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Questions on packaging soaps


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Ok, I have been packaging my soaps with a cigar band around them. This year I decided to make the bars smaller because well, our economy sucks and people are tight with their $$. So I thought that by making the bars smaller I can lower the price and sell more. Now, I am in the dilema of what should I do for packaging? The cigar bands are to small and the soaps are about 2inches by 3 inches by 1 inch.

So if anyone has any suggestions I would love to here them!

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I have a hard time deciding what I want to do also. I just want soaps with no color and no packaging, that makes life easy. For now I have been using Dans Bands from MMS and those are not to expensive and you can put your information on a business card that includes ingredients.

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I have for the past year sold my soaps naked at shows until this past fall.

I must say the sales on my soaps have always been good unwrapped. I have just had a few people walk by and make bad comments about the soap being upwrapped. So.........after talking with my DH we decided to shrink wrap our soap where the sides are still exposed and I always leave one of each scent unwrapped so that people can still pick it up to smell and touch.

From my experience I think the unwrapped soap sales the best. I don't want to ever have to wrap my soap completely. I set my soap racks right outside my tent and as people walk by they smell. That gives them a reason to stop.

Just my experience and :2cents:

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I have for the past year sold my soaps naked at shows until this past fall.

I must say the sales on my soaps have always been good unwrapped. I have just had a few people walk by and make bad comments about the soap being upwrapped. So.........after talking with my DH we decided to shrink wrap our soap where the sides are still exposed and I always leave one of each scent unwrapped so that people can still pick it up to smell and touch.

From my experience I think the unwrapped soap sales the best. I don't want to ever have to wrap my soap completely. I set my soap racks right outside my tent and as people walk by they smell. That gives them a reason to stop.

Just my experience and :2cents:

LOL..I use the same tactic. My husband walks around the craft area and spray body spray. Everyone says what is the smell, it smells good. Before long, folks are in my area. I am gonna give selling my soaps nake a try.

Grumpy Girl, where do you get your bags. I searched by googling for bags that are not to big or too small. The only ones I come up with are the merchandise bags, which are just a tad bit too big.

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I want my logo and contact information on the soap as well as the ingredients - especially for those giving it as a gift. :wink2:

This is another reason we started shrink wrapping our soap.

Edited to say that my DH loves the shrink wrap and seeing as to how he is responsible for packaging the products it makes his life much easier. It is much cheaper then buying boxes and the roll of shrink rap last forever. We also don't have to buy labels for soap anymore. We just use paper that already has designs in the background, print our company name, scent of soap and a few more informative things and just place the label on top of the soap.......place shrink wrap around it and use the heat gun. DONE . Much less expensive packaging

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LOL... it is just soap. One rinse under water the "germs" are gone anyway.

I sell my soaps naked and I used to wrap in tissue with a clear oval label with my business name, logo and scent. I just changed to deli glassine bags as well... I stick my labels on and bag them when people choose what they want. Bagging them is much quicker than wrapping when people are waiting in line and looks really nice also. This is only when I sell them though, for my wholesale accounts I do have custom boxes that I had made.

My business has more than tripled selling naked soap. (When I first started selling I was using a cigar band). Plus, shrink wrap looks really ugly if it sits for anytime at all- IMO.



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I use these from Nashville Wraps:


They are resealable and you can smell the soap right through them. I put my soap in, fold the flap over, and then put my label on with ingredients, name, etc. The customer can still see the soap so I don't hide all my creativity and they can still smell it. They are super cheap, $4 for 100 of them. And come in bigger sizes if you want to sell combo packs, etc.

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The booth that led me to research online sold theirs naked. They had a line and it took a few minutes to get to the front of the area so I could sniff.

They had risers with the clear shoeboxes stacked on them, one sample of each was set out in front of the shoebox. In the shoebox was the precut log of soap. You sniffed said I want this one, they pulled a fresh one out of the box and wrapped them in white tissue paper with a printed sticker.

I didn't know any better then so I have no clue what they did about ingredients lists and such. They also had no banner, signs or anything that told me who they were. I do know when I looked online about the show it was a 350 booth fee for 12x12 of sidewalk for 1 day. This was walking distance from a Tiffany's store. I don't know what they were selling for but I remember it being more than I had in my pocket and I am sure they made booth+ that day easily.


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I didn't know any better then so I have no clue what they did about ingredients lists and such.

I do not list my ingredients on the soap that I retail. Just label, business name and scent or type. You legally do not have to list it... but I do have a couple black chalk board signs that indicate ingredients and pricing on the table. The only questions that I get on a regular basis is, "Do you use animal fat?" As far as other ingredients I would say 1 out of 10 customers ask.

I personally like the naked stacks of soap... When I vacation and buy soap from different regions I am always attracted to stores that display that way.

Plus it is more environmentally friendly and there is a lot less waste.. plus the time that you spend wrapping and printing. :tongue2:

I will never go there again!!

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LOL... it is just soap. One rinse under water the "germs" are gone anyway.


Not true, Have one of your used bars cultured and see how many germs live on soap & transfer from person to person.

I don't like bar soap for hands or body, I only use liquid or foaming soap that I make from bases.

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Not true, Have one of your used bars cultured and see how many germs live on soap & transfer from person to person.

I don't like bar soap for hands or body, I only use liquid or foaming soap that I make from bases.

Let me clarify if we are getting scientific here... there are germs on EVERYTHING. If people are paranoid about unwrapped soap and germs then don't touch a door knob, the sink faucet in a public bathroom, etc.

While we are on the "germ" subject, you may never want to never use a sponge or a toothbrush.

My point is that we all about comfort levels. I like the look of unwrapped soap and choose to sell it that way. I have never had a customer or possible customer approach me and state "Ewww, germs."

From a marketing standpoint, unwrapped is the trend and the sales seem to increase when you sell it that way.



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