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Freezer paper


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Ok folks, please dont laugh too hard at me! I feel that I should know this!! I am searching all over for freezer paper so when my wooden molds and other supplies get here, I can soap!! I cant find any anywhere! In my mind, freezer paper is what good ole fashioned butchers used to use to wrap our meet up in! Well, try to find a butcher these days that isnt at one of the chain food stores!! Hard to find meet markets!! The only thing I can find is wax paper! Can I use this to line my molds or will it mess something up?? When everyone mentions freezer paper they dont mean wax paper correct?? I said Please dont laugh at me! LOL If you are really referring to the type of white freezer paper that I mentioned that butchers used to use, does anyone know of where I can get some easily??


God Bless,


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I don't know diddley about butcher paper, but freezer paper is lightly coated with plastic on one side, so it has a shiny side (which goes toward the soap) and a regular paper side. It is NOT the same as waxed paper, which I tried once - it stuck pretty bad.

I get my freezer paper in the grocery store. Freezer paper is in the "wraps" aisle by the waxed paper and saran wrap; usually on the bottom shelf. Reynolds makes it - it's in a box that's mostly blue with some tan.

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Thanks folks for clarifying and reasurring me that I am looking for the correct stuff! I have checked the 3 SuperWalmarts within a 75 mile radius, all the grocery stores, Freds, Dollar General, and even all the dollar stores to no avail. I will just have to do some searches on the net and see if I can order some from somewhere! I dont have a Costco or anything like that!!

Thanks all, I really appreciate you!!

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You're looking for the right stuff. Like everyone said, if you have a super wal-mart they have it. It's by all the reynolds wrap and saran wrap and sandwich baggies and stuff.

You really don't want to use wax paper. That's what I started out using thinking I had the right stuff. Stuck too and ruined a lot of the soap!! lol

Good luck in your search! :)

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You can also use parchment paper. It has a shiny plastic side too, that is what I use regularly. I used wax paper a few times with success, turned the waxy side away from the soap.

I am experimenting this week with making silicone liners myself so hopefully I can forget about lining my mold. 9 time out of 10 the thought of actually lining my mold dissuades me from making soap. Such a PITA! Until I get my silicone lining down, guess I will make a whole bunch of templates.

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Sometimes I hate living where I live!! Out of the 3 SuperWallys in our area, all three dont carry all of the same products!!! I swear I have to drive to at least two of them to get what I normally need!! Believe me, I checked all the stores and even asked at customer service adn nope, they dont have it!! Now, I did NOT go back by hunting supplies but when they looked it up on their system, they should have seen if it was there..........I would think! LOL Ive had clerks walk back to the baggie/aluminum aisle and search with me to no avail too so I really believe that we dont have them!! Dont laugh, when is hunting season?? Since Im in the South, just maybe it will be there then!!

TheCandlespastore>where are you getting your silicone that you are using?? I had thought about trying to get some of those silicone cookie sheet liners to use! Is that what you are talking about or is there another source that I could use! Id MUCH rather try that than the paper but dont know if it will work with CP soap! I would think so since normally those can go in the oven while baking but Ive never checked the temp limits on them!! Do tell!!

Thanks all who have responded and tried to help!! If I still cant find, I may need to ask one of you to purchase a flat rate box full for me and send it to me........me paying for it of course!!

God Bless,


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Thanks folks for clarifying and reasurring me that I am looking for the correct stuff! I have checked the 3 SuperWalmarts within a 75 mile radius, all the grocery stores, Freds, Dollar General, and even all the dollar stores to no avail. I will just have to do some searches on the net and see if I can order some from somewhere! I dont have a Costco or anything like that!!

Thanks all, I really appreciate you!!

ask the butcher at the grocery store, he should probably know where to get it in your area.

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Sometimes I hate living where I live!! Out of the 3 SuperWallys in our area, all three dont carry all of the same products!!! I swear I have to drive to at least two of them to get what I normally need!!

LOL! Do you live in Tennessee? I have the exact same problem. I have a Super Walmart about 20 minutes away in 3 different directions, and they all stock different items. I finally found freezer paper at one of them (the other 2 didn't have it).

But now I have linerless molds, so I don't need it. :D

BTW, squirrel season opens at the end of this month, but deer doesn't start till October or November, I think. My dad's an avid hunter... :undecided

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But it might be worth a try to find an actual butcher... or 'Meat Cutting School'- that is if im thinking of the same paper, lol. Someone also mentioned the rest. supply and I thought I'd add a note that a lot of people either dont think they are allowed to buy from there if they arent a rest or they just dont know it exists because it's not strictly advertised as something the general public should go to- and same for a meat cutting school/butcher. So do a yellow pages search if you havent already.

I know... ask your local deli where they get theirs. Maybe they can help. Just try to think of anyone that might possibly have a need for the stuff. It shouldn't be this elusive. Bakery? School cafeteria? Local college? Surely they have cooking classes right? Any body who hunts or fishes profusely would need this stuff or at least know of where they take their 'catch' (lol) to have it prepared for use and storage. I hope you find some. Good luck for sure! -Laura

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LOL Donna, I live in Mississippi!! So, you have an idea of how it is! We dont have bakerys, butchers or cooking schools anywhere near me!! No supply companies either where I can buy any from!! I will keep searching and see if I can find some from the net! Where in Tn. do you live?? I may have to make a trip to THAT WM that has some! LOL

Thanks again all!

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I had a hard time finding any, and I live in a large college town. I finally found some at a small grocery store. If you go into Wal-Mart, you can go to the Seafood area (if you have one) and just ask for a few feet. I got my first stash there, for free :) And yes we have TWO Super Wal-Marts and neither one had freezer paper. Weird, huh?

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BTW, squirrel season opens at the end of this month

You are kidding, right? Squirrel season? People eat those?

I live in a wilderness area with plenty of deer, elk, moose, bear, fish, grouse, turkey and rabbit etc but have never, ever, ever heard of squirrel season.

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