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Importance of goggles!!!


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I know everyone will say how dumb I am, But I want to reinforce the importance of wearing goggles. I made a batch of soap yesterday and got it all the way into the molds. I went to tap my pringles can on the counter to settle the soap into the bottom and out shot a gob of soap straight into my eyes. Needless to say it doesn't feel good. I flushed them for 20 min in the shower (as per poison control) but I think it still burned my eyes. Luckily it is down at the bottom of the whites below my lower lid so I don't think my vision will be affected. I am going to an urgent care this morning because they still hurt. BTW I think my batch of soap could win an ugly soap contest.

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Hope you are okay! That is scary, that's why even after all the years I've been soaping, I still will not make a batch without eye protection. NEVER.

I have gone without gloves (usually never wear gloves -they tend to get in my way) but I will always wear eye protection.

Good luck, and I hope your eyes feel better! :)

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Thank you for this post. I needed this to motivate me to tighten up my own safety procedures a notch or two. I used to wear my goggles and gloves all of the time, no exceptions. Then one day I couldn't find my goggles (I'd cleaned my soaping area & moved them). Well I HAD to make a batch of soap and couldn't spend all day looking around for my goggles. So I did it. Nothing happened. I actually found that it was a huge relief to not have the band going around my head. Didn't get a headache from the tight strap. So next day I soaped even more...no goggles. And so on. I found my misplaced goggles after only 2 days of soaping without them, but still haven't worn them since because I've enjoyed the freedom from the nuisance of it. But it's NOT WORTH THE DAMAGE THAT CAN BE DONE and I thank you so much for reminding me of that. Back on my head they're going, from now on!

I hope your eyes are feeling much better and that there's no lasting damage.


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This happened to me about a year ago. I burned the inside of my eyelid when a static charged lye crystal fly into my eye. Bad news! It healed after a couple of weeks but it was painful and also itched like crazy when it was healing (be prepared for that). Anyway, I am glad that you were not more seriously injured. I am like you also, I will not TOUCH lye without my safety glasses.....

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Your injury could have been so much worse. :embarasse Reading this thread about your experience is a good reminder to me of the importance of eye protection and keeping my respect for the damage lye can do in an instant.

I'm so relieved to hear you won't have any permanent damage to your eyesight! :)

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I can't imagine soaping without goggles. I see the splatters on my goggles after I've made soap and know that could have been eyes. Now, I am not always so good about wearing gloves or long sleeves so I tend to get some on my hands or arms and get those darn lye itchies.:embarasse

I'm glad to hear that there is no permanent damage. Hopefully you will have at least saved someone else from this type of injury by your story and its reminder of the importance of eye protection while soaping. Hope you have a speedy recovery. :)

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I'm glad to hear that your eye is gonna be okay. It was too close for comfort, though. I don't have any eye protection here to use, so I've done my first two batches without. I'm gonna get a pair of safety glasses tomorrow! Thank you for sharing your story, and once again, I'm glad you're gonna be okay.


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Wow, glad to hear things are fine. I remember a post about someone splashing raw soap in her eye a year or so ago - she took a picture and everything. Yikes. And then the baby that got into the soap, too.

OMG I remember that poor little guy that got burned. The pictures were just horrible. It just broke my heart and made me stop dead in your tracks and re-evalutate my safety measures. Instances like these serve as great reminders to us. I just wish people didn't have to be hurt for us to be reminded but it is so easy to get lax.

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