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Cleaning votive molds

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Place molds on a cookie sheet and place in an oven at about 200*F. Let heat for 10-15 minutes then using paper towels hold mold with one paper towel then wipe out mold with another paper towel. Be careful when wiping out mold the top edge is sharp. I don't use metal molds I use glass votive holders.

I know some people line the cookie sheet with paper towels and place molds up-side down in the sheet. I don't like this idea, in case you get distracted the paper towel would catch fire.

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I HATE cleaning the metal votive molds!! I use the method of paper towel on a cookie sheet, but each one still needs to be wiped out. My fingers are cramped by the time I finish with them. I have to really pay attention to what I am doing, or I end up with a sliced finger! There has GOT to be an easier way!!

Candle Man, what glass votive molds do you use? I don't believe I have ever seen them!

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Upside down on a cookie sheet - when I bother to clean them - and wear gardening gloves! No sliced fingers, no burned knuckles.

I usually warm the oven to 200-250, then turn it off and put them in. I worried about them catching on fire also. Set the timer for 8 minutes, wipe 'em out and ready to go again.

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I place wax paper on cookie sheet, then paper towels on top of the wax paper to soak up the wax. Put my votives upside down on top of paper towels and place in a warm oven about 175 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

Never had a burning paper towel incident and the molds come out clean without wiping.

Then I just lift out the soaked paper towels and wax paper off the cookie sheet I'm done.

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I must be an oddball. I tried melting them in the oven but after a few burned fingers from getting them out, I stopped that. I put mine in the freezer for a few minutes and the wax just slides off of them, then I wipe with paper towels. So much faster and safer for me.

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hmm I will have to try the oven route too. What I normally do is use our tap water. Hubby has our water heater set real high so that I can clean some of my wax just by melting it away with the hot hot water. (not a ton of wax just a little) Then what I do is, while using rubber dish gloves, I hand wash each one. Sometimes I use a little bit of mold cleaner, but not very often.

But boy does the oven method sound a lot easier. :D

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THANK YOU Amy Sue! I was afraid to tell what method I was using before which was washing them by hot soapy water. Of course there were very very little wax on them but it was such a pain in the butt not to mention time consuming and alot of hand cream for my poor hands. (I hate rubber gloves so I don't wear them). I heeded their advice and tried the oven method and boy I tell you it's soooo much easier and and definitely saves alot of time. Why I didn't think of that before is beyond me because that's pretty close to how I clean my pour pot by wiping it out with paper towels when it's still warm after use.

So thank you guys, you're all life savers! ( I still feel like an idiot though):embarasse

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