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I'm so angry... I need to vent!!! UPDATE! (last post)

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Grrrrrrrr I can't believe it!!!

A few weeks ago I found a site of an italian candle company. I found a document on the site where there were written a lot of data and considerations about quality (and safety) of candles. They brought as negative example those crappy candles you can find almost everywhere, low quality paraffin, white, unscented, and just a dipping of colored and scented wax. There was written that if a candle is a good candle it has to be made with this and that, the amount of FO and so on.

Since I was feeling the documen was on the right side yes, but a bit a marketing strategy, I wrote them an email They weere saying thinhs also about wicks so I said what I think. The president wrote me back, explaining his thought abou a good candle etc etc. saying that I should try one of their product.

Today I was at a big shopping center. In the supermarket I found their candles. I bought one. A square pillar, 65 mm wide and 100 mm tall, it weighs about 400 grams. Scented "Oceania", for relaxing. It's blue. It costs 7.50 euros. About 10 USD.

When I got home I lit it immediately.

It was looking strange... and then I knew why. After 2 minutes burning I see that the blue wax it's only a coating. So I scretched the surface, and there is only a thin layer of blue and scented wax. I took immediately a couple of pics. The wick is mushrooming, and the only smell is a smell of burnin wick and unscented wax.

Now I'll write again to the president of the company. I was starting to believe he was loving candles and knew what he's doing, but after today I know it's only fooling people.

Things won't change, I know, but only for my personal satisfaction I have to write him.

I took the pics whit the labels clearly visible, maybe I could put them on my site as they do on their with crappy candles picture. I hate them!!! If you open the site it's all a claim of "the only safe and good candle"!!!!

Sorry for venting, but I can't believe I paid what I charge for a really scented and full colored candle of the same size and I got a cheap block of white paraffin.





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I guess that's probably one of the reasons these stores can sell their candles so cheap. I'm sure the biggest majority of these mass produced candles are made the same way. I've never thought about cutting into a candle I bought lmao

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I guess that's probably one of the reasons these stores can sell their candles so cheap. I'm sure the biggest majority of these mass produced candles are made the same way. I've never thought about cutting into a candle I bought lmao

this candle is not so cheap, it costs 7.50 euros, if I do a retail price for a candle of the same weight it would cost about 9 euros. There is no such a big difference!!

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Try to look on the bright side...one more candle company that you can do better than. I have seen pictures of your work, and this one you bought doesn't compare in appearance...or burn by the looks of things. Be proud of what you achieve. Definately let the "president" know what you thought about his candle.


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Try to look on the bright side...one more candle company that you can do better than. I have seen pictures of your work, and this one you bought doesn't compare in appearance...or burn by the looks of things. Be proud of what you achieve. Definately let the "president" know what you thought about his candle.


Thanks Janette, you're toooooooo kind!

What makes me angry is that he kept on saying those thing to me, I mean I know ho to make a candle, don't try to fool me. He also invited me in their laboratories.

I wrote him some minutes ago, attaching the pics I took, and letting him know the price I paid for that ugly candle.

Yes, I can do better, but they are in stores, not me!

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There's definitely a bright side to this story. They charged 7.5 euro = about 10 usd. With a bit of marketing you could take your fair share of the market supplying the public with a much better candle.

Here in the US that candle might have sold for 1.99 in a dollar store. I have seen 20 ounce jar candles sell for 3 or 4 dollars in some of these stores here in the US.

At least this company that made the square candle is charging a price that you can compete with. Hope this makes sense. :wink2:

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There's definitely a bright side to this story. They charged 7.5 euro = about 10 usd. With a bit of marketing you could take your fair share of the market supplying the public with a much better candle.

Here in the US that candle might have sold for 1.99 in a dollar store. I have seen 20 ounce jar candles sell for 3 or 4 dollars in some of these stores here in the US.

At least this company that made the square candle is charging a price that you can compete with. Hope this makes sense. :wink2:

Hi Everito it makes a lot of sense!;)

I agree, that candle can be sold for less money here too, but when I saw the price I thought "well, the 'president' told me they make high quality candle.. so this is a fair price for a high quality candle sold in a supermarket" and I bought it.

I'm sorry to have not so many blackouts here, that candle would be perfect for power outages. Uhm.. not xactly.. it costs too much!

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I'm sorry to have not so many blackouts here, that candle would be perfect for power outages. Uhm.. not xactly.. it costs too much!

Hmm, isn't that what we decided for the Y@nkee pillar you bought a while back?

I'd be so mad too if I were you. Is there any possibility to take it back to the store for a refund? Here such low quality candles would sell for an equally low price, so it is not a trick to consumers.

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Ok, this is a very silly question, but what exactly is mushrooming? I thought i had it figured from reading other posts, but then i don't get why that candle is mushrooming?

Me confused!!!!!

Mushrooming is carbon build up on the wick = unburned fuel or soot.



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Ok, this is a very silly question, but what exactly is mushrooming? I thought i had it figured from reading other posts, but then i don't get why that candle is mushrooming?

Me confused!!!!!

Mushrooming means when the wicks develop a large black ball or "head" on top, while this candle was borning I looked at the the wick and it had a little mushroom. but the I let it burn and no mushroom now. At least!

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Hmm, isn't that what we decided for the Y@nkee pillar you bought a while back?

I'd be so mad too if I were you. Is there any possibility to take it back to the store for a refund? Here such low quality candles would sell for an equally low price, so it is not a trick to consumers.

Yes, but since I have no power outages I'm still burning those pillars!

One was almost at the end of its life, I melted it and made some tarts to use myself, the other two are still living, trying to gaining time because they don't want to go in the pot and become tarts.

I won't take the candle back just because I'm stupid. I'v been a stupid believing the owner of the company was saying the truth, about their candles, I've been so stupid to trust someone who makes his big sales in supermarket!!!

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Sabrina, it's not stupid. I tend to be quite a trusting person too. Well hey, at least you don't get much power outages where you live. Here in the US if there's a storm sometimes we can have no electricity for a few days. I remember a time when I could not take a shower for a few days and couldn't even make a cup of coffee and had to go to the restaurant to eat.

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It's not stupid to have purchased the candle. It is good to see just what your competitors are producing once in a while.

Yankm** makes their candles the same way...(saw it on TV show called "Made in America")...wax formed into beads then compressed into mold for the center and then dipped in the color. The inside of the candles looks like styrofoam at first glance.

So don't beat yourself up, just consider it research & development;) I like Funky Monkey's suggestion - use it for a display item.

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FunkyMonkey and Pam, yes I will keep the candle and show to everyone who's interested in my candles. Since I don't do shows I will keep it at home.

Thanks for support, I feel stupid because deep inside I KNEW it was made like that.

I'm waiting for someone reply!!

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This morning I found the reply to my email, from the president of the company.

He said he's very surprised and disappointed. He says that maybe those were samples for packaging, and by mistake the supermarket put them for sale.

He asked where I bought the candle and he's trying to tracking the candles.

He offered to send me a selection of their candles and accessories to apologize, and told me once again that I'm invited in their labs.

I kindly answered accepting their samples and their invite, even if they are a bit far from me, and I'm waiting to hear the reason why those candles were there...

Will see what is going to happen!

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He said he's very surprised and disappointed. He says that maybe those were samples for packaging, and by mistake the supermarket put them for sale.

What the heck does that mean.......lame excuse if I ever heard one!! :rolleyes2 Why would you send samples to a store or anyone for that matter, just to show the packaging??? Any samples sent would be the EXACT thing they would be selling. I think he's giving you a bunch of hooey!! :cool2:

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What the heck does that mean.......lame excuse if I ever heard one!! :rolleyes2 Why would you send samples to a store or anyone for that matter, just to show the packaging??? Any samples sent would be the EXACT thing they would be selling. I think he's giving you a bunch of hooey!! :cool2:

Yes, that's the same thing I thought.

Obviously he can't tell "yes, we do such ugly candles".

The only thing that gives me a little satisfaction is that now he knows someone knows!!! if this makes sense LOL.

Anyway they have my address now, they will send me samples, of what I don't know, and he told me he really cares for my opinion on them.

For waht it's worth, at least I caught them on fault.

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I would be ticked too.

I had a man come to my booth and asked if my candles burn good.He said I brought one from my niece and half was left in the jar.I said no mine are not like that and showed him one that was burning.He said I told my niece that would be the last candle I buy from her.How in the world did she put those candles out to sell when burning like that?Didn't she see a problem?

I think I will put some store brought candles at my next show to burn.Light mine too.Just hope they(store brought) smell good because don't want people smelling fuel.People stopped at my booth commenting how good they smell.The problem is I am sitting there and not smelling a thing.CANDLE NOSE.Once in a while I get a whiff but not always.Kids were coming to buy candles for their mom.They chose mine and that made me feel good.

It does make you mad when candles are bashed.On my site I put clean burning,highly fragranced and reasonalby priced.The problem is I also see people with websites say my candles are better than any candle you buy.I would never go that far.I do tell people who ask that mine do burn good when they say they had a bad experience. Saying they are the best is just a sales pitch and as we see not always true.More than likely NOT TRUE.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Makes me mad too!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hi Lynn,

I have candle nose too and I hate it!

Anyway it was clear that it was only a marketing strategy... or the president doesn't really know what they produce and sell?? Uhm hard to believe.

As I said, I'm happy (but really really happy) to have something to teach to someone who's in business from a long time. I'm not so happy because THEY sell. Not me.

To be honest I don't have the time to run a candle business, I should quit my job but it's too risky, anyway thinking that my candles are not considered, while people can buy those wanna-be candles makes mad!

I won't put on my site pictures of crappy and ugly candles, juts because I don't want people thinking what I thought reading this company's site. That it was only marketing!

ETA: I mean only for the website, while for a show I totally agree with burning mass produced candles!

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It is a good thing to have pride in your product and an even better thing to sincerely believe your product is superior to others. It is not a great selling point though bcuz ppl are predisposed by nature to challenge so if a maker is telling ppl my candles are the best burn the best all that then the purchaser is probably geared into look for fault mode instead of look for good if that makes sense. sales shd be built on the good points benefits etc of your candles not on what is wrong with others. unless asked specifically I dont think its even wise to mention another candle company concentrate on you. take pride in your work as though yours are the only products out there.

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