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Rose bowls


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If you read my post in general candlemaking you know that my daughter's friend got married and dropped off her bouquet to see if I could put some roses in a candle. I had a week of panic trying to do something. I could not put roses in a candle, but I did put candles in roses! The two little bowls are for her parents and have dried rose petals and beads from the bouquet in the bottom with a tealight on top. Her bowl has beads, full dried roses and a pillar with black and red confetti chunks (her colors). There is a tealight in the top of the candle.

Thanks for looking, I need to go fix a drink now. (hmmm, I seem to do that a lot.)


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Something I am working on for a wedding.They want floaters(not sure what) and colored water.I guess a fish bowl looks like for your idea.The roses are dried out but I think she is wanting colored water.Working on ideas for her and her future daughter-in-law.Getting close to what I want but need to test and what is going to work.I thought the tealight idea was good but they mentioned floaters a few weeks ago.

When she gets back from her honeymoon she will be pleased and so will her mother with what you came up with.Very pretty.


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