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Soy Repours?

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I don't have a ton of experience, but I have never had to repour. I've used several brands of pure soy and also a few para/soy blends.

Thanks Luci for the response. I sure wish I did not. I do not have to repour because of open holes or dips but because of hidden air pockets. It is such a pain to have to repour and it is so hard to get perfection at the top when a repour is done -- at least for me anyway with soy. I am such a perfectionist and it drives me nuts. So far, I just have not found another soy wax that works right in the other ways that are important to me. So I suffer with these darn repours. :undecided After getting hidden airpockets, I am not sure if I would trust any soy now. Thanks again. :)

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I use EcoSoya CB Advanced and EcoSoya Pillar/Votive wax. If I take my time and pour at 140 and pour slow, I usually don't have to do a second pour. I hate them also.

I tap on the side of my container or mold with my spoon after I pour. This helps to get the air bubbles out.

Linda Nelson

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Thanks everyone. I also pour cool but after having some hidden airpockets open up while candles are burning, I cannot take a chance. I would have no for sure way to know if they are there or not. I prefer to be safe than sorry later. I have heard that some soys are more prone to this than others, and I just happened to pick a soy that is prone to it. I love this soy for other reasons, so have stuck it out. I still test other soys from time to time but have not run across anything that made me make a change. I have not tested many lately -- kinda gave up. However, just recently, I have been dabbling with ADM and there is a possibility that I may like it better than the Calsoy CB-3. It would be great if it would not require a repour but have not tested it enough yet to know for sure. I have to get to know its positives and negatives.

It is encouraging to know though that some of you have had success with certain soys that do not require a repour. Maybe someday I will find one that is right for me and does not need a repour. :)

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I pour cool ie. slushy using EL soy and have never had a sinkhole, airpocket or had to do a repour after being at it for almost 2 years.

I hope you get it figured out!

That is encouraging. :) I have a sample of EL soy, but have not gotten a chance to test it yet. I really like the scent throw with the CB-3 Calsoy and like the tops I get. It is a pretty wax except if it is too cold when the candles are made you get bad frosting and it tends to get very noticeable frost lines after a burn. I just recently had to go colorless because I now work in the shop and it gets much colder in there, especially in the winter.

I have had trouble finding another soy that is as easy to wick and has as good of a hot throw. It is not an easy wax to single wick in jars that require single wicks (I do not use this wax in single wick jars) but is a great soy to double wick with. How do you like the hot throw with the EL Soy? Have you compared it to many? I will try to get some time and run a few tests with it. Thanks again. :)


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Holly, honestly it's the only soy I've ever used. I only have access to 2 kinds (Eco soy being the other one) of soy here and decided on the EL. I'm happy with the throw, have had lots of compliments so it must ok. I use liquid dyes and do get that frost ring after a burn. IMO every brand has it's strenghts & weaknesses but I'd rather have some frosting as opposed to sinkholes and having to do repours.

Give it a try and see what you think :)

HTH a bit!

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