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BCN (again) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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I order more then 75% of my candle supplies through these guys (and BCS on some of the FO's). I have been trying to order the ezsoy for close to 2 weeks now as it is on sale and also because I am out. The shipping to me is reasonable at 200 weight and FAST! And I have always given rave reveiws on their products and service.......But this last sale has really left a bad taste in my mouth. And irritated me after this response I got from the email they sent me......


The Ezsoy will not be back instock until December 4th or 5th. The sales ends on November 30th and will not be extended. It is stated in the newsletter as I copied below.

*Sale starts Nov 1st, 12:00am, Ends Nov 30th, 11:59pm CST. No rain checks, backorders or backdating. Special applies to orders placed during the special only, and on in stock items only. No exceptions.

Funny how it will be back in stock within a couple days after the sale ends?? I can see running out close to the end of the sale but these guys ran out half way through the sale. Isn't EZSoy the same as like Golden Brands 415 or something?? I am going to have to research this....... Also the shipping from TX is ridiculous to me so would cost me way more to have it shipped from there....wouldn't matter if it was on sale or not! I would also think if you are going to run a month long special you would be well stocked before you advertised the special. JMHO I think the month of December is making more irritated then normal.....LOL

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Hey Kim,

Dont know for sure, but the rumor is that the EZ SOY and 415 are the same. I have used both and have seen no difference.

I even switched to the 415 because prices and shipping were better.

Try to find a local supplier with the 415 and give it a shot.. :D

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I was having trouble with BCN shipping cost (wasn't getting my hundred weight shipping discount).....and other things (grrrr)

Island girl turned me on to the 415 and I have seen no difference between the 2. I think they just have golden brands private label for them......

same flakes, black bag....

can send you a pound to play with, let me know....

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Our office did not know this yet when they emailed that reply, as I hadn't told them yet. But we will be re-running the sale on our EZ Soy from December 10th thru the 16th. We will have only a few pallets coming in (shipping them up from BCS) to hold us over until our truckload arrives, so we can't re-run the sale til the truckload is here. We're sorry we ran out early, naturally we were stocked up before the sale but we could not possibly anticipate getting wiped out of stock so early in the month. Obviously we didn't plan for that to happen. So for those that didn't order early in the month and missed out, we are giving the same sale price at BC North December 10th - 16th. Thanks in advance for your understanding :)

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I placed an order for EZsoy on saturday the 18th, it would actually go through their office on the following monday the 20th, and they weren't sold out then. So how does a $7 Million a year company run out of wax?? Especially right in the middle of the busiest time of year...you'd think they would have plenty of stock on hand knowing it would be gobbled up this time of year. I can see the smaller suppliers running out due to only being able to buy so much at a time but for as large as BCN is...you'd think that wouldn't happen!

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So-soy you must have still been typing your post while I was responding, so maybe you didn't see my response right above yours. But as I explained, we were stocked up before the sale and thought we had plenty enough... but we sold much more than we could have anticipated. Unfortunately no matter how hard we try, we cannot always predict when we will run out of an item. Sometimes suppliers get wiped out earlier than they thought they would. Naturally we didn't run out on purpose, why would we do that. Obviously in a perfect world we would never want to run out of stock on anything, but nobody is perfect :)

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Yeah I ordered some EZ Soy early November, received it a few days later, then I read the newsletter. :) I didn't even get the discount on the EZ Soy because I wasn't paying attention! I should have enough for the Holiday Season though so I should be thankful for that at least! I may place another order when they get some in however, but I bet it'll be hard to actually get my hands on some since it seems like everybody wants some!

Are there any 415 suppliers closer to Wisconsin?


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Naturally we didn't run out on purpose, why would we do that.

That must have been some sale eh!!! I know you didn't run out on purpose, just sucks for that to happen for all involved! Its more of a surprise, for you guys to run out of something like wax, that's why I commented on this matter.:D

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Wow Doneen! Glad you had such great business!

People, when Old Navy is having a huge sale and sell out of the clothes, everyone would think that is completely normal. That is how business works.

Same goes for wax. You have a ton, put it on sale, and it sells.

No kidding I'll be quite pleased if I sell out of candles this holiday season! :)

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This is obviously one of the busiest times of the year for candle making so "supply and demand" is a given. For that reason, why would a supplier put a core product on sale in the first place when they could make big profits (easily!) just by selling at regular price? If I sold hamburgers, I would sure hate to run out of meat :whistle:

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Yeah I ordered some EZ Soy early November, received it a few days later, then I read the newsletter. :) I didn't even get the discount on the EZ Soy because I wasn't paying attention! I should have enough for the Holiday Season though so I should be thankful for that at least! I may place another order when they get some in however, but I bet it'll be hard to actually get my hands on some since it seems like everybody wants some!

Are there any 415 suppliers closer to Wisconsin?


Not sure exactly how far you are from these folks, but they were able to ship 50 lbs over 500 miles to me, a couple of months ago for $15.90 I thought that was pretty reasonable. Give them a call and find out - it's a toll free # at the bottom of the page and they do carry the 415.

Sorry about the wrong link: Here's the correct one..:smiley2:


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Not sure exactly how far you are from these folks, but they were able to ship 50 lbs over 500 miles to me, a couple of months ago for $15.90 I thought that was pretty reasonable. Give them a call and find out - it's a toll free # at the bottom of the page and they do carry the 415.


Which folks? Is that the right link?

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Wow Doneen! Glad you had such great business!

People, when Old Navy is having a huge sale and sell out of the clothes, everyone would think that is completely normal. That is how business works.

Same goes for wax. You have a ton, put it on sale, and it sells.

Well for one, we don't need OLD NAVY to keep our businesses running! We need WAX to keep our businesses running! So if O N were to have a sale and run out, yes we would think that's just business..that's the way OLD NAVY's business is suppose to be, they are catering to the public NOT other businesses! When you are a supplier it is imperative that you don't run out of stock, again, other businesses are relying on YOUR supplies to keep them running. I'm not jumping on BCN about this either...it just happened to come up with them, I'm speaking on a general basis here. There is a something to be said for 'planning ahead' in this business, but when our stock is depleted faster than we expect, we expect to be able to go right to our SUPPLIER and get more. Just as BCN can go right to their supplier and get more wax. I am sure it would hurt BCN if they couldn't get what they needed from their supplier too...then they lose customers to other suppliers..just as we lose customers when we are out of wax and can't re-stock! So I disagree with you on 'same goes for wax'....apples and oranges there!

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Well for one, we don't need OLD NAVY to keep our businesses running! We need WAX to keep our businesses running! So if O N were to have a sale and run out, yes we would think that's just business..that's the way OLD NAVY's business is suppose to be, they are catering to the public NOT other businesses! When you are a supplier it is imperative that you don't run out of stock, again, other businesses are relying on YOUR supplies to keep them running. I'm not jumping on BCN about this either...it just happened to come up with them, I'm speaking on a general basis here. There is a something to be said for 'planning ahead' in this business, but when our stock is depleted faster than we expect, we expect to be able to go right to our SUPPLIER and get more. Just as BCN can go right to their supplier and get more wax. I am sure it would hurt BCN if they couldn't get what they needed from their supplier too...then they lose customers to other suppliers..just as we lose customers when we are out of wax and can't re-stock! So I disagree with you on 'same goes for wax'....apples and oranges there!

I agree... Not picking on BCN... But I am glad I don't get my wax there now..LOL:D

It was like when C&S ran out of their combo warmers in Novemeber, and wouldn't have them in until after the New Year..

It's Christmas season and my customers want them now!!

Not after the new year... .

My customers don't care that "My supplier" ran out.

My supplier being unprepared with product DOES hurt my biz..

I was so surprised that a "HUGE" supplier would let themselves run low..:undecided

Point being, we do have a right to be upset.. If it is an "Exclusive" warmer, wax, FO ...ect. You want it to be available when needed.. As do our customers who need their candles...

Merry Christmas!!!santa cool

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Well for one, we don't need OLD NAVY to keep our businesses running! We need WAX to keep our businesses running! So if O N were to have a sale and run out, yes we would think that's just business..that's the way OLD NAVY's business is suppose to be, they are catering to the public NOT other businesses! When you are a supplier it is imperative that you don't run out of stock, again, other businesses are relying on YOUR supplies to keep them running. I'm not jumping on BCN about this either...it just happened to come up with them, I'm speaking on a general basis here. There is a something to be said for 'planning ahead' in this business, but when our stock is depleted faster than we expect, we expect to be able to go right to our SUPPLIER and get more. Just as BCN can go right to their supplier and get more wax. I am sure it would hurt BCN if they couldn't get what they needed from their supplier too...then they lose customers to other suppliers..just as we lose customers when we are out of wax and can't re-stock! So I disagree with you on 'same goes for wax'....apples and oranges there!

This all comes down to planning ahead. I see this as you ran out of wax (not planning ahead) and now are blaming the supplier for being out of stock? So what you are basically saying is that it is OK for you to run out because you did not plan ahead and had better sales than expected but the suppliers are supposed to be super human and just anticipate every move you make? "When you are a supplier it is imperative that you don't run out of stock, again, other businesses are relying on YOUR supplies to keep them running." Yes, and likewise, you too are a candle supplier, and you ran out, same principle I do believe. I think you need to pop a valium, sip on a glass of vodka whatever relaxes you honey and realize that you screwed up. Stop blaming others for your mistakes and move on.

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Which folks? Is that the right link?
Everito, I am confused by your link.



Sorry I had the wrong link..I usually check but forgot this time..sick with a little fever today..going for a heart cath tomorrow..= a senior moment ....I went back and changed the link on my first post as well...HTH..:smiley2:

Here's the right one:


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Well for one, we don't need OLD NAVY to keep our businesses running! We need WAX to keep our businesses running! So if O N were to have a sale and run out, yes we would think that's just business..that's the way OLD NAVY's business is suppose to be, they are catering to the public NOT other businesses! When you are a supplier it is imperative that you don't run out of stock, again, other businesses are relying on YOUR supplies to keep them running. I'm not jumping on BCN about this either...it just happened to come up with them, I'm speaking on a general basis here. There is a something to be said for 'planning ahead' in this business, but when our stock is depleted faster than we expect, we expect to be able to go right to our SUPPLIER and get more. Just as BCN can go right to their supplier and get more wax. I am sure it would hurt BCN if they couldn't get what they needed from their supplier too...then they lose customers to other suppliers..just as we lose customers when we are out of wax and can't re-stock! So I disagree with you on 'same goes for wax'....apples and oranges there!

OMG, audacity audacity audacity.

Having years of expirience in the supply chain as a supplier myself, I can honestly say. . .you are ABSOLUTELY correct. There IS a lot to be said about planning ahead. It is not good when your supplier is out of product your business needs. I applaud you for your thoughts.

Fact is, supply chains get low. It happens in EVERY industry. No one can predict the market. You base your purchases on trends as you know them. Thats all you can do. If sales go up, you might run out. Its how it works.

Think about it. .every chandler in the country increases output at Christmas. Every part-timer increases or starts back up. Its obvious to the average monkey that supplies can get low. Heck BUSINESSES over predicting their sales and buying in a higher volume can cause this just as well.

So, the next time you go on a public outcry about your supply chain, remember, piss poor planning on YOUR part, does not make an emergency on THEIRS. You are just as guilty as what you accuse. In any business you should not be running on a skimpy supply budget, especially when the season kicks in.

Any GOOD business has back-up suppliers. You have a company you PREFER to buy from, that takes care of you best they can and treats you right. If you get in a pinch, you should have a back up. Its called business continuity and I suggest you read up on it.

Though I applaud you for your thoughts, you should also apply them to yourself.

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