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Which container wax do you like?

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The J223 just gave me lots of wet spots and soot. I personally like the soy and soy blends much better. I am soon trying the CB advanced NEW wax! I guess it all depends on the user and what is expected. J223 has a terrific scent throw,

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I used J50 for a long time and I liked it, except for the wetspots. Then I tried 4627 and that is my new favorite. I am getting a great scent throw and have no wetspots. I don't even have to preheat my jars. I also think it makes a prettier candle than J50 does. It is messy, but definitely worth it.

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no jar warming??:shocked2: I might have to look into that.. thats the bain of my candle making.. I hate doing it:laugh2:

I used J50 for a long time and I liked it, except for the wetspots. Then I tried 4627 and that is my new favorite. I am getting a great scent throw and have no wetspots. I don't even have to preheat my jars. I also think it makes a prettier candle than J50 does. It is messy, but definitely worth it.

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I hate warming my jars too, so I poured 6 testers into unheated jars this weekend. I still don't have any wetspots. The tops looks a litle funny in color(hard to describe), but I will try to fix it with a heat gun or just leave it alone. I doubt any customers would really notice. The tops also have a little dip in them, but that isn't so bad. Nothing that would require a repour. It is definitely nice to know that I don't have to heat the jars.

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I used 4627 and actually had way worse wet spots than any other wax Ive used and it did NOT throw for me. Then I switched to J50 and loved it!

I've now switched to 1945/4630 and am very happy with it. It's a little pickier on what scents throw but when it throws, it really throws!!

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I had wetspots, soot and smoke with all the paraffin blends. J50, J223, 4627, 1945, 4786. I tried these waxes with every wick under the sun, and tested at 3, 6, and 9%, and they smoked and sooted all the same. I switched to a soy blend and will never use paraffin for containers again. :shocked2::)

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its amazing to me so many can have a differnt outcome with the same waxes. What kinds of variable do you think affect this? types of wicks,types of FO, environmental things?? just curious if anyone has given this any thought...

I know that a lot of people can get a completely clean burn with parrafin, whereas all I got was a big sooty mess! I have chalked it up to environment, altitude, elevation, something along those lines. I don't know what else it could be. :confused: :rolleyes2

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I know that a lot of people can get a completely clean burn with parrafin, whereas all I got was a big sooty mess! I have chalked it up to environment, altitude, elevation, something along those lines. I don't know what else it could be. :confused: :rolleyes2

Ohh please tell me I dont have to send my candles to someone in Denver so they can be tested for High Elevation :) Or someone in Seattle for the Rainy Weather . . . . :P

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I use 1945/4630 now after trying soy, J50, J223 and a couple of others. :eek:I never warm my jars, it didn't seem to make a difference in the occasional wet spot for ME. It IS hard to say why one wax would work for on and not another, who really knows??? I just hope that it's not an environmental/altitude thing. :eek: :eek:

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Ohh please tell me I dont have to send my candles to someone in Denver so they can be tested for High Elevation :) Or someone in Seattle for the Rainy Weather . . . . :P

LOL I didn't mean to get anyone thinking that they must send their candles to the four corners of the world to make sure they burn right. This is just my little theory. ;)

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I use J-50, and overall I truely like it. I get the occasional wet spot even after heating container, but I can live with that. I would like to venture out and try something different, but I'm afraid it wouldn't work out. So I guess you could say I'm comfortable in my comfort zone. :wink2:

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I use EcoSoya CB-135. I like the creaminess of the wax and have been getting a good cold and warm scent throw with most all of the FO's I've tested. Still get some wet spots and frosting, but that's the nature of the beast when it comes to soy.

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