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Craft Show Starts tomorrow


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Wish me luck .. I have crossed all my T's and dotted all my I's. Lets see how many things I forget between now and the time the show starts. LOL

I got one tomorrow then the following Saturday and then the following Sunday. I am ready to make this happen. It better be better than last year!

I am giving away 2 oz samples of Massage oils to everyone who purchases

$25 or more :-) They don't know what they are getting besides a "Surprise Gift" LOL


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Thanks all. Yep, taking some Yogurt and will think of all of you that were in chat to hear the story. LMFAO

Anyways- I will take pics but I can gaurantee that my table will look nothing like the pros of CT. What I can do is ask for advice for the next one! :-)


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Just got back. Did awesome. Made money and got 1 wholesale account and 1 fundraiser out of the deal. :yay: :yay: My biggest seller was my cinnamon buns that I make. Sold completly out of them. The # 1 in tarts/votives was Celtic Moon Spice. The # 1 jar scent was Moonlight Path. The # 1 Pillar scent was Falling Leaves. # 1 soap was the massage bars and it was LLC. I am pissed that I picked up 3 tablecloths and only 1 was the correct size. I didn't look at the other two behind the first one and I guess they were in the wrong spot. They fit the table, just you could see the boxes underneath. GRRRRRRRRRRRR I have pictures that I will share either later tonight or tomorrow. I am so tired.


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Ok, in this thread, you can tear me up and spit me out. LOL I need all positive and negative responses ( to a point). I know about the tablecloth ( just got wrong sizes). I really wanted to put cloth over the risers but hubby wanted to leave them plain. What do you think? Please be honest with me.

Oh- on the index cards - I left my nice ( printed out) price sheets at home, so I had to use index cards that I had in my storage box :-( I ended up taking them up about an hour into the show and just told people the prices because I thought they looked aweful!

I am thinking I need more risers????









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Great job! I love the color of the table clothes. And of course you know the clothes look much better when it goes to the floor.

I personally would have put some fabric on your risers. Maybe a complimentary color to your table clothes. Nothing to busy...we don't want to distract from your product. I love your jars:yay:.

And yes more height on the table the better. Maybe bring in some silk mums or something.

Oh, an idea for pricing(this is what I do) I use 2x3 silver frames for each item and place them near the product.

By the way, I'm so glad you did well. I know you have been working hard. Oh, and I love your jeans. You Rock!

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Congratulations on the show! Your setup looks nice, but a little more height would be nice. I don't know about covering the risers; I just don't like that they're such high steps, but just my opinion there. Maybe see how they look covered? The risers I have need to be covered, but the fabric does slip around some, so that's something to keep in mind too. It's a shame about the table cloths, but it doesn't sound like it kept people from buying. :)

Your products look great! I like the arrangement of your products and the leaves here and there!

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Glad the show went well Chritina, I agree with Michelle but you have a good start there. You must be so excited about the wholesale accoount and the fundraiser, table couldn't have looked that bad, the products obviously sell themselves. :yay:

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Glad the show went well Chritina, I agree with Michelle but you have a good start there. You must be so excited about the wholesale accoount and the fundraiser, table couldn't have looked that bad, the products obviously sell themselves. :yay:
Moonlight Path go figure.
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