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first soap!


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my first ever soap!! Its hp. I know compaired to you pros its butt ugly but Im very proud:D its scent jamacin me crazy, and I tried to swirl but it didnt turn out, but it smells wonderful and I had a ball making it! I hope I posted the pics right


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Dixie my dear - did you use the procedure for HP from here? I am so jealous I AM going to make some. Maybe Sunday. Damn, I HAVE to make some and I went and got that job and now I'm not going to have all the kid-free time I've been enjoying.

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I think it looks wonderful. Now am I right to think you let it sit for a few weeks and then give it a try? I'd love to hear how you like it!

Yes I plan on letting it cure more BUT I did have to try the end piece or I wouldnt have gotten any sleep tonight wondering:laugh2:

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Dixie my dear - did you use the procedure for HP from here? I am so jealous I AM going to make some. Maybe Sunday. Damn, I HAVE to make some and I went and got that job and now I'm not going to have all the kid-free time I've been enjoying.

yes I followed the instructions here and used a simple beginner soap recipe posted on the board, sorry tried to make it a link:undecided


I guess it did make a link :)

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I love the yellow patches in the soap! It looks great. Big congratulations on your first HP soap. :highfive:

Just wait until you try it out!

TY! I was just looking at your soap, a true work of art, I swear I could look at everyones pics all day long

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Those soaps are beautiful. I think that when I could not get the links to open it was because my computer was being slow. I have a lap top and when it gets too hot, more RAM is used and it slows down my internet, I kind of figured that it was my computer.

Anyways, those soaps do look lushious and quite creamy. I want one!

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Dixie my dear - did you use the procedure for HP from here? I am so jealous I AM going to make some. Maybe Sunday. Damn, I HAVE to make some and I went and got that job and now I'm not going to have all the kid-free time I've been enjoying.

I said that last weekend but I didn't have the time but hopefully this weekend...um but I did make more CP:D

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