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outragious shipping

carol k

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I ordered a case of the 4045H and 2 additional 10 lb slabs of diff. waxes, which was about 70 lbs of wax, and my shipping was about $33.00, which was about half the cost of the wax. I priced it through UPS, since that is who they use, and my cost to ship would have been higher to ship the same distance, than what I paid them to ship to me. So to me, compared to what I have been paying elsewhere, and considering how far it is coming to me, it is pretty much in sync price wise.

WOW!!! You got a better rate and are much further south than me.

I did go to the UPS site and put in the info from them to me and found out that is the price I would pay. Don't they get a discount and shouldn't it be cheaper?

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I dont even understand why a lot of these companies use UPS, Fedex, etc. Its not very cost effective because they charge out the arse, so they pass on those crazy charges to their customers. For instance, UPS and Fedex and DHL all charge to even come by and do a pickup, I believe $3.16 a package (not a pickup, a package!) Unless they have changed it since I stopped using them all and stuck with USPS.

Using USPS would save everyone money. The companies would not have to buy boxes from UPS or other box companies, because USPS gives them up for free. And they would not have to pay for pickups. Plus our items would get t us faster. I have to wait on average 5 business days for UPS ground.

I love companies that use USPS as their default shipping. Especially when you order 20 pound of product and they use those flat rate boxes, so convenient!

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Using the USPS flat rate box to ship small items like FOs would definitely save the customer money. Unfortunately they have to use UPS for wax because UPS is more economical for shipping 50 lb boxes of wax or other large ingredients. If you wanted the convenience of using only one carrier, then UPS would have to be it. I know some companies are nice enough to figure out the cheapest carrier and use it, but some prefer the convenience of sticking with one carrier.

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I think there is also the issue of FO's with certain flashpoints not being allowed to be shipped USPS.

If you have a business account with UPS, there is no pickup charge each time they come. I do shipping at work, and although I am not the expert, I often check to see which carrier is less expensive - and UPS is usually the cheapest for any items that weigh above 4 pounds.

We don't use the others (FedEx, DHL), but I know I have had things shipped to me through them and the rates were reasonable.

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I dont even understand why a lot of these companies use UPS, Fedex, etc. Its not very cost effective because they charge out the arse, so they pass on those crazy charges to their customers. For instance, UPS and Fedex and DHL all charge to even come by and do a pickup, I believe $3.16 a package (not a pickup, a package!) Unless they have changed it since I stopped using them all and stuck with USPS.

Using USPS would save everyone money. The companies would not have to buy boxes from UPS or other box companies, because USPS gives them up for free. And they would not have to pay for pickups. Plus our items would get t us faster. I have to wait on average 5 business days for UPS ground.

I love companies that use USPS as their default shipping. Especially when you order 20 pound of product and they use those flat rate boxes, so convenient!

If you have an account with these shippers they dont charge you to come by and pick up. We have a DHL account at my office and sometimes that poor guy is there 3-4 times a day...we have never been charged a pick up fee. Maybe it is the type of account we have.

I also like companies that use USPS. However, in their defense, it would be hard to offer the Flat Rate shipping on their sites as you know darn good and well that some moron would order a case of wax and expect it to be shipped in a Fat Rate box!..lol I do wish BCN would offer USPS shipping. They do offer it on things less than 2 lbs. I am in NY and they are in WI...if they offered Priority Mail I would order from them more often. I usually cant wait 5 days to get my product.

Now on the flip side, I just ordered from a company that uses USPS Priority and they charged me $14.28 for a package that actually cost them $8.10 to mail to me because they used a Flat Rate box! The Bastards!...lol

The main supplier that I have found that their shipping sucks big time is Wholesale Supplies Plus. OMG, shipping to me from only 5hrs away is outrageous!!!!!!!!!!

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i ordered 21 of the samples from bcn and the shipping was estimated at $7.68 for a total of $28.68. well just got the receipt and the total amount was $36.73 that's $15.73 shipping, that's just bull shit i'm in indiana not in outerspace.

Guess someone tattled on you asking this question on a message board before talking to BCN directly. What do you expect the peeps to say other than exactly what they did say. Yes, it's outrageous shipping, but next time before ranting about it, ask the supplier first. They all make mistakes. Well, some just rip us off with shipping because they can.

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If you have an account with these shippers they dont charge you to come by and pick up. We have a DHL account at my office and sometimes that poor guy is there 3-4 times a day...we have never been charged a pick up fee. Maybe it is the type of account we have.

I also like companies that use USPS. However, in their defense, it would be hard to offer the Flat Rate shipping on their sites as you know darn good and well that some moron would order a case of wax and expect it to be shipped in a Fat Rate box!..lol I do wish BCN would offer USPS shipping. They do offer it on things less than 2 lbs. I am in NY and they are in WI...if they offered Priority Mail I would order from them more often. I usually cant wait 5 days to get my product.

Now on the flip side, I just ordered from a company that uses USPS Priority and they charged me $14.28 for a package that actually cost them $8.10 to mail to me because they used a Flat Rate box! The Bastards!...lol

The main supplier that I have found that their shipping sucks big time is Wholesale Supplies Plus. OMG, shipping to me from only 5hrs away is outrageous!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahaha, very true!

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This is definately a mistake. BC now has priority mail shipping; it's for small orders up to 2 lbs. (21 samples is not two pounds) - the shipping is approx. $4-5 tops.

21 samples packed can easily weigh over 2 lbs. One oz. of FO in a plastic bottle weighs 1.3 oz. Multiply that times 21, and you get 27.3 oz., which equals 1.70625 lbs. Add a box and packing, and there's 2+ lbs. The shipping rate for that up to and including 3 lbs. would be the same, which would explain the charge for 3 lbs.

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ring of fire;

for your information no where in any of my post did i say i was getting ripped off, i was just wondering if anybody else was getting shipping charges like i got. anyway the matter is settled. thank you.

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No, but you did say it was b@@@ s@@@.

It's probably always a good idea to first contact the supplier. Overcharges, floaties, no matter what the issue, contact the supplier first. Then if you don't get resolution, it's b@@@ s@@@.

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Don't try to turn this big mistake into CarolK's fault. She was well within her rights to complain about it here in my opinion. What a blame the victim, not the perpetrator mentality. If there wasn't an oversite on the part of Bittercreek it never would have happened. No one is obligated to contact a company when they make a mistake. Of course, it's the smart thing to do, but the simple fact is, if you want to keep your customers, don't screw up their orders in the first place. Some people would just be mad, not complain to anyone, and not contact the company--but they would never place another order with them again. CarolK did say she was going to contact them, but they were closed for the weekend already.

It's the company's fault for whatever reason it happened, and they have graciously accepted responsibility and are correcting the situation. I applaud the company for taking a pro-active role and publicly addressing the issue in a courteous manner, unlike some other vendors have done here in the past.

I'm sure Doneen recognizes the value of good PR and understands how these forums can help or hurt a company. I think the fact that she posted regarding this subject shows that she has respect for CarolK, as well as our entire group and values our business.

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I understand what you're saying, however, my order was similar to carole k's and I made it under 2 lbs ... very interesting ... maybe I was undercharged (or maybe they put a couple extra shippping peanuts in her box - LOL)! Only kidding. :grin2:

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You don't go posting on an internet forum to complain when you get the wrong change at the grocery, you take it up with the grocery store first. IMO there shouldn't be any difference when you have a problem with an online supplier. Go to the supplier first, if your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, then seek help and reassurance elsewhere.

carol k jumped the gun on this one.

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IMO people come here and complain about all kinds of stuff. This is a place to vent as well as learn. I see it all the time. Maybe she did jump the gun but, we have all been in a situation that has made us angry and you don't always do what is right. We instinctivly get defensive. She was upset and came here to vent because she wanted to. She never said she wasn't going to call the company. Maybe she felt more comfortable asking here first. She was wronged plain and simple. BTW I order from BCN all the time they are a great supplier!! JMO Heather :grin2:

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You don't go posting on an internet forum to complain when you get the wrong change at the grocery, you take it up with the grocery store first. IMO there shouldn't be any difference when you have a problem with an online supplier. Go to the supplier first, if your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, then seek help and reassurance elsewhere.

carol k jumped the gun on this one.

I'm sorry, but I don't think your analogy is a good one. Most people go to the grocery store in person to do their shopping, not the internet. That is what gives rise to issues like this. You can easily take care of a problem when you can deal with people face to face, however, over the internet you are going on blind trust when you place your order.

When it comes to money, most people have little tolerance for mistakes. I can understand her anger over getting charged twice what she was quoted for shipping.

I personally appreciate it when people share their experiences with vendors--good or bad.

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Of course, it's the smart thing to do, but the simple fact is, if you want to keep your customers, don't screw up their orders in the first place.

OMG I didn't know belonging to the human race meant we had to be perfect 24/7, give me a break!! When you deal with hundreds of orders a day and involve several people from start to finish with your order, errors can and will occur. A wise person will check their order when they receive it and contact the company FIRST if there is a problem whether it's a Monday or Saturday. If you then get no satisfaction, that's the time to bitch, not before. This board would be one continuous bitch fest if we all jumped the gun with posting before using our heads and contacting a supplier with a problem.

I could see if this was a brand new supplier and there wasn't much known about their customer service. BUT, Doneen has always been know for her quick replies to problems and fast commitment to fixing the problem for all her customers!!

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You know, when people are told a certain thing by a business, they should be able to expect it. In my former jobs I gained a lot of experience with customer service. As a company representative I was on the front line dealing with irate customers on several ocassions, so I know what I'm talking about Chris. Errors that occurred were not my fault, but it was my job to make sure they were corrected, and that in the end, the customer was happy.

I think it's attitudes like yours that is part of the reason customer service in many industries has gone to hell in a handbasket. You put the onus on the customer for making sure things are correct, and make excuses for businesses that allow for over charges and mixed up or shorted orders by saying "they're just people, they make mistakes." Would you say the same thing for a brain surgeon?

I don't know why you think anyone should cut a well known company any slack when they make an error just because they have a "good" reputation. If anything, I think it's worse when they make mistakes because we tend to hold them to a higher standard.

I don't want to name the person here, but I think we can remember a certain website that had great prices, etc., but suddenly orders started taking longer and longer to arrive, until finally some people never even got their orders. People made their posts about it, and because of that, I never got caught up in that trap. She was respected here, and then look what happened. Don't you think the same thing is possible with any company?

I want to make it perfectly clear to you and anyone else, I had nothing bad to say about Bittercreek. In fact, I give credit to them for taking action to correct the problem. How many other vendors take the time to read these boards and respond? Very few, and some of the ones who do would have been better off not responding at all.

I also think it's disprectful to Carol to criticize her and opinion over a legitimate business complaint (it wasn't like she was telling people to boycott, for Christ's sake). What ever happened to "the customer is always right?"

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You are dead wrong, sockmonkey. It is impossible for a vendor to fix a problem if they don't know about the problem. Never, ever complain publicly if you haven't let the problem be known privately. That's just good manners and common sense. If you do, you are nothing more than a whiner. Nobody on this forum was able to fix the problem, so why bother everybody with it?

A complaint should only be voiced publicly if there is no resolution after going to the only person who could fix it. Weekends don't count. Vendors are human, too.

Unless you're a me, me, me, instant gratification kind of person. Then I suppose going public first would be normal.

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That is outrageous! I got ripped off too with At Wix End they did the same to me. I ordered 10- 1 oz. samples and 1- 8 oz. bottle. It costs me $25.00 for the scents and the total including shipping was $43.00 that is way too much. I even sent them an email to make sure if everything was correct. Weight was 2.5 lbs. No reply. That's why I say you have to watch the shipping costs when they have a sale, because it is just passed onto the shipping.

At Wix End is extremely bad about shipping. I live in the same state/zone and everything. It cost me 15.00 to get 2# of oils. I called them about it and they were kind like a deer in headlights.

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