipping discount either!!! :undecided

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Well I wouldn't have kept saying things about their business (especially since I like their supplies), I would still be upsetish though.

I am super happy that Doneen was reading/posting, problem solved on my end and I couldn't feel better now about ordering more supplies from BCN.

How could it ever be better for a supplier to ingore the questions/concerns/complaints of their customers? Without the customers they have no business, especially repeat business, which is important.


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I've bought (what I feel is) loads from BCN. What I want to know is, why the hell am I not receiving this infamous newsletter???

It's online at their website in the message boards. I just found it recently myself and was paying full price without even know about the sale!


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I buy 90% of my supplies from BCN and couldn't be happier. Doneen runs a multi-million dollar company and still takes it upon herself to scour the boards and address issues from her customers. The fact that she does this herself instead of pawning it off on one of her many employees means alot to me personally.


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I hear what you are all saying, but the point is, that it is a private transaction between a supplier and a client. These boards are for us, and those suppliers that advertise here do not bring private discussions, and or excuses to the public forum. There is no way you can even mention another supplier on the BC board. If we want to bitch we should be able to do so without a public discussion with the supplier. And if you are a supplier that does not advertise and contribute to the board even more reason to keep it to yourself and take it up privately with the customer. I have never seen this before and hope it does not become a trend, pm the client privately, that is how I have recieved messages from suppliers that advertise on this board.

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We could make this very simple.......if you say the supplier should not read the boards and post in their defense when they are being criticized, then maybe we should not be allowed to post criticism. I would understand if I posted negatively about a supplier and they came on and bashed me, but BCN was professional in what they had to say.

I run a clothing store and I lose sales when my best item is out of stock....I either try to sell them something else, get they number and call them when it comes in and maybe offer a discount, or lose the sale. It stinks to lose the sale, but it happens. So the company is low or out of a product...guess what, there was a problem at the factory with dye lots or material...or sorry guys but the shipment is stuck in customs.....or it's been sent but we can't find it. It happens, it's part of business and it is up to each individual company to make and enforce rules as they see fit. Sometimes my customers are out of luck if I run out....we run sales at times to clear out merchandise that we are overstocked on or want to get rid of...no raincheck cause it won't come back in....that's the nature of a business. It's not like we are buying a .50 can of beans at a grocery store, it's an expensive product for them and us.

just my 2 cents......all should be able to read and post....and kudos to the suppliers that read the boards and know their business, their customers, and their product.


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that's not a fair comparison between an open board like this one that invites suppliers, and a supplier owned board, on a supplier site; designed to discuss using the suppliers products.

if a supplier is going to be discussed like in this case, i feel it's only fair for a supplier to extend their side, so there isn't confusion or assumptions of the business by others that read it.

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I've bought (what I feel is) loads from BCN. What I want to know is, why the hell am I not receiving this infamous newsletter??? :awww:

:tiptoe:...going to go check receipts cuz I don't think I got my hundred weight shipping discount either!!! :undecided

I subscribed to the newsletter online:)

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that's not a fair comparison between an open board like this one that invites suppliers, and a supplier owned board, on a supplier site; designed to discuss using the suppliers products.

if a supplier is going to be discussed like in this case, i feel it's only fair for a supplier to extend their side, so there isn't confusion or assumptions of the business by others that read it.

I may agree with that, if it is a supplier who is also giving something to the board in the way of advetisement. That is not the case here. In reality BC does not need to contribute to this particular board period. Feel free to cruise all you want, what do you think keeps this board going, ads from other suppliers. This board is not meant as a way to let the candlemakers know why such and such is amiss with their business. All that has to be done is to square it with the custormer and the customer will report back their progress with the company. It is actually taking advantage of the situation, free place to explain yourself without contributing. Sorry but it just does not sit well with me.

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Help is help, and I'll take it anyplace I can get it. It's ludicrous to resent suppliers' presence on this, or any, board. Thank you, Doneen, for taking time to read a message board other than your own. I'm sure you have many customers on here who do appreciate your help.

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Actually, if you're ordering 200lbs (4 boxes) you already get a price break equal to the sale, so it really wouldn't matter if the sale had ended. Although I appreciate that's not the whole issue & how frustrated you are. I had almost the same problem a couple yrs ago. I ran out of wax & BCN was totally out. I had orders to fill & was going out of my mind. I must have really sounded pathetic cause a BCN employee finally told me that KY Soy is the same wax & I could place an order w/ them. I have a sample of the GW415 & it sure looks the same too, just haven't had time to test it. Hope you get what you need in time!


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We could make this very simple.......if you say the supplier should not read the boards and post in their defense when they are being criticized, then maybe we should not be allowed to post criticism. I would understand if I posted negatively about a supplier and they came on and bashed me, but BCN was professional in what they had to say.

just my 2 cents......all should be able to read and post....and kudos to the suppliers that read the boards and know their business, their customers, and their product.


Amen! I am with you on this one.

Is there one amoungst us that would not want to come in and have the opportunity to explain our side of the situation if our name/business was being discussed? Seems only fair to me.

There are those places we wouldn't be quick to rush in to defend ourselves......by considering the source of information. This is not one of those places.I have always believed that everyone was welcome here to express their views as long as it was civil...and certainly had the right to respond when our name was in lights.:timeout::2cents:

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BCN is the BEST and my biggest supplier (other than wax which I buy locally.) I have been doing business with them for over 4 years and have never had a problem. I really appreciate Doneen coming on our board and trying to be helpful.

I wish Debbie May from WSP would post and tell us why her shipping is ridiculous. I really like their B&B products but can't afford the shipping.

I also love Day Star for fragrances and Stacy often posts here. Carole

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