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BRV Rustics


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Made these for my mom. Wicking is a straight out pita for me on black raspberry vanilla, though, so we'll see what happens w/that. I can't get the true color of the candles to show, and believe me, I've tried lol, but the shades that show up bluish in the pics are actually plum color. Thanks for looking :D


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Very nice indeed!

I want to make rustic candles. May I ask, are you using more than one color here? Or is the rustic look achieved due to the initial covering of the mold? (Hope that makes sense. :o )


I'm not QUITE sure what you're asking.....um, I am using three separate colors, white and two shades of plum, but they are layered - are you maybe thinking of draped layers? If you have any questions, let me know and I'll try to help ya :)

Thanks everyone else - and Vicky - I got my pillar holder on clearance for five bucks! Yippee! Too bad there was only one!

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I'm not QUITE sure what you're asking.....um, I am using three separate colors, white and two shades of plum, but they are layered - are you maybe thinking of draped layers? If you have any questions, let me know and I'll try to help ya :)

Thanks everyone else - and Vicky - I got my pillar holder on clearance for five bucks! Yippee! Too bad there was only one!

Hi, thanks for the clarification. I could see the 2 shades of plum but I wasn't sure if the white was just part of the rustic effect or if it was part of the entire candle.

Is the white sort of poured on an angle or something?

(I can see I need to do a lot of playing around to get a better idea of how to achieve certain looks.)

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Hi, thanks for the clarification. I could see the 2 shades of plum but I wasn't sure if the white was just part of the rustic effect or if it was part of the entire candle.

Is the white sort of poured on an angle or something?

(I can see I need to do a lot of playing around to get a better idea of how to achieve certain looks.)

All of the layers are poured at an angle - hth :)

Thanks again for the comments, peep :D

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