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Frustrated. Ideas?


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I can't seem to get any local customers or any one to have a candle party other than my ex-sister in law and the last one she had was three years ago. I do have a booth at a consignment store in town here and I also have a wholesale account with an exclusive Irish Celtic specialty store in another town not far from where I live. But I just can't seem to get any local retail customers and I do not want to go onto the web.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on different ways of marketing my products, I would appreciate your input.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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We have a local Yahoo group for selling things. I've tried to use that to sell my products, but we have a lot of candle people in this area as well and everyone else was doing it and then it got to the point where the moderators of the group were not allowing candle posts or limiting them. It's becoming saturated in my opinion between candlemakers and now certain candle party plans and MLM companies are cropping up all over the place too. It's quite frustrating. I'm doing pretty well in my consigment shop. The owner is only allowing myself and one other candlemaker in there so as not to saturate her store and to keep it fair for us. I don't know what the problem is. I'm not a good sales person. I always feel as if I'm bugging people or pushing myself and my product on them and I know that this is because I can't stand sales people myself ... LOL ... but I have to be one and I'm having a hard time with that. LOL I have heard of candle routes and that they can be very lucrative but it's that "selling" thing again.

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You mean like craft shows? I am kind of afraid to get into those because of the cost and the amount of candlemakers already there. If you are meaning something else, please let me know. Maybe you mean church bazaars or school flea markets?? I have not gotten into these. I know this might sound like a stupid question, but how would I find out about these?

I've tried to hold open houses at my own home and posted at local grocery stores and put signs out, etc. but had little success.

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Yes, I meant craft shows. Ours here is called a craft bazaar. They do have church bazaars and flea markets here too, but I only do the craft shows. I found out about mine because they advertise in the paper when they're accepting signups. If there are other candlemakers there you could try requesting for a booth that is further away from them.

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I do craft shows and about it.I have done a wedding and doing another next June and also tarts for a charity auction. Really not alot of business but the show there are other candlemakers but I don't care.I do about the same as they do.Also I get lots of raves and one lady comes back every year for just one Scent and usually buys a couple more.She is almost 30 miles.The other show near me the same thing.Some customers stopping back from year before and rave about my candles.One lady is buying gifts that time of year.She goes throught what I have and walks out buying 50-100 worth of products.She also asks What is for Christmas???She will be hearing from me because last year I said I would do something but didn't so this year she will have some Christmas items.

The shows are not a huge money maker by far but really gets people interested and telling others.This year I have my site up and all my candles have thewebsite on them in case I did not give a business card.I had one lady ask for one scent her friend always made her and I am starting to carry that scent.She said she will be in touch.Another husband and wife wanted another scent so at times it is that certain scent or thing they are looking for.

Check newspapers and also look on-line in your local area.Check one of the biggest cities near you and the state and I am sure you will find plenty.



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Hello, I've just read your dilemna with interest. I think this is something that can affect anyone at any time. I take it from your first post that you live in a fair sized town, if not then I stand corrected. I know that I'm in the UK and things may be somewhat different but here are my thoughts. Have you approached your own friends and family if they are local. They are going to be the ones who will want to see you succeed. Offer some good hostess incentives.

This time of year there are going to be all sorts of fundraising events. Over here we have lots of primary schools, nursery schools, nursing homes, churches, girl guides, scouts, various cadets, etc that start having events for Christmas. Do you not have these in the US? They could be another source of customers for your products. Let them know that you do home parties.

You see, if people, and especially your existing customers, aren't aware of this then your phone isn't going to ring. It is so important to your business that you ensure that you advertise not only the range that you produce but also the extra services like home parties or internet parties. Internet parties work on the same principal only that anyone who cannot attend or those who would love to host a party but are too busy, they host it online. People will place their orders online and they all go towards the hostess' final sales total. This is great if people already are familiar with your products.

As LynnS says don't forget to check your local paper for forthcoming events. Most community groups will advertise their up and coming bazaars. Also keep your ears open when you are in queues. It's amazing what little snippets you can pick up by eavesdropping.

Hope I've given you some food for thought. If you're going to succeed then you are going to have to move out a little from your comfort zone.:cheesy2:


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I dont know if you have a Sun newspaper or The Flyer in your town, but usually most newspapers will let you advertise once a month for free if your ad is less than a certain amount of words. You might want to try that and advertise about your parties, services, etc. Also try posting free ads in your local craigslist. And I know it sounds crazy, but you might try creating a Myspace page with your services ( I know, when you think of Myspace you think of bored teens with nothing to do but stare at people'e pages and pics all day long.) But there are a lot of older people there too. Plus its the #6 website on the web, think of the traffic. I know a lot of people who get business from MYspace, including myself.

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Well, you have all given me an enormous amount of information on this subject and I can't thank you enough.

To answer some of your questions though, I have asked repeatedly for family and friends to have candle parties and while some will say they will, others will evade the subject like the plague. Then the ones that say they will, never follow through. It's been like that with variuos party plans that I've tried over the past 20 years. No one that I know ever wants to have parties for some odd reason. Maybe that are just not "party" people. My ex-sister in law is the only one that has had a candle party and she has also taken my products to work with her at other times and done pretty well at selling them. I've hosted my own parties and other than the very first one that I held three years ago, no one has ever really showed up. I sent out invites to every single person that I knew. Family members, friends, neighbors, you name it and still nothing. I am starting to take it personally ... LOL. I also tried advertising parties to the people in my area, even my neighbors, and still nothing. Last year at this time, I did get orders from the teachers and staff at my daughter's elementary school but no reorders. I can't believe it would be because of the product quality. I am always getting great feedback and my prices are actually below other candlemakers in the area. I also took fundraising packets to all the schools in the area and took some samples to my daughter's school and got some orders that way. I also give her teachers candles each holiday.

Now when I was able to do all this, I wasn't working full time so I had time to do all that, which is another problem. I work full time now and don't have as much to devote to getting my name out there. I also had a website for a couple of years. While I did not do bad on the internet, between shipping and the amount of time that I spent getting my site noticed and thus my products, it wasn't even worth it to me. A personal tragedy a little over a year ago made the final decision for me to give up the internet and I do not want to go that route again. I don't have time to promote my site and I don't have the money to have someone else do it.

As for parties, someone asked me what I offer as hostess incentives. I currently offer 20% total party sales in free merchandise plus $10 merchandise credit for each booking, with a minimum $100 show. They also get a free candle just for having a party no matter if it's $100 or not. I thought that was pretty generous. What do you think?

Like I said, I tried the fundraising thing also and never got any responses. I wasted so many samples and so much time on that with no results. I may have to check into the craft shows and get more feedback on that avenue as well.

I feel like I've been beating my head against the wall for the past 3+ years with this business but I can't seem to let it go. I've almost thrown in the towel so many times, but I just can't do it. I guess candlemaking is in my blood now ... LOL.

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Oh, one more thing. I work in a very small office and I am the youngest girl in the office, and I am 41. LOL They know that I make candles and I've even test burned candles in here and they've given me their feedback but they've never asked to purchase any. I've even given them a brochure. Oh well. I find that older people are not much on candles. I don't know why. Maybe it's just me but seems like that is the case around here anyway.

There is also something else that I could try and that is candle routes. I could take my lunch hour and go to offices in this area where I work and leave brochures and samples. However, that is out of my comfort zone but I think in order to make this a success, I'm going to have to step out of my comfort zone :shocked2: as someone has already stated.

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This is an idea that I have been kicking around for awhile, I know that from personal experiences as well as feedback from others that most people just don't like to attend parties. Main reason: time. I have been running an idea around with a few of my testers and family, about having BOUTIQUE parties. Okay, let me explain....basically you would set up your products just like a home party, craft show, etc. Then people can come in look around, sniff your candles and purchase and leave. You would still be there to answer questions, talk about your products and take orders, but people do not have to sit through games, and presentations. Most people now a days just don't have the time to sit around and just want to be able to see what you have to offer and buy and leave.

90% of the feedback I have gotten on this idea is positive. Maybe this is an avenue for you. I was going to start this next year, by inviting friends and family, co-workers and possible advertising in the local paper.

Hopefully that makes sense. ;)


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Thanks for the info and I agree, I can't stand doing the "party" thing with the games, etc. But I should have been more specific and I'm sorry that I wasn't, but when I say "parties", I am actually meaning Open Houses which is the same as your Boutique idea. I just set the days and hours and people can come in and look around and see what they want and buy and leave. Just like if they were shopping in a store. I have advertised Open Houses many times in my area and no one has ever showed up. It's quite frustrating. Maybe I'm just not putting enough effort into the advertising. I don't know.

At any rate, I have decided to give it another go and run a Holiday Open House the first two weekends in December in my home. Only this time, I've decided to open up my home to a few crafters from the area that would be interested in setting up at no charge, in exchange for advertising the Open House to attract more prospective buyers. As I said, I am not charging them anything to set up and be there, but I do require they be present on the days that they choose to set up their table. Kind of like a vendor or craft show in my home only free (for the vendors of course ... LOL). What do you think?

I would like to hold it sooner than December but unfortunately, I can't because (1) I need to get the $$$ together to get the supplies to make up my stock as I also do soaps and lotions; and (2) my daughter is expecting her first child (my frist grandchild) November 17th so I am keeping the entire month of November free just in case and I have her shower next month so I'm going to short on $$$. Therefore, the first two weekends in December seem to be the best I can come up with. Hopefully, people will be looking for last minute gifts ;) .

Let me know how your Boutique idea goes and if and when you are going to hold one. I would love to know how you made out!!! Thanks again!

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Good grief! You're not having a lot of luck and it's not for the want of trying. I can see how you would start to take things personally. I think I would LOL.

All I can say is what a bunch of party poopers. They either feel that hosting a party is too much like hard work or they are saddos and have no friends!!

Personally, I think parties are a great escuse to have a girl's night in. Get rid of the fellas, send the kids to bed early, break out the wine and chocolates :yay:.

Some of the parties I've attended have been brill. A few times the poor husband was too embarrassed to hang around. KWIM ;)


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You might try consignment at different retailers, of course you dont get you $$ right away but you get your name out. You could start a data base of the people who have bought from you in the past and include everyone you know and then send out a post card giving them a discount on their next purchase.

I am fairly new at the selling of my candles and I am trying to get going again after relocation and I am going to offer private label and market to the local small retailers in my area. In this case they purchase the product instead of consigning it.

Hope this helps.

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Here are a few things I have done to get customers.

At work, I made a whole bunch of tarts and put them in a bag put a sign on the basket that said Free Tarts with my info on the bag. I got 5 regular customers from doing that, they order 10-20 tarts a month. I know not much business but I get orders from their family and friends to. Word of Mouth.

I have also done a few church craft shows and even though I didn't sell alot I got my name out there.

Also I put flyers up in local places such as, grocery stores, convenient stores, post office, and daycares. That I sell candles, wholesale, and do fundraisers.

I have got 1 wholesale order out of doing that.

I also donate to the school, and to the Firehall when they have their special bingos such as a gift basket bingo, mothers day bingo, Candle bingo, etc....

I know it doesn't sound like much business but if I didn't do any of the above I wouldn't have the customers I got now.

Have you ever thought about haveing a catalog or flyer party?? Since everybody sounds like partypoopers. All they would have to do is collect orders from family and friends.

I wish you the best of luck,

Mindy :)

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I think craft shows are going to be your best route right now. That's how we got started. Try getting on www.craftlister.com and do a search in your area for some holiday shows. Most times you can find ones for as low as $15 per space and they provide the table for you. It's worth a shot. The way I look at it, you can only get your name out there if your there to be seen. Good Luck!!

Edited to say, as far as other candlemakers being at shows I wouldn't worry to much about it. Your products are unique from theirs, which will set you apart. I have had shows where they put us directly across from another candlemaker and we both did very well. It just depends on your presentation and the customers.

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You mean like craft shows? I am kind of afraid to get into those because of the cost and the amount of candlemakers already there. If you are meaning something else, please let me know. Maybe you mean church bazaars or school flea markets?? I have not gotten into these. I know this might sound like a stupid question, but how would I find out about these?

I've tried to hold open houses at my own home and posted at local grocery stores and put signs out, etc. but had little success.

You might try craftlister.com or eventlister.com;)
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Thank you all so much for all of the help. I am going to check out these sites that you all have given to me.

You know, I never thought that after three plus years of making and selling candles, I would end up having to start completely over again in business. :cry2: But, hopefully I'm starting over the right way this time. :highfive:

Thanks again!

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